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精武体育会的诞生有政治和历史根源,也有霍元甲打擂台这一特殊事件的契合。精武体育会从上海发展到全国,并进而走向世界,在不长的时间里得到了迅速而持久的发展,其经验可以概括为:(1)明大义,弘扬民族精神;(2)弃门户之见,武林一家亲;(3)倡现代体育,中西艺并举;(4)乃文乃武,倡华夏优秀文化;(5)倡男女平等,促进女权解放;(6)内引外联,武术迈步世界。这些经验若能引以为鉴,必能对当今武术的发展拓展更广大的空间,为武术的未来产生积极的影响。  相似文献   
抗战时期,华北沦陷区最大的伪组织——新民会通过出版报刊、书籍兜售其卖国理论;展开“社会教育”,欺骗大众;开设学校、青训所,毒害青年。它是日本侵略者在沦陷区实行思想奴化活动的帮凶。  相似文献   
以个人亲历的视角回顾了香港比较文学研究发展的源头和历程。从20世纪早期朱光潜、许地山先生任教于香港学府始,香港比较文学研究可谓源远流长。而到了20世纪的70年代以后香港更成为两岸三地比较文学研究博兴的策源地。香港中文大学的建校和任教于中文大学的诸多友好故旧的热心敦促,均在香港比较文学发展的历史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。  相似文献   
作为近代中国教育思潮的一种,国家主义教育思潮最早出现在清末,“五四”后至20世纪20年代达到鼎盛,其标志是出现了专门的教育团体——国家教育协会和专门的学派——国家主义教育派。清末民初国家主义教育思潮的兴起与发展,从内因上看是受民族危机的刺激,外因上看则是受日本和欧美同类思潮的影响。该思潮对清末民初中国教育,特别是对当时的收回教育权运动,产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
离退休科技工作者是我国一支重要的专业技术队伍,充分发挥他们的作用,可以缓解我国科技人才不足的矛盾。因此,党和政府应重视老科协工作,把老科技工作者组织起来,为他们再做贡献搭建平台,充分发挥他们在经济建设、社会发展事业中的作用,实现第二次人才开发。  相似文献   
欧美政党未能提供革命党是政党的范式,日本朝野人士把孙中山所领导的同盟会称作革命党,当时国内革命派与改良派的论战,以及利用会党的策略,使孙中山把同盟会称为革命党而不是政党。  相似文献   
The extant research investigating the relationship between knowledge management (KM) strategies and organizational performance has yielded inconclusive results. Our paper revisits this research problem by drawing on complementarity theory from Economics. The empirical segment of our work is based on data on KM strategies and organizational performance from a sample of 131 Korean firms. Our results suggest three types of relationship among KM strategies: non-complementarity, and non-critical symmetric complementarity, and asymmetric complementarity. Integrating explicit-oriented with tacit-oriented KM strategies showed non-complementarity, which suggests a drag on obtaining higher levels of organizational performance. Our analysis of KM strategies based on KM source shows that companies could benefit from KM by implementing external-oriented or internal-oriented strategy. Combining the tacit-internal-oriented and explicit-external-oriented KM strategies indicates a complementarity relationship, which implies synergistic effects of KM strategies on performance.  相似文献   
叶嘉莹先生的诗歌批评理论是以“兴发感动”为核心,以诗歌中感发生命的深浅、厚薄、大小、正邪及其是否得到了完美的传达为标准。这是对中国传统诗论的系统化总结和拓展。在批评实践中,她既重视直觉的感受,又重视理性的分析,且运用联想和比较等评赏方法,将诗歌中生生不已的生命传达了出来。  相似文献   
In this paper we study a robustness property of partially balanced incomplete block designs based on association schemes with m classes (PBIBD(m)) against the unavailability of data in the sense that, when any t (a positive integer) observations are unavailable the design remains connected w.r.t. treatment. We characterize the robustness property of PBIBD(m) completely for m=2 and partially for m=3.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is systematically to derive the general upper bound for the number of blocks having a given number of treatments common with a given block of certain incomplete block designs. The approach adopted here is based on the spectral decomposition of NN for the incidence matrix N of a design, where N' is the transpose of the matrix N. This approach will lead us to upper bounds for incomplete block designs, in particular for a large number of partially balanced incomplete block (PBIB) designs, which are not covered with the standard approach (Shah 1964, 1966), Kapadia (1966)) of using well known relations between blocks of the designs and their association schemes. Several results concerning block structure of block designs are also derived from the main theorem. Finally, further generalizations of the main theorem are discussed with some illustrations.  相似文献   
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