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《创业史》的显在主题明确而唯一。然而文本中的异质成分却构成潜在的主题,在一定程度上解构了显在的主题:对个体劳动的礼赞,冲击了以公有制强行取代私有制的国家意志;对合理诉求的再现,表现了“异己者”要求平等自由、言行一致的有效追问;对女性命运的书写,凸显了社会主义新人梁生宝的人格缺失。在文本显在主题所依附的政治意义遭遇颠覆的今天,正是这些异质成分使文本具有了超越时代的价值。  相似文献   
An Australian history of the subordination of midwifery   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper analyses the history of the subordination of midwifery to medicine and nursing. With the important exception of Evan Willis’ work on medical dominance and Annette Summers’ work on the takeover of midwifery by nursing, other histories of Australian midwifery have taken a neutral approach to issue of power and control. The aim of analysing this period is to identify the strategies of power that were used to subordinate midwifery. With increased consciousness of how power has operated in the past, midwives and woman of today can be more empowered when seeking to promote normal birth and midwifery models of care.Concepts of ‘power’, ‘the state’ and midwife are defined and discussed. A summary of the decline of midwifery and the rise of obstetrics in Europe and the United Kingdom (UK) gives a background against which to understand the Australian experience. The historical account given here draws to a climax by focussing on the period 1886–1928. It was during this time that medicine forged an alliance with nursing and achieved both legal and disciplinary control of midwifery. Knowing how this was done is important because it helps us to recognise the power strategies that are currently being used by medicine. This is helpful when planning how these strategies might be matched or countered by contemporary woman and midwives when seeking to promote normal birth and midwifery models of care.  相似文献   
《史记·十二诸侯年表》篇言十二诸侯,实际上却记叙了十三个诸侯国的盛衰大事。对于其篇言十二,实叙十三的原因,历来众说纷纭。或是认为没有把吴计入在内,或是认为忘记更改篇名,或是认为没有把鲁计入在内,或是认为没有把秦计入在内。其实十二诸侯是有特殊来历的,司马迁是用十二诸侯来代称表中的十三诸侯。十二诸侯这个固定概念的得出是与司马迁的哲学思想和社会历史观紧密相连的。十二之数和《史记》各篇数目一样,体现了儒家的一种天道观,有一定的象征,寓含着天道运行之意。  相似文献   
Graphical methods have played a central role in the development of statistical theory and practice. This presentation briefly reviews some of the highlights in the historical development of statistical graphics and gives a simple taxonomy that can be used to characterize the current use of graphical methods. This taxonomy is used to describe the evolution of the use of graphics in some major statistical and related scientific journals.

Some recent advances in the use of graphical methods for statistical analysis are reviewed, and several graphical methods for the statistical presentation of data are illustrated, including the use of multicolor maps.  相似文献   
江湖义气观念浓厚是蒋介石区别于同代其他政治家的一个重要特征。它既反映出蒋介石封建主义的传统价值观 ,又体现了蒋介石作为现代政治家的实用主义色彩。这一切完全是由于近现代中国的特定历史环境所决定的 ,它无论对蒋介石个人还是对国民党及其政府 ,都产生了极为深刻的影响  相似文献   
陈寿的《三国志》不仅是罗贯中《三国志演义》的史实渊薮,而且是其化意蕴的渊源之一。在建构君臣关系的理想模式,揭示国家兴亡在“民心”、“人才”的社会规律,弘扬布衣将相的奋斗精神等深层化意蕴方面,二一脉相承,遥相呼应。从中可透视传统化的主旋律及士人群体化心态的相通性。  相似文献   
中国城市史研究具有悠久的历史文化传统,得到了现代诸多学科发展的推动和新兴的城市史学的影响。当今的中国城市史研究呈现出加速发展的趋势,并形成了城市历史地理和古都研究、城市社会史研究、城市文化史研究、城市经济史研究、比较城市史研究以及城市史学理论研究等热点专题领域。中国城市史研究的未来发展可从城市史学的学科建设、城市史研究视野的拓宽与领域的开拓、城市史的整体研究与跨学科研究等三个方面寻求突破。  相似文献   
朱熹从文气辞制、文体风格、文献传流及文本内容等方面,对<尚书>孔<传>、大小<序>及其文本进行疑辨.其辨<书>具有"既疑且信"的鲜明特点,并突出体现在<大禹谟>问题上,这是由其思想体系所决定的.这种基于深刻思想背景的疑辨工作,时后世辨伪学及思想史具有重要影响.  相似文献   
“法的本质”问题是法理学或法哲学的基本问题。对法本质属性的把握需要梳理西方各法学流派以及我国的法律观念,深入反省历史上的学术弯路,审视当下的作为,才能发掘其本质内涵、目的和意义。  相似文献   
中国美学史的研究,可从认知逻辑找到根本问题的得失所在。30年研究表明,上世纪80-90年代的思想认知逻辑模式,曾为中国美学史奠定了高水平的学术起点,但随着学术背景和研究的深入,这种认知逻辑日渐暴露出认知维度单一的局限。2000年以来,从文化认知逻辑切入中国美学史研究,成为崭新的路径,此一路径以其多元视角切入、思想内容的深邃丰富和隐喻系统的对应补充,不仅标示了未来中国美学史着重创造性的“自己讲述自己”的学术品格,而且也预示了与国际美学在文化诠释方面可实现深层接轨的开阔前景。  相似文献   
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