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概括介绍了俄罗斯联邦境内的北方少数民族奥罗奇人的族称、族源、社会经济状况及其演变 ,和奥罗奇人的三界观、灵魂观、鬼神观、图腾崇拜、熊祭和萨满教信仰等  相似文献   
会官审录制度是明朝司法活动的重要组成部分之一,这一制度在明朝时期已经相当完善和成熟。会官审录制对加强明 朝中央集权统治,维护社会稳定发挥了重要作用。明朝会官审录的形式多样,内容丰富,在司法实践中体现出来的诸多特点和 蕴涵的精神意蕴对当今社会的法制建设仍有重大启示。  相似文献   
侯方域作为“复社四公子”之一,在明末清初的士林中颇具影响力和号召力。但因参加顺治八年(1651)乡试一事,侯方域在人格与道德上遭到世人质疑和批判。另外,又因为《桃花扇》中的戏剧形象深入人心,后人对他的认识亦多有争议,而这种对其为人的偏见甚至还延及了对其诗文的客观评价。本文本着“了解之同情”的学术态度,通过解析侯方域的诗文作品,对其从归隐到应试的心路历程进行全面观照,从而尽可能地还原易代士人的生存状况与心灵困境。  相似文献   
《明诗话》传本罕见,甚为宝贵。辑本采辑诗家130余条。所录诗作有的是苏之琨在游历探访中随手采集而得的,为诗人遗落乡间郊野之作,所以苏氏有拾遗补缺之功。苏氏录诗崇尚高格,钟爱淡雅,倡导"性情",重视"意似",对"雅"、"郑"诗风演变也有自己的见解。但《明诗话》也有明显缺陷,诗歌理论探究不深,所录诗歌涉及面比较窄,还有徇私之嫌。  相似文献   
论明清江南游船业的经营空间、服务方式及其变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船是江南水乡的重要交通工具,而游船则是明清江南旅游服务业发展的重要载体.在明清时代,江南游船的经营区域广泛,游船种类因时因地而异.随着时代的进步,游船的制作技术也不断改进,采用新材料、新式样,其目的就是为了吸引游人.游船业的发展除推动相关产业的发展、增加就业机会外,还可满足人们休闲娱乐的需要和商业贸易往来,从而提高人们特别是城市居民的生活质量.此外,明清江南地方政府游船业的正反两方面的政策、做法及其效果,使我们对旅游服务业应采取较为弹性的态度,深入挖掘江南传统旅游文化资源对推进今天江南乃至全国的旅游业的发展具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   
To incorporate newcomers into membership, a group employs socialization strategies to transform the characteristics of the newcomers, so that it can admit them with the confidence that their behaviour will not endanger group unity. Analyses of socialization emphasize that novices' interiorization of an institutional definition of group behaviour is a necessary condition to ensure successful socialization. The contemporary Religious Society of Friends in Britain, however, is a non-doctrinal religious movement that avoids defining the content of its beliefs and practices. To analyse the socializing interaction between members and newcomers in this movement in Britain, and among co-religionists in the USA, this inquiry applies a model of socialization that does not include assumptions about the role played by cognition in socialization (Long and Hadden 1983). My results show that: (a) the diffuseness in Friends' collective explanations of institutional conduct supports novices' identification with institutional practice, and (b) experimental and affective components in socialization motivate novices to imitate institutional behaviour despite the fact that Friends have no authoritative explanations of such behaviour. The data suggest that socialization and social cohesion are not necessarily as strongly cognitive-oriented phenomena as they were previously thought to be. This finding has important implications for thinking about social cohesion in postmodern society.  相似文献   
This article argues that social work in the UK needs to renegotiate its relationship with community welfare agencies. It begins by examining what we mean by local community and how welfare needs reflect complex non-linear dynamics unique to the local circumstances. It is argued that these are not always recognised in centralised policy agendas. The article broadly draws a parallel between policy issues for the European Community and for the national state. The drive for both is towards uniformity, which potentially fails to acknowledge the unique circumstances at both the national level between nations and the local level between communities.

The focus of the analysis is the lack of engagement with the subtleties of the local within the arena of social work education and practice. With the opportunity presented by the introduction of a new social work degree in the UK, the authors describe how a social work programme in Liverpool undertook a piece of research with the aim of creating an appropriate place for community welfare agencies in practice placements, the academic curriculum and, ultimately, with the next generation of social work practitioners. Eight welfare agencies within the proximity of Liverpool University, an area known as Toxteth, agreed to participate in the research to investigate what kind of placement module would enable local welfare agencies to engage meaningfully in the social work degree. Out of this process emerged a model for research based curriculum development involving local community agencies and academic institutions. More specifically for Liverpool, it placed the notion of social work's relationship with local community welfare at the heart of professional development for qualifying social workers, paving the way in this region of England for closer links between welfare agencies associated with civil society and professional social workers.  相似文献   

作为现代作家的梁实秋在精神气质上受传统文化心态影响很大,他的小品文与明清小品文相比,在文化境界和文化心态上既有所继承又有所超越。雅舍小品继承了明清小品文对市民文化的关注,并以现代文化的目光加以审视。在创作心态上,梁实秋的文学选择与明清小品文大家的文学选择一样,经历了由迫不得已,不再关心于重新架构文学理想,选择独抒性灵的小品写作,到认同这种边缘的文化身份而终的过程。  相似文献   
从吴宓到鲁迅,再到后来的研究者,都将<史地学报>和<学衡>紧密地联系在一起.将前者的核心人物、诸位同人和刊物本身三个层面与后者进行比较分析,不仅可以揭示1920年代在南京乃至全国学界甚有影响的两份刊物之间的密切关系与异同所在,同时也可展现当时相关学术群体的学术风貌.  相似文献   
<冬明历>是明清时代流传较广、影响较大的民间宗教经书之一,其史料价值弥足珍贵.很长一个时期以来,由于<冬明历>的完整版本一直未被发现,因此对于该书的具体内容和性质,学界多有不识,偶有论及者,或失之偏颇,或流入想像和臆测.本文主要以新近发现的抄本<冬明历>为第一手材料,考察了<冬明历>一书的基本结构及其相关问题,并在明末清初民族冲突的大背景下,重点探讨了民间宗教"夷夏之辨"、反清复明、帝王观的流变与满汉混同等相关问题,为更加深入、全面地认识明末清初的民族与宗教问题提供一种新的研究视角.  相似文献   
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