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本文应用 H.L.P.均值于样本,构造了广义样本均值;为了将它用于参数估计,根据替换法则(Substitution rule),推广了数学期望的定义,同时引入新的无偏性.最后应用广义数学期望的基本性质推出若干结论(定理1~4),说明在参数估计方面应用广义均值是有意义的.  相似文献   
甲骨文中的“紤”,为一种丝织品,在H3卜辞中,“紤”有数量、大小、延伸之占,用于宗庙中;由此为探讨“紤”字提供了条件;结合文献材料,考其字为宗庙中所称的“斧”、“黼”、“康(依)”一物三名的一种丝织物品;此字对考察商代宗庙设置,也具有重大意义。  相似文献   
We document the unequal enforcement of liberalization reform of business regulation across Russian regions with different governance institutions, which leads to unequal effects of liberalization. National liberalization laws were enforced more effectively in subnational regions with more transparent government, a more informed population, a higher concentration of industry, and stronger fiscal autonomy. As a result, liberalization had a substantial positive effect on the performance of small firms and the growth of the official small business sector in regions with stronger governance institutions. In contrast, in regions with weaker governance institutions, we observe no effect of reform and, in some cases, even a negative effect.  相似文献   
We quantify the private returns and social costs of political connections exploiting a unique longitudinal dataset that combines matched employer–employee data for a representative sample of Italian firms with administrative archives on the universe of individuals appointed in local governments over the period 1985–1997. According to our results, the revenue premium granted by political connections amounts to 5.7% on average, it is obtained through changes in domestic sales but not in exports, and it is not related to improvements in firm productivity. The connection premium is positive for upstream producers for the public administration only, and larger (up to 22%) in areas characterized by high public expenditure and high levels of corruption. These findings suggest that the gains in market power derive from public demand shifts towards politically connected firms. We estimate that such shifts reduce the provision of public goods by approximately 20%.  相似文献   
A. Baccini  M. Fekri  J. Fine 《Statistics》2013,47(4):267-300
Different sorts of bilinear models (models with bilinear interaction terms) are currently used when analyzing contingency tables: association models, correlation models... All these can be included in a general family of bilinear models: power models. In this framework, Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation is not always possible, as explained in an introductory example. Thus, Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimation is sometimes needed in order to estimate parameters. A subclass of power models is then considered in this paper: separable reduced-rank (SRR) models. They allow an optimal choice of weights for GLS estimation and simplifications in asymptotic studies concerning GLS estimators. Power 2 models belong to the subclass of SRR models and the asymptotic properties of GLS estimators are established. Similar results are also established for association models which are not SRR models. However, these results are more difficult to prove. Finally, 2 examples are considered to illustrate our results.  相似文献   
Using only bivariate copulas as building blocks, regular vine copulas constitute a flexible class of high‐dimensional dependency models. However, the flexibility comes along with an exponentially increasing complexity in larger dimensions. In order to counteract this problem, we propose using statistical model selection techniques to either truncate or simplify a regular vine copula. As a special case, we consider the simplification of a canonical vine copula using a multivariate copula as previously treated by Heinen & Valdesogo ( 2009 ) and Valdesogo ( 2009 ). We validate the proposed approaches by extensive simulation studies and use them to investigate a 19‐dimensional financial data set of Norwegian and international market variables. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 68–85; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
We consider the problem of selecting variables in factor analysis models. The $L_1$ regularization procedure is introduced to perform an automatic variable selection. In the factor analysis model, each variable is controlled by multiple factors when there are more than one underlying factor. We treat parameters corresponding to the multiple factors as grouped parameters, and then apply the group lasso. Furthermore, the weight of the group lasso penalty is modified to obtain appropriate estimates and improve the performance of variable selection. Crucial issues in this modeling procedure include the selection of the number of factors and a regularization parameter. Choosing these parameters can be viewed as a model selection and evaluation problem. We derive a model selection criterion for evaluating the factor analysis model via the weighted group lasso. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure. A real data example is also given to illustrate our procedure. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 345–361; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
从套话的角度,立足文本,梳理《中国商人》中出现的一系列对立的和具有文化意义的词汇,可以看出,在集体无意识的作用下,作者为我们塑造了一个意识形态化他者的形象。  相似文献   
19世纪,新教传教士来华后,汉外辞典的编纂迎来黄金期。字典,中国古已有之。不过,19世纪以降西人编纂汉外词典,虽以字典、韵府等中国的传统名称名之,但是却赋予了西方的形式和内容,导入了全新的理念。以传教士为主导的汉外辞典编纂,不仅为中外人士——甚至包括日本人的外语学习(英语和汉语)提供了有效的手段,而且还使中国人认识到中国自古以来只有字典而无辞典的现实。19世纪汉外辞典的编纂对中西文化交流作出了重要贡献。从其辞典编纂的理念、实践、传承、对后世的影响等方面可以看到,在西学东渐的近代知识大移动中,汉语是怎样将西方的新概念变成可资利用的语词资源的。  相似文献   
关天区第一张文化名片是周公仁政,周公仁政的提法不能被周公德政的提法所取代。因为,仁字首出于周公:《尚书·金縢》中就有仁字,是周公在祈祷武王康复并愿代死的愿文中,自称予仁若考能。周公仁政的全民性,不仅体现在周族及联军各族内部仁政的全民族性,而且也体现在对周族及联军各族外部人群如殷人的一定的全民性。周公仁政在当代中国学术界眼中的地位和作用很高,是党中央以人为本国策的中国文化源头。  相似文献   
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