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网络贸易已成为当今国际贸易的一种新型的贸易方式,它的产生与发展必然对国际贸易产生强大的冲击和影响。就网络贸易的发展对我国国际贸易的影响及我国的应对策略作一些探讨。  相似文献   
高校教师管理工作的关键在于如何帮助教师正视自身所承载的教育使命,处理好教育与科研、生存与发展、个体与组织等一系列关系。本文从高校的非营利组织特性入手,紧扣教师作为非营利组织成员应充分强调其职业理想与价值实现的这一特点,指出在高校教师管理中,尊重与保护教师的理想信念,构建积极有效的“对话”关系,分阶段地展开职业生涯规划,实现教师个体发展与高校发展的和谐统一。  相似文献   
民间组织是支持弱势群体的重要力量。然而在当前中国,民间组织对弱势群体的支持力度却很小。本文从加强与社会环境系统互动、创新支持模式、转变政府职能3个维度来探索民间组织支持弱势群体的走向,从而构筑弱势群体的“铁三角”式的支持体系,促使民间组织成为弱势群体支持主体中辅助政府的“有力的手”。  相似文献   
We estimate two well-known risk measures, the value-at-risk (VAR) and the expected shortfall, conditionally to a functional variable (i.e., a random variable valued in some semi(pseudo)-metric space). We use nonparametric kernel estimation for constructing estimators of these quantities, under general dependence conditions. Theoretical properties are stated whereas practical aspects are illustrated on simulated data: nonlinear functional and GARCH(1,1) models. Some ideas on bandwidth selection using bootstrap are introduced. Finally, an empirical example is given through data of the S&P 500 time series.  相似文献   
Auctions provide an institutional solution to a social problem; they enable the legitimate pricing and exchange of goods where those goods are of uncertain value. In turn, auctions raise a number of social and organizational issues that are resolved within the interaction that arise in sales by auction. In this paper, we examine sales of fine art, antiques and objets d'art and explore the ways in which auctioneers mediate competition between buyers and establish a value for goods. In particular, we explore how bids are elicited, co-ordinated and revealed so as to rapidly escalate the price of goods in a transparent manner that enables the legitimate valuation and exchange of goods. In directing attention towards the significance of the social interaction, including talk, visual and material conduct, the paper contributes to the growing corpus of ethnographic studies of markets. It suggests that to understand the operation of markets and their outcomes, and to unpack issues of agency, trust and practice, we need to place the 'interaction order' at the heart of analytic agenda.  相似文献   
This article presents the findings of a four-year survey on the development of social work education in Russia from 1995 to the present day. Through a series of questionnaires, interviews and discussions with Russian academics, practitioners and students, the study looks at a variety of issues including the high rate of attrition. It focuses on aspects of students’ practice placements such as the type, length and quality of practice placements, the students’ workload and the supervision provided. It also looks at the contribution that international collaboration has made to the development of social work education in Russia.

The survey concludes that there is a need to enhance the overall package for social workers and raise the status of the profession in order to retain qualified personnel. Longer practice placements which start in the first year and are adequately funded and supervised are seen as the key to retaining new graduates. It concludes that although international projects have made a difference to those participating at the time, it is difficult to disseminate these benefits beyond the immediate region. Now that international funding to Russia has been reduced it is critical that any remaining funding is accurately targeted and properly coordinated.  相似文献   

中东地区国际体系的发展演变及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对中东地区国际体系的历史演变进行回顾的基础上,发现了两个重要特点:一是中东地区的民族国家体系并不是一个完全自足的体系,而是具有某种开放性,其发展演化的逻辑很大程度上受国际体系的影响和制约;二是由于长期的历史和文化联系的存在,中东地区的互动和交流特别频繁,使该地区的国际体系在一定程度上呈现出共同体的特征.  相似文献   
试析中国与沙特阿拉伯的石油合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙特阿拉伯是世界第一大原油生产国和出口国,中国是世界第二大石油消费国和消费量增长最快的石油进口国.沙特需要为其巨大的能源储量寻找新的市场,中国需要海外能源满足经济增长的需要.因此,两国在能源领域存在着相互依赖关系.正是这种相互依赖关系推动着中沙关系的稳步发展,本文力图运用政治经济学的分析法对中沙石油合作做出理性分析与判断.  相似文献   
AimThe aim of this study was to explore the experiences of shared learning between Australian and Balinese midwifery students during a two-week clinical placement in Bali Indonesia.BackgroundCultural safety in midwifery is a key concept that is underpinned by the provision of holistic quality midwifery care to all women. Therefore, culturally safe midwifery care identifies, protects and promotes women’s individual cultures and is a key concept that is fostered in midwifery education. To educate culturally safe midwives, international placements to resource limited countries have become more common within midwifery education programs.MethodsThis study used a qualitative research design with a convenience sampling design. The participants were enrolled in midwifery courses in a University in the Northern Territory of Australia (n = 9), a Balinese private midwifery school (n = 4) and a Balinese public midwifery school (n = 4). Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data.FindingsThe findings were categorised into major themes under the headings of “Learning together despite differences”; “Cultural differences”, “Communication, Resources”, and “Recommendations for future placements”.ConclusionThis study provides a valuable insight into how shared learning increases students’ midwifery knowledge and is fundamental in understanding cultural differences that could be applied to students’ clinical midwifery practice.  相似文献   

Students’ emotions during stays abroad have mainly been treated as ”culture shock”, where difficulties are interpreted as universal ”stages” towards ”adaptation”. This paper explores how students from different cultural and educational traditions experience studying abroad differently. The study presents a qualitative study of 18 Danish and Chinese students in Chinese and Danish universities and situates itself within the literature on culture shock, student emotions and study-abroad experiences. The study exposes the students’ complex emotions throughout their studies abroad and explains how these emotions relate to processes of self-formation, professional and academic development, increase or decrease in freedom, and student agency.  相似文献   
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