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本文论述了强化高校行政管理工作的必要性 ,认为要从明确目标、依法管理、健全制度、完善监督制约机制、加强行政管理队伍建设、进一步提高行政管理人员素质等方面入手 ,不断强化高校的行政管理工作。  相似文献   
我国养老服务机构存在分类混乱、资金匮乏、管理体系不明、人员缺乏、风险巨大等发展困境,迫切需要法律规制和引导。新修订的《老年人权益保障法》针对上述问题对社会养老服务机构作出了相应规范,但在社会养老服务机构的称谓、分类、监管和法律责任方面仍略显不足。可以考虑在《老年人权益保障法》中对社会养老服务机构的界定、分类标准、准入、管理等作系统规定,并完善相应配套法规。  相似文献   
文章对普通高校体育教学信息化的作用进行了进一步论述,并采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等方法对体育教学部门信息环境建设和开展信息化教学、研究工作的有效途径进行分析探讨,为促进高校体育教学信息化建设提供了可资借鉴的经验和依据.  相似文献   
高校体育课实施选项教学的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文剖析了目前普通高等学校实施体育课选项教学现状,提出解决问题的对策,为普通高等学校体育教学改革的健康推进提供依据。  相似文献   
中国正义论纲要   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国正义论是一个源远流长、而被现代学术长久遗忘的传统.汉语正义与西语justice之间存在着可对应性和非等同性,这就为中西对话与比较提供了前提.中国正义论的总体架构是:仁→利→智→义→知→礼→乐.中国正义论的主题是礼的损益根据问题,即赖以进行规范建构及其制度安排的正义原则问题.中国正义论的论域是利的问题,即由仁爱中的差等之爱所导源的利益冲突问题.然而同是仁爱中的由推扩而溥博的一体之仁却正是解决利益冲突问题的保证,即保证对他者私利、群体公利的尊重.  相似文献   
论我国企业会计改革的效果:基于会计政策可比性视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可比性是会计信息的重要质量特征,是我国企业会计改革的重要目标之一。会计政策可比性是会计信息可比性的基础,文章基于可比性概念及其指数设计要求,提出了在单一企业层面和企业总体层面上测定会计实务中会计政策可比性的新方法——Gower指数。运用Gower指数,对1994~2003年间我国企业会计政策可比性总体水平的分阶段测定结果显示:我国企业会计政策的可比性已达到了较高水平,在一定意义上表明我国企业会计实务的发展符合会计改革的目标。  相似文献   
中国金融混业经营制度变迁的经济学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金融业经营管理模式在中国大体可分为建国以前的混业经营尝试、改革开放前的高度集权化经营、改革初期的粗放型混业经营以及分业经营模式等若干时期.实施金融混业经营的约束条件,包括多样化经营的边际收益与边际成本权衡、金融企业素质与产权结构、金融市场秩序与金融监管模式、社会信用体系等方面.  相似文献   
推进新疆高校的双语教育改革,切实提高教学质量,尽早地培养出合格的双语人才,实现学前教育、基础教育和高等教育之间的双语教育协调发展,使双语教育的水平全面得到提升,是当前所面临的迫切的重大课题。高校双语教育的研究应该立足于理论和实践相结合,从两方面入手展开深入研究。一方面,要对20多年来高校的双语教育实践进行全面梳理,总结出符合高校双语教学的规律;另一方面,应该积极研究和借鉴国内外高等教育中双语教育教学比较成熟的理论。  相似文献   
Much social science suggests that income inequality is a product of economic and demographic factors and recent work highlights the influence of Leftist politics in affluent Western democracies. But, prior research has neglected rightist politics. We examine the impact of cumulative right party power on three measures of income inequality in an unbalanced panel of 16 affluent Western democracies from 1969 to 2000. We find that cumulative right party power significantly increases inequality with effects comparable to other established causes. Left party power has less influence than the right on the Gini coefficient and the 90/50 ratio but a larger influence on the 90/10 ratio. Union density is insignificant after controlling for right party power. Right party power partly channels through and partly combines with government expenditures to affect inequality. Temporal interactions show that right parties became more influential after 1989 while left parties became less effective. Supplementary analyses suggest that a component of right party power's effects occurs through labor market inequality prior to taxes and transfers. Sensitivity analyses reveal that the results are robust to a wide variety of alternative specifications and operationalizations and do not depend on the inclusion of the U.S. in the sample. Our results inform debates about the sources of inequality and related sociological theories regarding class, politics, the state and the economy.  相似文献   
An important source of organizational variation in communities is institutional legacies: institutions that persist and affect the community over long periods of time. Institutional legacies have received attention in the past, but recently there has been increased interest in their origins and effects. We examine three carriers of institutional legacies—legal structures, voluntary organizations, and intra-community relations—and show some work on each of these carriers. We discuss how research on institutional legacies presents a particular challenge in causal identification, but we also offer potentially viable solutions to this challenge. Finally, we outline extensions of research on institutional legacies through work that documents how the interrelationships between community organizations and businesses are shaped by institutional legacies and in turn contribute to their evolution.  相似文献   
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