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德育的过程是一个蕴涵美、展示美、发现美、实现美和创造美的过程。德育实践活动应当不断引导大学生去感知、体验和领悟德育过程各个环节中的美感,从而建立真正综合性、系列性、多功能的审美化的德育实践活动。  相似文献   
The paper focused on evaluation of stakeholder capacity to implement the millennium village primary school meal project in Kenya. The study which was anchored on the stakeholder theory as well as the Context Input Process Product (CIPP) model of evaluation used mixed methods research design with ex-post facto and case study as its two research elements. The mixed methods was adopted because when both qualitative and quantitative approaches are used in a single study, the strengths of both produce a research synergy in which the collective benefits are greater than what is obtained from either approach when used alone. A sample size of 186 participants was selected from seven (7) primary schools using stratified random sampling. The participants selected purposively included pupils, teachers, head teachers, parents, Area Education Officer (AEO) and project staff. Data was collected using questionnaires, face to face interview guide, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and document analysis guide. The study findings indicated that the project was implemented with great success as indicated by stakeholders’ capacity to understand project objectives, their involvement in project planning and implementation and their positive attitude towards the project. This has contribute to poverty reduction in the community through the project and sustainable approaches for project implementation.  相似文献   
With sector constraints and higher education economic imperatives increasingly impacting the provision of social work field education, university programs lack an understanding of the factors that enable or prohibit field educators’ capacity to provide placements. Despite the significance of field education in the curriculum, it remains unclear what the experiences and motivations of field educators are to provide universities with student placements. This research addresses this gap through surveying 101 field educators that attended statewide Victorian field education training. Results indicated that although field educators recognised the benefits of supervising students, workload relief, additional training, and further student placement preparation by the university were emphasised as the primary factors that would enable them to respond positively to placement requests. Payments for placements did not necessarily ameliorate these issues nor guarantee the provision of more placements. The implications of these findings for universities and the field are discussed.  相似文献   
影视艺术作为媒介的教育,在当代建设和谐社会的过程中,因其具有丰富和生动内容,真实感人效果而显示了极为重要的价值和作用。和谐的社会需要健康完善的伦理道德结构,情感的呼唤,真情的呼唤,人情的呼唤,感情的呼唤,公德的呼唤,奉献精神的呼唤,崇高意识的培养等,在影视艺术作品中展现,成为最有活力的教育形式。  相似文献   
突发性的社会危机事件是当今世界各国普遍面临的问题,我国也不例外,从罕见雪灾到汶川特大地震;从举国震惊的“毒奶粉”、“溃坝”,到歌舞厅大火、煤矿事故等。频发的社会危机事件给全国上下造成巨大的影响。如何及时有效地加强对青年大学生社会危机事件教育,是高校思想教育工作者面临的重大挑战。  相似文献   
技能立国——澳大利亚职业教育培训发展的新理念   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
澳大利亚在建立现代职业教育培训制度的过程中,不断总结经验教训,逐步确立了"技能立国"的先进理念.其内涵包括:政府在发展职业教育培训中的统一协调作用;企业界在发展职业教育培训过程中的主导作用;受培训者在培训活动中的自主权;注重质量、效能、统一、公平、灵活的培训原则;等等.  相似文献   
环境教育是现代教育改革的重要理念,旨在引领学生体验人与自然的关系,提高环境保护的意识,学习解决和避免环境问题的方法,来提高生活质量。环境教育能够帮助学生学习许多知识和技能,形成能力和价值观,理解持续保护地球资源的义务和保持环境质量的责任。研究团队通过辽宁省鞍山市二一九小学开发和设计环境教育校本课程的过程,实现环境教育的目标,开发系列环境教育内容,针对不同年级学生认知特点,形成独立的学习主题,进行有效的环境教育学习。  相似文献   
当代多元文化的发展与影响,给高校思政教育带来了许多的挑战。面对这种现状,本文从指导思想、教育策略、引导方法、思想观念和思政队伍五个方面提出了一些建议和对策。  相似文献   
近年来,教育乱收费再度成为社会焦点,在社会上造成了不好的影响。那么是什么原因使学校乱收费呢?我们应该采取哪些措施杜绝这种现象呢?  相似文献   
本文是在《中国社会结构变迁与转型的动因探索:通过社会行动的法与非政治公共领域的关系解读》一文的基础上所做的更进一步的研究,仍以非政治公共领域的主体行动为支点,在非政治公共领域的制度与法律之间搭建桥梁,并通过主体行动实践在这几者要素之间的博弈分析,揭示非政治公共领域主体是如何通过行动实践促使社会结构变迁和转型的,从而进一步探索中国社会结构变迁与转型之潜在动因,并试图对社会行动理论做更深入的诠释和研究。  相似文献   
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