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It is common to identify a role for trade unions in combating sex inequality at work through collective bargaining. This article uses a survey of paid union officers to identify the context in which equality bargaining by unions is likely to occur, using the specific issue of bargaining on equal pay. It concludes that equality bargaining is a function of women’s voice within unions, the characteristics and preferences of bargainers themselves and of a favourable public policy environment. Bargaining on equal pay is also more likely in centralized negotiations that cover multiple employers.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the various aspects of international public relations by other countries in the U.S. Based on the Foreign Agency Registration Act (FARA) report in 2002, this study analyzed client, activity types, purpose of activity, and key U.S. partners for activity. This study found that (1) business organizations and central governments were major clients of international public relations in the U.S., (2) meeting with governmental officials and congressional leaders was the primary type of activity followed by information dissemination, and (3) economic purpose led by trade promotion was the primary motive for these activities.  相似文献   
依据国际法,主权国家可以对危害国际社会共同利益的国际罪行行使普遍管辖权。但是,从以往的国际实践来看,这种间接管辖的方式效果不尽人意。特别是对某些特定的国际罪行,如战争罪,侵略罪,种族灭绝罪,危害人类罪等等。在国际刑事法院建立之后,这些国际人道法中的罪行在法定条件下可以由国际刑事法院直接管辖。国际刑事法院必须尊重国内法院的管辖权,并符合相应的条件。本文试图讨论2003年的美伊战争中是否存在违反国际人道法的行为,这些行为是否可成为国际刑事法院管辖的对象。  相似文献   
Using a gravity model of trade and the U.S. and Chinese panel data, I present evidence that supports the views that linguistic links have become more important in foreign trade than geographical proximity and that linguistic influence on trade is more significant in China than in the U.S. The estimated result based on a broad panel of economies shows little overall relation between religious similarity and foreign trade in both the U.S. and China. But there is an indication that the religious dissimilarity tends to retard foreign trade with poor countries and regions and to encourage foreign trade with richer places. I also found that, although religious retardation on foreign trade is more significant in China than in the U.S., religious dissimilarity tends to retard the US export more than that of China; by contrast, it tends to retard the Chinese import more than that of the U.S. At last, the socio-economic implications of the estimated results are discussed.  相似文献   
最近几年 ,国际服务贸易自由化成为经济学家研究的热点问题。国际服务贸易自由化的一个重要特点是在服务贸易领域逐步取消限制 ,实现自由化。面对国际服务贸易自由化的浪潮 ,发展中国家处于较商品贸易更为不利的地位 ,是机遇更是严峻的挑战。就此进行了分析并提山对策建议  相似文献   
绿色壁垒对我国外贸的影响及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出在现代国际贸易中,一种新的贸易保护措施"绿色壁垒"正在迅速成为发达国家主要的非关税贸易壁垒,并且呈加快发展态势,绿色壁垒已成为我国产品出口的主要障碍。分析了绿色壁垒对我国产品出口尤其对农产品、机电产品、纺织品、化学与医药品和玩具产品出口产生的重大影响。提出了应对绿色壁垒的对策:顺应世界贸易潮流,制定相应的法律、法规,建立符合国际标准的技术指标体系,发展绿色环保产业,提高企业的效益和竞争力等。  相似文献   
从20世纪80年代起施行的我国外贸代理制度,在制度设计和实践操作上都存在着较大缺陷。本文以WTO对我国外贸代理制度的要求为指针,认为应采取转变对外贸代理制度的认识、整合外贸代理立法、改革我国外贸经营权制度等措施,完善我国的外贸代理制度,使其与国际商事规则接轨。  相似文献   
为了克服传统贸易制度忽略环境因素的缺陷,建立全球性绿色贸易制度不仅是必要的,而且是可行 的。但是,由于涉及主权转让、相对优势变动、技术性障碍,特别是发达国家推诿责任等因素的影响,该制度的建 立还尚费时日。因此,坚定不移地实施国际协调是至关重要的。  相似文献   
"九一八"事变前后中国与国联的技术合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪20年代末至30年代初,为促进国内经济发展和社会改良,为扩大国际影响,提升中国在国际上的地位,南京国民政府在医疗卫生、水利建设、文化教育等方面与国联进行初步的技术合作."九一八"事变爆发后,技术合作被迫暂时中断.这一阶段的技术合作,对增强中国国际地位和抗战全面爆发后中国与国际社会的合作,产生了积极的影响.  相似文献   
虽然朝鲜半岛的局势已趋缓和 ,但实现统一还相当遥远 ,而在北、南之间又难以开辟直接贸易的途径 ,这就为威海提供了机遇——作为朝、韩间接贸易的主要转口港 ,即类似目前香港在海峡两岸间所扮演的角色。通过转口贸易积累资金并带动相关产业的发展 ,可望把威海建成“北方香港”,并闯出一条依靠海向腹地发展和振兴港口城市的新路。  相似文献   
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