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美国反恐战争进行到第二阶段,锁定伊拉克为其军事打击的目标。美国绕过联合国发动的伊拉克战争对国际关系、中东地区格局产生了重大影响。"文明的冲突"论不能解释这次战争的动因。美伊战争不具备文明冲突的特征,传统的利益观仍是导致这次战争的主要原因。  相似文献   
中石油在伊拉克油气发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中国国内油田的开发已经进入中后期,石油增产后劲不足,迫使其更多地依赖海外油气资源。从地缘政治来说,中亚-俄罗斯地区是中国最安全的石油进口来源;从资源分布格局角度来说,中东地区则是中国最大的石油进口来源。中石油作为中国最大的油气生产商,担负着保障中国石油供给的重要责任,本文分析了中石油在伊拉克油气发展现状,基于SWOT分析模型,探讨了中石油在伊拉克油气发展的内部优势和劣势以及面临的外部机遇和挑战,提出了中石油在伊拉克油气发展的战略以及保障措施;认为中国应积极进入伊拉克油气上游领域,进行勘探开发,从而加快建设国际一流综合性能源公司的进程,同时保障中国的石油供给。  相似文献   
伊拉克战争的硝烟已经散尽。伊拉克战争充分反映了布什政府在处理涉及到美国利益方面的五个需要原则,体现了美国的"单边主义"政策已经达到了更为深刻的程度,但美国的"单边主义"政策的实施并不能改变世界多极化、全球化的趋势,只不过这种"单边主义"政策为世界的和平与稳定又增添了一定的不确定因素。  相似文献   
魏亮 《阿拉伯世界》2014,(1):99-109
“9·11”事件后中东地区格局发生重大变化。伊朗力量对外扩张的同时面临更为严峻的安全威胁。借助萨达姆政权倒台之机,伊朗通过各种途径对伊拉克进行全面渗透,并一跃成为可以直接影响伊拉克国内局势的主要力量。本文旨在探讨当前伊朗在伊拉克的影响力,并分析其政策目标与实施途径。  相似文献   
本文考察国际权力在不同历史时期的基础及其变化,并提出,各国围绕国际权力竞争的背后是各国围绕国际权力基础的竞争,国际权力基础随着时代不断发生变迁。作为国际政治的一个重要变量,国际权力基础反映出国际政治单位之间所享有的国际权力差异。自威斯特伐利亚条约以来,国际社会见证了数次国际权力基础变化。在第二次世界大战以前,国际权力的基础是常规武器水平;冷战期间核武器成为了新的基础;冷战结束后,各国之间的竞争围绕着综合国力展开;伊拉克战争爆发以后,国际权力基础又变迁为国家独立行动能力。  相似文献   
Although prior research has documented persistent racial and gender differences in public opinion on war across U.S. military conflicts, there is little understanding as to how race and gender simultaneously shape war opinion. Using data from the 2008 Chicago Area Study, this analysis locates gender within an intersectional examination of black‐white differences in support for the U.S. war in Iraq. “Structural” and “racialized” explanations for blacks’ lower level of support relative to whites are tested, first using all respondents, and then for men and women. Exploratory analyses show the race gap in war support to exist solely among Chicago women. Racial differences in partisanship and education are most strongly associated with black‐white differences in Iraq War support among Chicago women. In addition, while affiliation with the Republican Party increases the odds of support among both men and women, education and political alienation decrease the odds of support only among women and the odds of support increase with age only among men. Results highlight the utility of an intersectional lens to the study of public opinion on foreign policy.  相似文献   
From fingerprinting in colonial contexts to scientific racism, and from face recognition pioneers to contemporary multi-modal surveillance, biometric security has long been connected to processes of racialization. Using both contemporary and historical examples, this article explores the rollout of biometric security, paying especial attention to how biometrics makes use of and relies upon racialized configurations of population. The article explores these connections and teases out the precise ways in which ‘race’ and racialization connect to the securitization of individual identities. This article also opens a space for a discussion of biopower, the most popular theoretical frame through which biometric security is currently being viewed.  相似文献   

An exploratory study of caregiver burden associated with family caregivers enrolled in the VA Caregiver Support Program who assist veterans with serious invisible injuries sustained post September 11, 2001. A mixed methods analysis was completed with a retroactive chart review of already collected data (172 participants) in addition to a phenomenological query of 16 participants. Results: T-tests resulted in a significantly higher caregiver burden score with caregivers who had children in the home (M = 6.84; SD = 3.21) versus those who did not (M = 5.57; SD = 2.75), t (160) = ?2.36, p = .02. An ANOVA across caregiver role (parent, spouse, significant other and other) and the Zarit Burden Inventory (ZBI) resulted in a significant difference (F [3, 159] = 1.59, p < .01, with spousal caregivers having a significantly higher ZBI score (M = 6.83; SD = 3.10) than parental caregivers (M = 4.46; SD = 2.70). The phenomenological research resulted in 22 major themes (family adjustment, subjective demands, coping techniques, social support, VA/DOD, self-care, intimacy, role strain, financial resources, life course, obligation, rewards, isolation/loss of self, reciprocity, stigma, community resources, spiritual support, tools, hope, uncertainty, guilt, leash syndrome) which supported quantitative findings. Conclusions: Caregivers and their families had a difficult time adjusting post injury. Caregivers relied heavily on their own coping mechanisms to adapt to their new role and did not find social support to be helpful with caregiving. Spousal caregivers and caregivers with children in the home had more difficulty adjusting when compared with parental caregivers.  相似文献   
2006年初以来,伊拉克教派冲突与其他冲突互相影响,使伊拉克国内局势更加动荡不安。这场冲突主要表现为逊尼派阿拉伯人与什叶派的冲突。伊战后,激烈的权力争夺是冲突的根本原因,而国家重建工作进展缓慢、“基地”组织等外部势力的作用及两个教派之间的宗教差异和历史矛盾也是重要因素。教派冲突不可能在短期内予以消除,但也难以演变为大规模内战。尽快建立一个充分体现各方权益的强有力的中央政府,是化解教派冲突的根本途径。  相似文献   
As the war in Iraq heated up in March and April of 2004 and casualties continued to climb, President George W. Bush's reputation continued the downward spiral it had experienced during the past year (from 71% approval to 49%) as more and more voters questioned his policies and fitness for office. He responded to this situation by holding only his third prime time press conference on April 13, 2004.  相似文献   
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