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美国文艺作品中的阶级位移主题是一个未被学术界重视的边缘话题,在当下的文化语境中研究其主题模式的嬗变为我们提供了一个洞悉此类美国文学作品的崭新视角.根据拉梅耳(R.J. Rummel)的观点,梳理了文艺学视域内的阶级概念,以此标准定义出阶级位移的主题并归纳总结出美国文学作品中"堕落"与"成功"两个主题模式.纵览19世纪中前期到当代的涉及阶级位移的美国主流文艺作品,在历史与文化语境中勾画出此类作品嬗变的轨迹和特点,并从历史的角度分析其成因,指出女性和少数族裔人民的觉醒是推动阶级位移主题模式发展变化的内因.  相似文献   
美国传统少年司法曾经长期不受正当法律程序的约束,这样的特例被认为是为了有利于保证罪错少年获得最有利的处遇。但这样的观念和实践在1967年高尔特案件后开始改变,罪错少年也逐步获得了类似成年罪犯那样的正当法律程序权利的保障。与美国少年司法进行正当法律程序改革之前相似,中国目前对于具有严重不良行为的少年的处置,同样基本上没有任何正当法律程序的保障,这样的状况急需改变。  相似文献   

Based on an earlier finding that as many Native Americans in upstate New York received mental health care in prison as outside of prison during a 10-month period, this study was designed to investigate if prisons had become an alternative treatment option for Native Americans with a mental illness in New York State. The study was not able to answer this question due to the limited number of cases and to outside constraints. However, it is possible from the results to provide a picture of mental health needs and attitudes among Native American inmates which is surprising and instructive for those who provide psychiatric care to American Indians, either within or outside of prison walls. A noteworthy finding was the importance placed by these inmates on the use of culturally appropriate ceremonies to assist in their rehabilitation. Low rates of serious mental illness among the American Indian sample highlight the need for further study in this area.  相似文献   
中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦,两国有着悠久的交流史,而语言必然是交流的工具和先行。任何文化交流包括文字交流必然是双向的,作为日语,其在中国的传播,以及中国人对日语的理解与接受是一个较为复杂的过程,其先后经历了原始「錄音(ろくぉん)」阶段、「寄語(きこ)」阶段(即翻译阶段)、「仮名(カナ)」的「伝来(でんらい)」阶段。  相似文献   
论温迪·瓦瑟斯坦戏剧中的女性身份危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国女剧作家温迪·瓦瑟斯坦以其幽默诙谐且寓意深刻的独特话语,刻画了一个个性格鲜明的美国知识女性形象,描写了她们在自我实现的道路上所遭遇的身份危机.代表作《海蒂编年史》、《罗森斯威格姐妹》和《美国女儿》展现了不同职业、不同时期、不同种族背景下的精英女性在面临事业和情感困境时的艰难选择.她们勇敢而睿智,独立而赋予开拓精神,是当之无愧的美国女儿.  相似文献   
This mixed methods study, using the perspectives of administrators and frontline workers, identified the key developmental needs of African American boys involved in manhood development programs. Five conceptual themes emerged: values and behavior; men needed for guidance; successful organizations; economics and systems; and stable quality parenting. Themes from the conceptual clusters are compared to themes in the positive youth development literature, specifically the 40 developmental assets framework proposed by the Search Institute. The resulting distinctive ecological focus is rarely discussed in the youth development literature and may have implications for youth development interventions that target positive African American manhood development.  相似文献   
This study investigated Korean-American adolescents' stress related to their acculturation experiences and mental health. A total of 260 Korean-American adolescents from immigrant families (ages 12–18 years) participated in the study. The U.S. born group had a higher level of acculturative stress than the Korea-born group (t = 2.222; df = 258; p < .05). Males reported a higher level of self-esteem than females (t = ?2.112; df = 257; p < .05). Acculturative stress was positively correlated with depression (r = .299; p < .01) and negatively related to self-esteem (r = ?.292; p < .01). Self-esteem was negatively related to depression (r = ?.536; p < .01).  相似文献   
中国传统文化中的阴阳思想,对理解《典型的美国佬》的主旨有着崭新的意义。通过分析小说中特蕾萨身上所体现的阴阳合一思想、张家人的自我与"反自我"的阴阳转化思想和拉尔夫转变过程中蕴含的阴阳调和思想,尝试解构男女性别、自我与"反自我"以及东西方文化的阴阳对立,并且指出阴阳和谐是作家消解性别矛盾、人格分裂和文化冲突的文化理想。  相似文献   
2003年、2004年在曲靖市,2006年在昆明市分别发现了侵华日军绘制的云南地形图,这些地图佐证了日本进攻中国的第二条战线战略,即日军1942年5月占领云南滇西地区后,欲趁势扩大战果,谋图继续进攻滇中、滇东北,再从滇东北攻占重庆、成都,从而形成从西南进攻中国的第二条战线。由于日军兵力不足、太平洋战争失利等诸多原因导致其进攻中国的第二条战线战略破产。  相似文献   
经济与道德不可割裂、相互依存。基于这一点,美国金融危机的发生则必然存在着道德哲学层面的原因,具体表现为:货币拜物教伦理观的盛行、利他主义人性的缺失、缺乏社会责任的人为制度设计以及社会公正的丧失等。  相似文献   
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