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郦道元在《水经注》中表达的生态保护思想未曾为学界所关注。郦道元认为,水资源富有理性和灵性,是否造福人类取决于人类自己的选择;人类利用自然时,虽可发挥主观能动性,但必须敬畏自然,尊重自然规律,不可过度开采或污染自然资源,否则会遭到自然的报复。这一生态思想,为我们今天坚持生态保护和实践科学发展观提供了一定的观念支持和有益的参考。  相似文献   
20世纪初的中国乡制经历了现代自治与传统保甲体制由替代到互融的历史变异过程,在这个过程中,乡村传统权威被打破,现代行政权威确立。本文以苏南地区为例,考察其具体表现,并分析其经验教训。  相似文献   
教学模式在现代教学论发展研究中,受到国内外教育理论家和教育实践者的普遍重视与关注。本文在理论与实践的学习和探索的基础上,提出了思想政治教育"三位一体"模式,并对该模式的结构、构建意义,以及长效机制进行了探讨和研究。  相似文献   
思想政治工作是我党的显著特色和优良传统,《古田会议决议》因其强调思想政治工作的首要地位、思想政治教育内容的科学性、教育方法的灵活性和针对性以及强调教育者自身素质提高的重要性,而在实践中实现了思想政治教育的知行统一,建立了良好的践行机制。社会主义核心价值体系重在建设,其出发点和归宿点在于把社会主义核心价值体系转化为人民的价值认同和自觉追求。《古田会议决议》的践行机制对大学生核心价值体系的教育具有巨大的启示作用。  相似文献   
翻译是许多语言活动中的一种。而要给翻译这样一个有历史的、多元化的词下定义实属不易。翻译有其语言上的意义,也有生化上的意义,而且在其他众多领域中也有翻译一说。因此,对于翻译的理解也是众说风云。狭义的语言之间讲的翻译一般是指文字之间的转化,中外学者对此也研究颇多。本文将以中英文为例从正反两面用对话的形式且仅在言语范畴内谈谈对翻译的理解,重审翻译的意义。  相似文献   
我国目前养老基础设施还比较薄弱,体系不甚健全。为破解养老难题,需要不断完善涵盖养老服务机构、服务制度、供养服务、医疗服务、人力资源开发等内容的服务体系。笔者试就此作相关阐述。  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to examine the link between depressive symptoms of welfare recipients and their work activity and welfare exit using a secondary dataset, entitled the Korean Welfare Panel Study. In 2000, the National Basic Livelihood Security System (NBLSS) was introduced to (i) ensure a basic standard of living for households in poverty, and (ii) promote work activity and welfare exit of the recipients. A considerable body of literature has reported that the policy outcome of the NBLSS is not a success. However, the reason for the low success rate is unclear. In contrast to studies in the USA, few studies in Korea investigated the effect of depression on welfare‐to‐work transitions. To bridge the gap in the literature, we examine the association between depression, work activity, and welfare exit using a logistic regression analytic method. The analytic results show that the level of depression (total score on the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) was negatively associated with welfare recipients’ work activity and welfare exit, suggesting that depressive symptoms may be a significant barrier to promoting economic self‐sufficiency. Implications of the study findings are further discussed.  相似文献   
As suicide rates among young people are rising globally, a mixed-mode research was conducted to investigate the perception of young people in Malaysia of what is meant by “Meaningful Life”, and its association with “life is determined by myself”. Two hundred and seventy young people aged 15–24 were recruited in this cross sectional survey. A thematic qualitative approach was used to analyze open-ended questions and the findings reveal that happiness, relationships with family members and friends and having specific goals in life were the top three contributors to meaningfulness in young peoples’ lives. The Chi-square test for independence showed significant association between the coded variables and gender. Females perceived life to be meaningful when the people around them were happy and males perceived life to be meaningful when having good relationships with people around them, and both thought that having goals in life make it meaningful. The result also showed that there was a significant association for females between “life is determined by myself” and “meaningful life”. Present findings suggested that meaningfulness in life is not a pure individual affect or personal construct but a relational concept; it is related to the meaningful activities in which young people engaged. Future researcher may further explore the relationship between youth perceptions of meaningful life and autonomous environments, among the immediate ecological systems of family, peers, and school surroundings.  相似文献   
网络软件已成为当今远程学习者自主学习的一种重要辅助工具。师生交互是时空分离教学的一个重要环节。交互的作用直接影响着学习者的学习质量。电大开发的“开放英语多媒体学习系统” 在远程教学中增强了交互活动,并有效提高了开放教育教学的效果,学生的学习效果也有了较大提高。  相似文献   
复杂产品系统合作创新契约模型有效性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
合作创新是复杂产品系统模块化生产的重要手段,但模块研制中的利益外部性和隐藏检查行为使合作单位易发生道德风险损害项目效益。通过不完全契约激励模型的构建和分析,对模块分包模式和联合研制模式契约模型在合作单位激励约束机制上的有效性进行了探讨。研究表明,模块分包模式中合作单位不承担系统集成风险,因此惩罚金和完全竞争不能抑制道德风险的发生;而联合研制模式使利益外部性内部化,从而避免合作单位道德风险的发生,保证了合作创新的有效性。  相似文献   
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