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对家庭无力照料的失能半失能老年人而言,到社区小型老年养护机构接受“养”“护”服务是理想选择。对新乡市M老年护理院的实地调查揭示,社区小型老年养护机构因与老年人在熟悉社区环境中养老的愿望相吻合、便于子女探望和发病时送往大医院救治、提供的护理服务比较专业而深受失能半失能老人及其家属的喜爱。然而,目前社区小型老年养护机构在运行中却面临着护工整体素质低下、护工工作强度大且薪酬待遇低、收费标准偏高、餐饮服务质量差、服务缺乏人性化、缺乏科学合理的管理、可持续发展困难等问题,这些难题需要通过加快护理员队伍建设、提高科学管理意识与水平、加强政府的监管与政策、资金支持来解决。  相似文献   
良好的形象效应是会计职业的要求。文章从三方面深层次解读会计职业形象的内涵,剖 析当前高校财会人员公众形象的不足和缺失,提出了提高财会人员的思想素质,培养财会人员健 康稳定的心理素质,提高财会人员业务素质,培养团队意识以及发扬协作精神,以期构建高校财 会人员积极的形象效应。  相似文献   
对高等学校人才培养目标的分类与思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从高等学校人才培养目标类型的历史发展出发,按照教育价值、人才知识掌握程度及人才社会价值追求取向等三个标准对高等学校人才培养目标类型进行了深入分析与思考,强调确立科学合理的高等学校人才培养目标对完善我国高等学校内部教学目标、培养社会经济发展所需要的高质量合格人才,以及我国高等学校的建设与发展的必要性。  相似文献   
文章通过对新疆13所高校学生在课余时间和课余活动的调查数据分析,认为新疆高校学生课余网络使用缺乏自觉性和主体性。应从丰富校园网络文化、完善网络法规、加强学生教育和引导以及转交教育方式等方面入手,制定具体的措施加以解决。  相似文献   
高校科技产业作为各高校事业发展的有机组成部分,越来越引起世人的关注.高校科技产业在发展中存在着产权不清、权责不明、管理水平落后等问题,与社会主义市场经济的要求还不相适应,高校在以什么身份办企业的问题上认识比较模糊,科技产业在发展中出现背离高校初衷的现象,凡此种种,对高校整体事业发展带来一定影响.针对出现问题的原因,探寻企业与事业发展的不同规律,可以得出一个基本结论,那就是改革高校产业管理体制和企业运行机制,是高校科技产业的根本出路.  相似文献   
关于建立社会福利机构绩效评估体系的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国社会福利服务事业刚刚起步、对社会福利机构尚缺乏有效监管和测评方法的现实 ,从社会福利机构绩效评估的定义入手 ,借鉴已有研究成果 ,提出了建立一个本土化的社会福利机构绩效评估体系的设想。  相似文献   
Collaborating with a supplier in a buying firm's new product development (NPD) project is commonly advocated and adopted, but does not always improve project performance. Some pre‐existing collaboration contexts, such as buyer–supplier NPD projects, are especially exposed to supplier opportunism due to the uncertain nature of the collaboration process. Adopting agency theory and transaction cost theory perspectives, we examine: (i) contextual antecedents and project consequences of supplier opportunism and (ii) if these causal influences vary in different cultural and institutional contexts. Using a survey sample of 214 United States (U.S.) and 212 Chinese buying firms’ responses about buyer–supplier NPD projects, we find that supplier opportunism is significantly influenced by the task and relational contexts. We also show that supplier opportunism damages both design quality and efficiency, two aspects of project performance. When comparing U.S. to China, we find that task and relational contexts have a greater impact on supplier opportunism in the U.S., but design efficiency is less hurt by supplier opportunism there. Finally, we show challenges of preventing supplier opportunism in certain NPD collaboration contexts, and offer solutions for overcoming these challenges.  相似文献   
Theories concerning a possible link between contact use and earnings tend to focus on person-based explanations: (1) rational job-seekers choose between multiple job offers and pick the best available one based on reservation wages (0095 and 0065); (2) people make friends with others who share similar statuses, making the link between high-status contacts and earnings spurious (Mouw, 2003); (3) contact-users mobilize job contacts to compensate for deficits in their human capital (Lin, 2000). Such explanations however tend to neglect the larger role of institutional factors. Instead of focusing on the job search as a purely instrumental process, I argue for a need to analyze job contacts and status attainment in terms of more contextual and embedded arrangements.  相似文献   
Resilience is essential to better withstand adverse shocks and reduce the economic costs associated with them. We link resilience to the quality of countries’ economic structures. The paper finds robust evidence that sound labour and product markets and conditions for doing business increase the resilience towards adverse shocks and reduce the incidence of crises more generally. In the presence of a common shock, a country with weak economic structures can on average suffer up to twice the output loss in a given year compared to a more adaptable economy. From a policy perspective, this implies the need to push forward structural policies in countries with lower quality economic structures to increase resilience in case of future shocks. We also suggest how a monitoring process towards more resilient economic structures could look like.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the relationship between interpersonal trust and the trust in different institutions as well as its involvement with sociodemographic and political culture-related variables and its connection with associativism. For this, 1993 and 2000 national surveys where used. The results show that there is independence between interpersonal trust and the trust in institutions, because they are built by different processes. There is also a slight relationship between sociodemographic variables and political values or ideology. Interpersonal trust is linked with active participation in associations, which may point out that it is associated to specific forms of social organization. On the other hand, trust in institutions seems to respond more to the behavior of the political system, its performance, and how it is evaluated. Besides, it appears that the trust is influenced by age or place of residence. Older persons and those living in small villages are associated with conservatism. Non-political institutions (such as religion, unions, etc.) could be affected by policy performance.  相似文献   
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