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南海周边主要国家海底文化遗产保护政策分析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国海底文化遗产面临着的保护压力不仅来自国内,也来自国外,尤其是南海周边主要国家的开放商业打捞政策导致的挤压效应。联合国教科文组织在《保护水下文化遗产公约》中确定的"就地保护"和"禁止商业开发"原则在现实的压力下很难实现。目前,我国海底文化遗产保护只能依靠国内立法和《联合国海洋法公约》,而南海周边主要国家在制定海底文化遗产保护政策时都考虑了各种价值的平衡,这些国家平衡各种价值的经验值得我国借鉴参考。我国海底文化遗产具体情况千差万别,应当在摸清大致情况后制定具体而灵活的保护政策。  相似文献   
文化哲学不是关于文化的知识(文化学),而是对文化的自觉与反思。文化的历史与认识文化的历史不同,认识文化的历史起源于文化的发现,是对一个完全由人自己所创造的存在的领域(或是形式)的发现,这种存在既不是以神的法则为前提,也不是以自然的必然性为前提,而是以从这二者独立出来为前提,是按照人的自由法则而存在的。文化哲学的任务就是认识这些法则以及论证自由这个事实在自然界、社会以及所有其他必然性中实现的可能性。  相似文献   
吴智勇 《唐都学刊》2011,27(4):119-121
史书对唐代北宗禅高僧普寂晚年居住地和籍贯,有不同记载。据李邕《大照禅师塔铭》和《资治通鉴》《旧唐书》《元和姓纂》等史料考证:(1)普寂晚年居住洛阳,并卒于此;(2)长乐信都是普寂俗家郡望,蒲州河东是其旧居地。在对普寂晚年驻锡之所的考证中,可以发现,唐代洛阳有兴唐寺。  相似文献   
诸海星 《唐都学刊》2011,27(5):47-57
《史记》是中国史学中一部继往开来的不朽巨著,作者司马迁开创的以人物为中心的纪传体,在汉代以后一直是历代王朝正史所沿用的体制。司马迁修《史记》,不仅尊重历史事实,秉笔直书,而且还注意语言文字的锤炼,文句优美。他将叙事、抒情、说理的不同文体有机地综合起来,达到思想上、艺术上的高度统一,为后代文史创作提供了范例。《史记》不仅是中国纪传体史书的开创者,而且对后世的散文、小说、戏曲都产生了深远的影响。同时它也早已流传至国外,在汉文化圈国家中亦有不小的影响。其中,《史记》传入韩国,特别受到韩国知识界人士的关心和推崇,为韩国学术界所重视。到了1960年代中期,随着国家经济的发展,韩国整个社会的发展进入了一个历史的新时期,不仅国家面貌发生了根本性变化,学术文化事业也步入正轨,同时韩国学术界对中国学术文化的关心及研究也重新得到了高度重视。正是在这样的基础上,韩国学者对《史记》的翻译和研究有了较大的进展,在传播、普及和通俗化方面作出了积极的贡献。本文除简述《史记》在韩国的流传背景外,还分别论述自1971年至2010年近四十年来《史记》在当代韩国的翻译介绍与研究现状,并对其研究成果上存在的一些不足和空缺作一番客观的评价。  相似文献   
木斋  尚雪红 《求是学刊》2012,39(3):104-109
陆机应是南人中写作新兴五言诗的第一人,其五言诗风格和成就,是陆机入洛学习和仿效曹魏文化的结果;陆机代表作《赴洛道中作》,应是陆机多次赴洛中的晚年之作;陆机对曹植代表的建安诗风的模拟仿作,正是陆机对曹魏文化学习和模拟的结果,其中对十九首的拟作,也应该是陆机在北方生活了相当长时间之后的作品,而非陆机赴洛之前所作.  相似文献   

Race, ethnicity, and culture are critical components that affect and shape the supervisory relationship, yet literature about ways to acknowledge and actively engage them from a trauma-informed approach has been limited. To enhance the discussion of this issue, this article first reviews leading theoretical aspects of supervision designed to train practitioners in the field of mental health, followed by a discussion of race, ethnicity, and culture in supervision and, finally, provides reflective practices for engaging in trauma-informed culturally competent supervision.  相似文献   

This article reports on the construction and initial validation of the Psychoanalysis Use/Non-Use scale (PUNU) and the complementary Conflicts with Hong Kong Chinese Culture scale (CHKCC), developed for assessing the penetration of psychoanalysis among counseling professionals in Hong Kong. A total of 217 Hong Kong social workers, psychologists, and counselors were surveyed to assess the scales' internal psychometric properties. Factor analysis confirmed a four-factor structure for the PUNU, and a unidimensional structure for the CHKCC, with 17 and 9 items, respectively. Internal reliability of both scales was good and discriminative validity was supported by comparisons with background information. These scales could help to identify factors that affect the understanding of psychoanalysis among professionals and could be useful for educational purposes.  相似文献   
What role does “discursive consciousness” play in decision‐making? How does it interact with “practical consciousness?” These two questions constitute two important gaps in strong practice theory that extend from Pierre Bourdieu's habitus to Stephen Vaisey's sociological dual‐process model and beyond. The goal of this paper is to provide an empirical framework that expands the sociological dual‐process model in order to fill these gaps using models from cognitive neuroscience. In particular, I use models of memory and moral judgment that highlight the importance of executive functions and semantic memory. I outline each model as it pertains to the aforementioned gaps in strong practice theory. I then use the models from cognitive neuroscience to create an expanded dual‐process model that addresses how and when conscious mental systems override and interact with subconscious mental systems in the use of cultural ends for decision‐making. Finally, using this expanded model I address the sociological debate over the use of interview and survey data. My analysis reveals that surveys and interviews both elicit information encoded in declarative memory and differ primarily in the process of information retrieval that is required of respondents.  相似文献   
The alleged polarization between the so-called red (Republican) and blue (Democratic) states during the presidential elections has been examined using only voter surveys. Focusing on the recent thirteen national elections from 1964 to 2012, we examine social, political, institutional, and policy indicators of the 50 American states to (1) gauge the extent to which national election results reflect significant policy and political differences between the red and blue states and (2) to assess the explanatory power of the dichotomous red–blue label relative to a continuous variable of “redness” or “blueness” by the percentage of votes received. We find substantial political and some moderate social differences between red and blue states but fewer institutional and policy differences than one would expect if there were actually deep divisions between the states. We find that the red–blue state distinction performs well when compared to the explanatory power of the more precise redness or blueness of a state.  相似文献   
试论乌兰牧骑的内容与特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌兰牧骑是一种小型的特殊的文艺团体。它的建立,不仅解决了文艺如何因地制宜地为农村、牧区人民服务的问题,而且也为传承蒙古族传统文化作出了贡献。  相似文献   
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