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A Monte Carlo study was used to compare the Type I error rates and power of two nonparametric tests against the F test for the single-factor repeated measures model. The performance of the nonparametric Friedman and Conover tests was investigated for different distributions, numbers of blocks and numbers of repeated measures. The results indicated that the type of the distribution has little effect on the ability of the Friedman and Conover tests to control Type error rates. For power, the Friedman and Conover tests tended to agree in rejecting the same false hyporhesis when the design consisted of three repeated measures. However, the Conover test was more powerful than the Friedman test when the number of repeated measures was 4 or 5. Still, the F test is recommended for the single-factor repeated measures model because of its robustness to non-normality and its good power across a range of conditions.  相似文献   
The problem of n judges ranking r objects is considered in the situation where ties are permitted. Asymtotic distributions under the null hypothesis of complete randomness in the rankings are derived for the test statistics of average rank correlations between all pairs of ranking where the rank correlations are measured either by Spearman rho or Kendall tau. The relative efficeincies of these average rank correlatins are derived using approximate Bahadur slope and limiting pitman efficiency, and in both cases the Kendall statistic is shown to be more efficient. Some interpretatins of these and related results are also given.  相似文献   
A modification on the well-known, nonparametric Friedman test statistic is suggested in this article. Probability distributions of the suggested test statistic under the null hypothesis are tabulated for some small sample cases. In addition to an example, simulation results for various sample sizes are presented. The simulation indicates that the modified test statistic performs better than the Friedman test in detecting treatment effects of small differences especially when the sample size is small.  相似文献   
在《失乐园》中,亚当的正当理性与选择涉及弥尔顿的古典资源与神学思想之间的复杂关系。通过区分自然法与实在法,可以说明正当理性与选择之间并无抵牾。上帝赋予亚当自然法,使其可以遵从正当理性。但是有关知识树果子的命令属于实在法,与正当理性不自动相合,因此亚当才有了真正意义上的选择。《失乐园》中自由选择(free choice)与真正的自由(true liberty)之间实有差异:前者对应亚当自由选择的能力,后者则是他遵从正当理性的结果。亚当在吃知识树的果子时,行使了自由选择,但他选择的是夏娃,而非遵守上帝的命令。这一事件的后果之一便是正当理性被蒙蔽,亚当从此失去了真正的自由。  相似文献   
Standard analysis for ranks from two‐way layout data with ties or for 'rank transformed' data with ties can be extended to allow market research to make better comparisons between products. In addition to detecting product average ranks effects, the new analysis allows detection of significant nonlinear effects, umbrella effects, linear contrasts and differences in distributions. The paper presents market research results comparing three types of french fries. There are no differences, according to the standard Friedman analysis. However significant nonlinear effects are found using the new analysis, which give the manufacturer important information.  相似文献   
弥尔顿早年的创作主要是短诗,其中较为著名的有《圣诞晨歌》、《快乐的人》、《沉思的人》、《黎西达斯》,前三首诗描写了诗人轻松愉快的心情和沉思的乐趣,体现了人文主义者对生活享受的追求。纪念好友的挽歌《黎西达斯》是桂冠式压卷之作,告别抒情诗风。《力士参孙》运用希腊悲剧形式,是一部宏伟的剧体诗。  相似文献   
关于史诗《复乐园》里的第一个诱惑,目前学术界的两种解读都有失偏颇。首先,史诗里的第一个诱惑值得探究,寓意深刻,远不只是试图劝诱处于饥饿中的耶稣施展神力摄取食物,而旨在通过撒旦试探耶稣的身份来展示耶稣坚定的“信仰”。其次,第二个诱惑虽然依然以食物为诱饵,但与第一个诱惑有着本质的区别,因为它与其后的几个诱惑情节一起构成史诗的第二重诱惑,是世间荣华的典型代表,锤炼的是耶稣的“自制”和“忍耐”等。更重要的是,第一个诱惑揭示出比“完善‘内在精神’”更深奥的哲理,因为要在不期而至的诱惑面前坚守信仰、忍耐、自制等“内在精神”之美德,前提在于,人必须首先达成“自我认知”,了解自我身份;只有耶稣这样的人才能始终抵御诱惑,才能证实自己身为精神英雄之原型,才能成为弥尔顿史诗里的主人公和英雄。  相似文献   
Lynda Ng 《Globalizations》2018,15(5):608-621
The very notion of China’s ‘socialist market economy’ presents us with numerous paradoxes, such as the way it challenges former distinctions made between democratic and Communist systems. This paper examines the rhetorical dimensions of Milton Friedman’s seminal text, Capitalism and freedom (1962), and demonstrates how literary analysis can make an important contribution towards our understanding of the formation of neoliberal ideology. Drawing on critiques of Chinese capitalism mounted by Zhu Wen in his 1994 short story ‘I Love Dollars’, and the essays in Yu Hua’s China in ten words collection (2011), I show the extent to which the perceived discordance between neoliberalism and socialism is grounded in bi-polar Cold War formations. This examination of neoliberal ideals across three literary genres highlights the layers of fiction, and truth, that are present equally within those designated categories of prose, non-fiction, and economic tract.  相似文献   
常亚平  阎俊  方琪 《管理学报》2008,5(1):110-117
企业社会责任已经成为关乎我国经济和社会和谐发展的焦点之一,促进消费者与企业社会责任的良性互动成为值得研究的课题。采用情境模拟法测量消费者在不同类型企业社会责任行为刺激下的购买意愿,以及产品价格对这种购买意愿的调节作用。结果发现,消费者的态度受到价格的显著影响,但不同的消费者群对履行了基本层或高级层社会责任的企业的产品有不同的可接受溢价范围。  相似文献   
"法律文化"一词可谓当下法学界的"宠儿",特别是法社会学、法文化学和比较法学研究中更是频频使用这个术语.然而,如果从实证科学的角度看,"法律文化"却可能是一个并不严谨的概念它也许可以用于描述一组有关法律的现象,但它本身可能并不适合用作法社会学研究中的一个基本术语.  相似文献   
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