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We examine the political attitudes of American Indians in eastern Oklahoma where they make up almost 20% of the population. We argue that American Indians in the region play the same role that other minorities in the southern states—notably blacks and Hispanics—do in resisting the region's realignment from the Democratic to the Republican Party. American Indians in the region are populists in that they are economically liberal and religiously conservative. The results of our analysis suggest that the socio-economic characteristics of American Indians play a greater role in explaining American Indians’ political attitudes than their ethnic identification. 相似文献
在《18 4 4年经济学哲学手稿》的最后 ,马克思转向对黑格尔哲学的批判 ,马克思批判黑格尔哲学的根据事实上就是他在前面所做的对私有财产的批判 ,而这样做之所以可能的更为深刻的前提是私有财产同黑格尔哲学有着根本性的联系。对私有财产所做的批判 ,不仅使黑格尔哲学的根本局限性得以暴露 ,从而使对黑格尔哲学的批判得以完成 ;并且为哲学革命的发生 ,即感性对象性活动理论的创立提供了全部根据。 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate the ex ante effects of fiscal policy harmonization that might be necessary for the adoption of the common currency on economic growth in Poland using a neoclassical dynamic two-sector general equilibrium model. We study two fiscal policy scenarios. In the first one, we adjust all taxes to German and EU-27 levels, respectively, while in the second one, we change only consumption taxes to German and EU-27 levels. We find that in the first scenario, the current Polish taxes yield the highest rate of growth due to lower capital taxation. However, in the second scenario, German and EU-27 taxes yield the highest rate of growth due to the lower consumption tax on capital-intensive good. From a policy perspective, our results suggest that fiscal policy with lower taxes on capital and capital-intensive goods can generate a higher rate of growth in the long-run. In the case of fiscal harmonization, our findings propose adopting only German or EU-27 consumption tax structure into the Polish tax system. 相似文献
构建工业生态效率投入产出指标体系,运用DEA法的CCR和BCC模型测度淮河经济带38个城市2010—2015年的工业生态效率,并对测度结果进行分析研究。指出淮河经济带整体工业生态效率水平不高且各地区差异较大,对提高淮河经济带工业生态效率提出政策建议,旨为有关部门提供理论和实际依据。 相似文献
经济转型不仅使中俄两国的经济体制发生了重大转变,而且使两国的经济结构发生了深刻调整。俄罗斯不仅形成了混乱的市场体制和分裂的社会结构,而且形成了一种去工业化、去现代化的资源依赖型经济结构。中国在转型进程中形成的是一种政府主导的可控的市场经济社会,并处于工业化的迅速爬升阶段。导致中俄两国经济结构差异的一个关键因素就是国家制度能力。一个能力充分的国家能够根据内外环境的变化对经济结构进行适应性调整,实现社会经济持续、快速、平衡发展的目标;反之,则可能导致经济结构退化,经济发展停滞,乃至国家竞争优势的丧失。后危机时代,中俄两国依然面临着深化经济转型和推进发展模式转变的重任,如何塑造适宜的国家制度能力,是推动经济结构进一步调整优化的重要动力。 相似文献
《Journal of Policy Modeling》2020,42(5):1146-1168
One of the main subjects, governments have been facing is fair distribution of income, and making effort to improve it. In this study, we evaluated the effects of economic (energy, water, ICT) and social (health, education) infrastructure expenses on income inequality in the Iranian provinces for the period of 2007–2016 by the panel corrected standard errors (PCSE) model. The results show that social and economic infrastructures improvements reduce income inequality. However, the magnitude of these effects varies. Investment on education, healthcare, communication technology, energy, and water infrastructures has the greatest impact on income inequality reduction, respectively. Therefore, in order to reduce inequality in deprived areas, combination and optimal allocation of economic and social infrastructures should be considered. 相似文献
In last several years, Vietnams economy has reached significant achievements. Those are clearly seen by analyzing economic growth, economic structure transformation, trade and investment and Vietnams economy competitiveness. However, in the process of development, Vietnams economy is still facing many difficulties and challenges. Vietnam is accelerating speed of innovation process, is active and quicker in international economic integration in order to complete the economic – social objectives in the period of 2001–2005 with annual average economic growth rate of 7.5%. 相似文献
企业多元化战略的选择分析 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
本文要通过交易费用理论和委托--代理理论分析企业多元化战略的选择;试图解释(1)不同多元化战略的经济利益和管理成本有何差异?(2)为什么企业会选择特定的初始战略?(3)是什么因素决定企业改变原来的战略?本文的目的是为企业在选择多元化战略时提供一个经济利益--管理成本的分析框架. 相似文献
本文使用结构方程方法,基于问卷调查结果,对政策和经济环境变化对于企业投资决策方法选择的影响进行了研究。研究结果表明,政策环境对企业投资决策方法有影响,在政策因素变化条件下,上市公司回避使用净现值方法;经济环境对于企业投资决策方法影响不大,论文分析结果没有表现出经济因素是否变化对投资决策方法选择有明显影响。 相似文献
基于BSC和EVA整合战略管理的应用研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
战略管理是企业成功的关键所在。目前企业战略管理面临的一个最大问题是精心制定的战略无法得到有效的实施。本文引入平衡记分卡与经济增加值两个互补性很强的管理工具,运用层次分析法将其整合为公司全面的战略管理框架及其评价体系,以推动企业战略的成功实施。 相似文献