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This study examines the opinions of print journalists regarding the use of dialogic components by Fortune 500 company web pages designed specifically for use by the press. Results showed that journalists recognize and appreciate the growing presence of dialogic components of corporate websites, but that a level of distrust and sense of manipulations still exists. This study also suggests the addition of a tenet to existing dialogic communications typologies, one of “relationship building and enhancement”.  相似文献   
从17世纪初开始经由长崎而传至日本的小说《三国志演义》,由于在1692年出版了京都湖南文山的翻译本(日译本)《通俗三国志》而非常迅速地广为传播,成为日本人所爱读之书。到江户时代后期,《三国志演义》也为日本的传统艺能提供了题材,"带图本"之外又成为"净瑠璃"、"洒落本"等等各种艺能的节目之一,一般庶民对之深感亲切。在这过程中,《三国志演义》中上场的人物为合于日本人的爱好口味而被改变,逐渐失掉了原来的形态。从各种艺能里对《三国志演义》所采用的种种变化的过程里,可以明白江户时代的日本庶民所要求的文化真谛。  相似文献   
冷战的结束改变了欧洲的安全结构,它标志着两极格局的瓦解,也标志着欧洲两大阵营军事对峙的结束。然而冷战的结束并不意味着欧洲安全问题的解决。与此相反,欧洲面临的是更分散、更无形的安全威胁。安全治理成为应对新时期欧洲安全挑战的一大创举。当前,欧洲安全治理呈现出区域性组织主导、多种行为体参与的特点,欧洲安全的有效治理有赖于欧洲主要区域性组织的合作与协调。  相似文献   
戴维·莫利是英国文化研究的代表人物之一。他继承了伯明翰学派的学术传统,坚持跨学科的理论路径,强调将媒介研究置于社会和物质的背景下,从社会学、人类学、符号学等多学科视角来审视传播和文化;在全球化媒介构建的后现代语境下,他尝试运用人种志方法研究当代文化中媒介消费的全球化与本土化同时发生的动态过程,探讨有关跨文化传播与民族认同等问题。莫利的媒介理论对中国媒介与文化研究开辟新的视角与思路具有重要的启发,能帮助我们更好地理解当前所处的媒介时代与社会语境,为中国现代化进程中出现的媒介现象与传媒发展等问题提供可借鉴的阐释框架与方法论,对我国媒介理论研究与传媒实践都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
平成时代日本在经济步入萧条、国际形象亟需改善的背景下提出了"文化立国"及"文化外交"理念,以此为契机大力推行本土文化的海外输出。本文首先分析了平成时代日本文化海外输出的社会背景,再从相关法律法规、代表性战略项目和以动漫为例的具体传播策略三个层面展开,由宏观到微观深入解析日本推行文化海外输出的各方举措。随后,总结日本在扩大文化国际影响力、创造经济效益、提升国际形象三方面所取得的成效,提炼出日本在平成时代相对于其他时代,对比其他国家,在文化海外输出方面所呈现出来的特点。最后针对日本的成功经验,提出中国在国家文化输出过程中的实践策略。  相似文献   
党的十九大报告中指出,要进一步深化民族团结教育。这不仅是对民族团结教育开展的层次和形式提出新要求,更是对其活动开展的实效性予以重视。实效性是对民族团结教育自身价值的关注,其评估标准应掌握理论导向、主题、内容、形式等几个层面,影响民族团结教育实效性的一个重要因素是教育的针对性,因此必须在教育活动中落地精细化教育模式,进一步提高民族团结教育活动的实效性。  相似文献   
Political public relations became headline news when Kellyanne Conway, Advisor to U.S. President Trump, described provable falsehoods as alternative facts. Other memorable/misstatements became part of the cultural zeitgeist even as journalists continued to interview her. Public relations professionals are inextricably connected to the journalists who shape public opinion. The author therefore conducted a qualitative framing analysis to understand how journalists framed her occupational role and job performance. Articles from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal revealed that journalists assigned Advocacy and Gendered framing for her occupational role. Analysis also indicated that journalists alternately depicted her performance as adequate, unreliable, and manipulative. The author considers implications of findings for public relations professionals.  相似文献   
随着中国的对外开放,近年来汉语中涌现了大量的外来词,有些外来词没有经过翻译就直接以原形出现在各种传播媒介上。对于这种现象,有许多批评的意见,比如影响传播效果、对民族文化形成冲击等。但这些意见并没有对外语词在媒体中广泛出现的深层原因进行探讨,而是简单地归咎于媒体的媚俗、媚外或者缺乏责任感。本文试图深入探讨这一现象出现的原因,并进一步分析这一现象与当代社会文化的关系。  相似文献   
Public perceptions often diverge widely from reality on the size and make-up of immigrant populations, with likely consequences for public opinion about immigration. Prior research has not established whether the media has any causal role in the construction of these perceptions. This paper examines whether and how actually occurring media portrayals of immigrants in Britain affect perceptions of immigrants among members of the British public. We begin by conducting a large-scale quantitative study of the British national press. We then report on an original survey experiment that tests for causal impact of news frames derived from the media study. Specifically, we focus on three depictions of immigrants: as ‘illegal’, Eastern European, or highly skilled. Results show that even subtle media interventions can shift public perceptions of immigration, in this case towards more realistic understandings of the overall size and make-up of the immigrant population in Britain. We suggest empirical, theoretical, and methodological implications for the study of media effects on public opinion towards immigration.  相似文献   
困顿的心灵写照:浩然1978年后的小说创作   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1978年后,浩然的小说创作从形式上对文革时期的创作有所否定,但在人物塑造、主题意向等方面却与文革时期的创作存在某种意义的一致性,这造成了他新时期作品中感性认知与理性判断、现实生活和理想信念之间的困惑与矛盾。  相似文献   
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