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厄普代克的“小镇”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国作家约翰·厄普代克发表于2004年的第21部长篇小说《小镇》以三个不同地域的典型的美国中产阶级郊区小镇为场景,通过追溯其主人公欧文·麦肯齐的一系列婚外情,忠实记录了美国半个多世纪性道德的变迁史。作者并且指出,追求个人身体的自由固然是作为思想动物的人的本能的一部分,然而它同时也会侵害社会规约,给其他人带来伤害。  相似文献   
功利主义常被人们误解和曲解,但作为有世界影响的重要学说,功利主义有深厚的理论基础和现实基础。本文从功利主义的基本内涵、功利主义的效果论、功利主义与中国古代民本思想、“事功之学”的关系和与邓小平理论的关系五个方面,为功利主义思想辩护,主张旗帜鲜明地提倡功利主义的伦理观。  相似文献   
论约翰·多恩艳情诗中的张力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从约翰.多恩艳情诗的语言张力和意象张力入手,分析了这两种张力在文本内部的构建。在此基础上,又进一步指出文本中的这种张力折射出了诗人外在与内心的强烈冲突,是诗人内心张力的一种流露。  相似文献   
This essay concerns recent positions on homosexuality taken by the Roman Catholic Church and places them with respect to historical documents engaging same-sex desire. Analyzing Aelred of Rievaulx's twelfth-century Spiritual Friendship, John Bloxam's 1894 The Priest and the Acolyte, and Marc-André Raffalovich's 1896 Uranisme et Unisexualité, this essay offers perspectives on contemporary lay and ecclesiastical apologias, defenses, and critiques of homosexual behavior. The relationship between past and present locates the Christian churches' response to the modern homosexual as a historically developed—rather than permanently fixed—model of identity and action.  相似文献   
文章通过《凯恩斯传》的翻译实践,结合翻译理论,就翻译的基本原则和技巧进行讨论。作者认为,在翻译过程中应当全面把握原作不宜改,信、达、雅结合,求同存异几大原则,并且应当灵活运用这些原则。  相似文献   
森有礼的"Education in Japan"在中国的翻译及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述森有礼的外交家、教育家经历及其在美国编纂出版Education in Japan(<日本的教育>)一书的经纬,藉以窥见日本明治维新初期教育发展概貌;该书由美国传教士林乐知(Mllen.Young John)在上海译成中文<文学兴国策>出版,意在用美国教育经验来推动中国重视教育,这确在当时的中国知识阶层中引起了反响;该书由英文译成日文时其选译内容和出版时间都有悬殊,因此若对本书的英、中、日诸种版本加以对照和比较,既可为我们如何认识和处理在异质文化的传播和吸收过程中所发生的关系和问题抑或在研究方法论上均可提供若干有益的启示.  相似文献   
Compelling recent scholarly work has explored the crucial role affect, emotion and feeling might play in activating radical social and political change. I argue, however, that some narratives of ‘affective revolution’ may actually do more to obscure than to enrich our understanding of the material relations and routines though which ‘progressive’ change might occur and endure in a given context – while side-stepping the challenge of how to evaluate progress itself in the current socio-political and economic landscape. Drawing on the work of Eve Sedgwick, John Dewey, Felix Ravaisson and others, this article asks whether critical work on habit can provide different, and potentially generative, analytical tools for understanding the contemporary ethical and material complexities of social transformation. I suggest that it habit’s double nature – its enabling of both compulsive repetition and creative becoming – that makes it a rich concept for addressing the propensity of harmful socio-political patterns to persist in the face of efforts to generate greater awareness of their damaging effects, as well as the material forms of automation and coordination on which meaningful societal transformation may depend. I also explore how bringing affect and habit together might productively refigure our understandings of ‘the present’ and ‘social progress’, as well as the available modes of sensing, instigating and responding to change. In turning to habit, then, the primary aim of this article is to examine how social and cultural theory might critically re-approach social change and progressive politics today.  相似文献   
约翰.厄普代克是现代美国文学界最多产的著名作家之一,他的小说往往通过描写美国东部小镇普通人的生活琐事来揭示人生中的情和爱。以他的短篇小说《满杯》为例,解读作者如何操纵叙事手段,通过一位老人对一生中一系列往事的回忆,呈现出人到暮年时的心理状态和对人生的感悟。另一方面,小说以令主人公感到满足的时刻为主线,将不同时间和不同空间的事件巧妙地串联起来,突显了小说的主题和作者对生活的热爱。  相似文献   
1858年的中英《天津条约》规定将"夷"字翻译为barbarian,从此该字在汉语语境中的原来foreign的意义遭到驱逐,体现了英国对清政府施加的强权政治。近100年以后,费正清在书写中国历史时再次使用了这种翻译方式,反映了他思想深处根深蒂固的西方文化中心主义的集体无意识。  相似文献   
进攻性现实主义与古典现实主义以及结构现实主义有着一脉相承的继承性,但在此基础上也有所超越。该理论承认国家是国际关系唯一行为体;国际政治是处于无政府状态下的安全竞争;军事力量至关重要。同时,该理论还重新诠释了国家追求权力最大化的目的性;重新定义权力,是指具有可度量的标准等。  相似文献   
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