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《村歌》是孙犁根据1947—1948年下乡参加土改工作的经验创作而成的中篇小说。本文通过对《村歌》的文本分析指出,在新的历史情势下,孙犁试图借助小说这一文学体裁,记录、反映并想象和建构革命的现实与远景。区别于同一时期大部分的土改小说,孙犁在《村歌》中并未着力呈现政策对现实的引导或两者之间的频繁互动,张岗村的土改运动主要被叙述为政策引导下村庄内生的革命潜能的引爆,土改中遇到的阻碍大多通过村庄中人半自发的组织、互助和话语创新得到解决。这一构造内含着孙犁对革命路径的想象,即革命不仅意味着对村庄的颠覆和改造,更存在着从乡村传统和日常人伦中生发出来的可能。但同时,在小说中,激荡的革命情绪最终仍然被回收为双眉个人情感的高扬,却也症候式地呈现了这一革命想象与现实的龃龉,和在新的历史情势下不得不面对的难题。  相似文献   
俞平伯先生晚年的红学自省是真实可信的,应引起红学界高度重视,他的红学研究思想的重大变化同1954年那场对他的批评有内在的因果关系。对当年那场"批俞评红"不能全盘否定,不能只讲负面问题,全面否定其正确性和必要性。现在红学研究的一些乱象正是当年批判过了的错误研究思想、研究方法的泛滥。这种泛滥同对当年的全盘否定不无关系。  相似文献   
李骞是北朝赵郡李氏代表人物之一。近年来《李骞墓志》的发现,为研究其生平以及赵郡李氏的有关问题提供了新史料。结合墓志和相关史料可知,李骞原名希义,字景让,后改名骞,再改字希义;李骞家族原来聚居平棘,后来迁居柏仁;李骞庶长兄长钧未被记入《李骞墓志》,李骞长女宝信当为高延宗妃;李骞生于北魏宣武帝永平元年(公元508年),卒于东魏孝静帝武定七年(公元549年),曾在北魏和东魏担任多种官职;《李骞墓志》出土于河北省赞皇县。  相似文献   
明末清初著名词人薛琼一生随夫隐逸于无锡东乡的鹅湖镇。其诗词典雅,幽美,大量描写了对隐居生活的喜爱与赞美,然而流存的薛琼的资料甚少,只能通过其家人的部分记录来研究薛琼。  相似文献   
清代长篇小说《镜花缘》的内容丰富多彩,其类属和特点也比较多样。鲁迅说它属博物小说,才艺小说;胡适称它为妇女问题小说,女权小说,等等。此外,小说还描写了一些精彩的科幻故事,包括科幻植物如人吃一颗饱一年的巨米,人吃了能蹿高的蹑空草,长效久饱干粮救荒豆末;包括科幻器物如人穿上能长时间潜水的皮衣皮裤,能连续高速开火的火绳枪—连珠枪,能载人载货飞行的飞车;包括科幻技术,如人能近地但不触地地行进,换心补肺的医术。文章从科学、文学、历史几方面对上述科幻故事进行了考察、解读、诠释、分析、评论,研究总结出:《镜花缘》也具科幻小说之属性和特点,是我国第一部也进行了科学幻想文学创作的长篇小说。  相似文献   
科技术语在不同语言之间的翻译是一个复杂的语义匹配过程,如何在考虑相关术语使用现状的基础上将新产生的科技术语准确翻译为其它语言是科技工作者和术语研究者关注的重要问题。以语义场理论为分析框架,通过分析以"水资源管理"及其相关术语为代表的英汉互译,结果发现:不同科技术语在同一语义场所涵盖的语义范围将会随着相关研究深化带来的术语界定细化而发生相应的动态变化;新兴科技术语的翻译要充分考虑其所在语义场其它相关科技术语的翻译先例和使用现状所带来的影响,在翻译准确性和解读便利性之间做出适当的平衡。这是造成"水资源管理"及相关术语英汉互译处理极为复杂的重要原因之一,需要科技翻译者在工作实践中多加注意。  相似文献   
Post-crisis policy making increasingly focuses on doing business reforms. We argue that the effects of those reforms will be different across countries. To understand the reasons for the reform outcome divergence, we advance a novel firm-size distribution (FSDs) argument. At the center of the argument is the fact that FSDs are different across countries and stable over time. Then, if a given doing business reform induces firms of different size to grow differently, this will produce a variety of reform outcomes across countries. To advance the argument, we set up a tractable general equilibrium (GE) model and study how firms of different size grow after a doing business reform. The model predicts that larger firms will grow faster than smaller firms after the reform. The model predictions are tested on the Enterprise Surveys (ES) data, merged with the Doing Business indicators. We confirm that firms of different size grow differently after a Doing Business reform. Thus, based on the notable differences of firm size distributions across countries, identical reforms to start, operate and close a business will produce a variety of reform outcomes across countries.  相似文献   
A stable money demand function is essential when using monetary aggregate as a monetary policy. Thus, there is need to examine the stability of the money demand function in Nigeria after the deregulation of the financial sector. To achieve this, the study employed CUSUM (cumulative sum) and CUSUMSQ (CUSUM of square) tests after using autoregressive distributive lag bounds test to determine the existence of a long run relationship between monetary aggregates and their determinants. Results of the study show that a long-run relationship holds and that the demand for money is stable in Nigeria. In addition, the inflation rate is found to be a better proxy for an opportunity variable when compared to interest rate. The main implication of the study is that interest rate is ineffective as a monetary policy instrument in Nigeria.  相似文献   
李笠翁一生不断搬家和出游,自谓“一生多半在车船”,当是实录。单说长游,就有五次:最早的一次是康熙三四年间游粤;紧接着是康熙五至七年游京师连着游晋秦;回金陵住了一年多后,于康熙九年游闽;又隔一年,游楚;最后是康熙十二至十三年第二次游京师。此外,笠翁还在68岁高龄时,于贫病交加之中作了一次湖州之游。在别人,外出大都是“乐”游;而在笠翁,则是“苦”游。在别人,是衣食无忧,到外面长见识,增阅历,或观赏大自然的美景;而在笠翁,则是去“就食”,即像牧民“逐水草而居”找饭吃。别人是“吃饱了饭”去游玩“消食”;而笠翁却是“饿着肚子”出游“找食”,自谓“为饥驱而走四方”。当然,“苦”中有乐,“饥驱四方,遍历名胜”;同时也有收获———除“化缘”得“食”之外,还收获了诗文,也收获了友谊。但是,笠翁出游,“苦”是主打,“乐”是陪衬;“苦”是正业,“乐”是副产品。  相似文献   
In this study, we provide the Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern bivariate copula of rth and sth order statistics. The main emphasis in this study is on the inference procedure which is based on the maximum pseudo-likelihood estimate for the copula parameter. As for the methodology, goodness-of-fit test statistic for copulas which is based on a Cramér–von Mises functional of the empirical copula process is applied for selecting an appropriate model by bootstrapping. An application of the methodology to simulated data set is also presented.  相似文献   
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