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Consumers are fundamental to organisational functioning and survival. Their loyalty, commitment, product acceptance and good long-term relationships with firms and brands are underpinned by their trust. Unfortunately, over the last decade or so, we have witnessed some of the more spectacular violations of consumer trust in the history of business. This has led to negative consequences, such as loss of competitive advantage, rage, lack of commitment and decrease in turnover. Consequently, study of trust repair has become an important theoretical concern for a growing number of trust scholars. This article reviews and synthesises existing theory and research on the topic. It first sketches general characteristics of the consumer trust repair literature, including its meta-theoretical underpinning. It then identifies specific strategies associated with consumer trust repair and synthesises them into five categories of trust repair strategies. In addition, this paper highlights theoretical processes that explain why/how trust repair strategies work. Third, the paper proposes six fruitful avenues for future research. This study contributes to the field of consumer trust repair research by critically reviewing and synthesising emerging theory and research on strategies associated with consumer trust repair, by showing why and how these strategies work and by identifying most fruitful research areas.  相似文献   
以"自然"论文学,汉朝<淮南子>已有记载,但只言片语,语焉不详,直到魏晋鸿篇<文心雕龙>才有了真正意义上的"自然"论文学观.刘勰以"自然之道"来阐释文学创作的根本原则,从哲学本体论高度论证"文"之产生与存在的必然性、"文"与"质"的本质统一关系,并以此为核心探讨了文学创作之发生、文学风格之生成、创作自由之实现等一系列重要问题,建立了相当系统化的"文道自然"观.  相似文献   
范伯群的新著<插图本中国现代通俗文学史>是按照历史推进的线索和通俗文学发展的周期来建构现代通俗文学史的科学体系的.作者通过图文结合的方式,从中国现代通俗小说的萌发一直写到20世纪40年代雅俗融合的新市民小说,把通俗文学的发展轨迹系统地梳理出来,清晰地勾勒出中国现代通俗文学的流变过程.作者指出知识精英作家是借鉴革新派,通俗文学作家是继承改良派,认为中国文学的现代化的萌芽与小说转型的任务主要是由通俗文学来承担的,并提出了"都市乡土小说"的概念.  相似文献   
老舍在1930年代所写的《文学概论讲义》等理论著作中对文学理论现代性进行过深入而独到的探求。他强调文学理论的科学性,给中国古代“文说”正名;张扬文学价值的审美愉悦性,反对滥加“利用”文学;重视文学研究的内部研究,不满文学的外部研究;强调文学创作的创造性,批评文学摹仿说和复古调。  相似文献   
Although public relations and marketing trade presses regularly discuss the conflict between the functions (e.g., Ecker, 2013; Havartin, 2013), academic researchers focused on the issue primarily in the 1980s and 1990s. The drop in public relations and marketing encroachment research does not parallel a drop in encroachment in practice, especially in light of today’s social media environment. In fact, historic tension between public relations and marketing intensified with the incorporation of social media into communication efforts. This paper updates the study of encroachment by reviewing the historical views of the topic, proposes ways that social media use has intensified issues related to role encroachment between public relations and marketing professionals, and outlines questions to guide future study of these topics.  相似文献   
This article presents considerations about the status of literature as a commodity and writers as professionals in the twenty-first century. These considerations are based on an analysis of Argentine writer Claudia Piñeiro’s Betibú (2011), which follows the story of an Argentine crime novel writer who becomes a ghostwriter after her latest novel receives harsh reviews for being considered commercial rather than literary. I argue that the novel in question points out misconceptions about the influence of the book industry on the aesthetic quality of literary writing, highlighting the need for literary criticism to look into everyday relations between readers, authors, and editors.  相似文献   
儒家文艺精神不仅与政治伦理、社会规范和人格修养密切相关,而且具有本体论的意义,儒家“孔颜乐处”的精神境界一直是中国古代知识分子的追求目标。因此,现代社会需要借鉴儒家的文艺伦理思想和实践手段来建立新的伦理学。  相似文献   
狄更斯是众多双栖于文学、新闻天地里的大师之一。其多数长篇巨著都由报刊连载并产生广泛影响,文学创作过程中多次创办、主编报刊;其创作道路顺利,硕果累累,与其敏锐的观察力,执著于真实的作风密不可分,而这又是新闻从业者所必备的资质;然其笔下的人物形象亦真亦幻,亦虚亦实,又迥然不同于新闻作品中的人物,则为其心血所熔铸。  相似文献   
卞月娥 《云梦学刊》2012,33(6):146-148
“翻译目的论”为翻译研究提供了新的视角。以目的论为理论依据,对《夏洛的网》的两个中文译本进行的对比分析.旨在引起学者对儿童文学翻译的关注和重视。该研究发现,这两个译本都非尽善尽美。在翻译活动中,译者应在理解儿童文学特殊性的基础上进行翻译,努力提高儿童文学翻译作品的质量,进而更好地服务儿童。  相似文献   
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