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潘伦在<马寅初先生面斥孔祥熙纪实>这篇回忆录中,详细叙述了在1939年秋中国经济学社年会上,马寅初当面斥责孔祥熙的史迹.此文被众多著述家作为信史加以引用,在有关马寅初、孔祥熙等研究领域产生了广泛影响.笔者经过细致考证,证实了历史上并无"马寅初面斥孔祥熙"之事件.  相似文献   
作为从晚清走向近代意义上的国学殿军领袖,章太炎既继承了传统古文经学的朴学精神,又不拘泥于传统的束缚,在传统经学的诠释中展现了其独特的思想方法.本文以<齐物论释>为研究文本,讨论了章太炎以<庄子>为传统资源对佛学更高境界--"随顺成俗"的标新,通过披检章氏对<齐物论>术语的重新诠释,展现其对庄子思想的时间维度上的关怀与重视,并关注由此引发的章氏子学向以<答问>为代表的经学(史学)转向,试图廓清其经、史著述思想的体用关系.  相似文献   
以往学界多认为李焘在《续资治通鉴长编》中采录《王安石日录》入正文,是不因人废言的良史作派,但这只是注意了李焘用《日录》订正史实的一面,而在具体到事关新法是非以及针贬变法方面的深刻用意却很少注意。实际上李焘是用王安石自己的记录来否定变法。  相似文献   
孟子哲学是求善的哲学."亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物"是他的崇高理想,"穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下"是他的处世原则,"舍生取义"、"杀身成仁"是他的一贯精神.这种道德情感一方面是对当时战争频仍、民不聊生的社会现实的否定和反叛,另一方面也是与其严格的道德自律、"孳孳为善"的精神追求分不开的.本文对孟子的研究,是将标志其本质特征的道德情感置放于当时社会历史进程和复杂曲折的心路历程之中,试图一方面动态地考察深刻影响他的文化环境和文化氛围,另一方面也辩证地审视他的深层心理结构,展示成就其道德情感的强大意志力量,从而把早已被"蒸发"为干巴巴的哲学原理与政治信念象征符号的孟子还原为处于多维文化视野之中的生命之躯,当作一个时代的文化心态来展开解剖,从而有助于更深刻真实地认识孟学的文化底蕴.  相似文献   
本文共分为四小节,第一小节对钱钟书先生《管锥编》中疏释《老子》七章, 以“老子操持权术”为结论,提出商榷意见。第二小节对传统观念以《老子》三十六章为阴谋权术观点,提出反驳意见。第三小节对韩非通过增字和改字篡改《老子》原文,将《老子》理论改造成君王御臣之术的做法,进行了清理和批判。第四小节通过对老子“三宝”观念的疏释,结合王弼的注,论述老子理论中醇厚的道德内涵。  相似文献   
古人讲究"吟风弄月",陶渊明诗文便有歌咏风的特点.本文试从陶诗文咏风的角度,把陶诗文中有关风的句子,分为若干类别加以剖析,勾勒了他十种不同的"风"词,四种针对风的特定的状态和环境来写的样式,三点写出这么多"风"词的原因,以及陶渊明咏风的六个特征.  相似文献   
Located just north of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, the largest and oldest of China's Special Economic Zone (SEZ) has been both a project and symbol of post-Mao modernization. In this paper, I trace how the Shenzhen built environment mediates images and experiences of ‘Hong Kong’, arguing that transnationality in the SEZ is an everyday practice where tradition, colonialism, and the Cold War provide raw materials for the local reworking of the changing relationship between the Chinese state apparatus and finance capital. My story has a double focus: the ideology of urbanization as modernization and historic preservation. On the one hand, the ideology of urbanization-as-modernization legitimates a spatial order in which the rural is always posed to be superseded by the urban. Both the rural and the urban are empty signifiers that are created through comparison and deployed to guide action. In this important sense,‘Hong Kong’ has been urban with respect to rural ‘Shenzhen’ (formerly Baoan County), even as ‘Shenzhen’ has been urban with respect to the Chinese hinterland (neidi). On the other hand, historic preservation domesticates ‘Hong Kong’ as Shenzhen's past through the figure of Xin'an County, the geographic predecessor of both Shenzhen and Hong Kong. These complimentary displacements produce a nostalgia peculiar to the SEZ: a desire for a past that entitles contemporary Shenzhen residents to Hong Kong's prosperity. This nostalgia is structured with reference to a shared origin - Xin'an County - where Hong Kong's postwar history (1950–1979) becomes the past that Shenzhen (rural Baoan) would have had, if not for a cruel twist of socialist fate.  相似文献   
傅玄是魏晋之际著名的思想家,所著《傅子》中蕴含着丰富的发展农业的思想,概而言之,主要包括农业基础地位思想、农业宏观调控思想、农业发展问题思想、农业劳力与人才思想等等内容,其中有些至今仍有启发意义。  相似文献   
《孙子》的本文与注释历来有很多歧异。笔者比较了多种版本,搜寻恰当的训诂作了校注。这里摘出其中十则,都与旧校注不同,以示方家指正。  相似文献   
The Career‐Related Parent Support Scale (CRPSS; Turner, Alliman‐Brissett, Lapan, Udipi, & Ergun, 2003 ) was translated and modified to form the 24‐item Chinese version of the scale. As in the case of the original CRPSS, the Chinese version includes 4 subscales (Instrumental Assistance, Emotional Support, Verbal Encouragement, and Career‐Related Modeling). The Chinese version of the CRPSS was validated in this study with a sample of Hong Kong high school students (N= 677). Reliability analyses showed that the total scale and subscales were internally consistent. The results of the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the Chinese version of the CRPSS provided adequate indicators of Chinese adolescents’ perceptions of parent support for their career aspirations.  相似文献   
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