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本文论述了新时期广东民族地区的经济现状与发展问题。认为现在是广东民族地区取得突破性发展的最好时机。  相似文献   
田峰 《西藏研究》2006,(3):40-45
《大唐西域记》与西藏文化有着千丝万缕的联系。不管是在地理位置、宗教传播,还是在与周边国家的关系方面,都是有迹可寻的。从这种联系,我们可以窥见唐初西藏文化的一些蛛丝马迹,同时也可以看出周边文化的多元化对整个西藏文化所产生的影响。  相似文献   
曾经的辉煌与当下的衰败、曾经的核心与目前的边缘化所造成的失落感,三大圣地、《古兰经》与先知穆罕默德的相继蒙羞和遭辱所带来的受辱感,历史的创伤记忆与现实的生存困窘共同积淀成了一种顽强的集体潜意识,形成阿拉伯—伊斯兰民众仇恨与暴力相交织的心理死结,外现为以暴易暴、铤而走险甚至不断丧失自我。因此,阿拉伯—伊斯兰世界应在不断抵抗西方霸权主义对中东诸多利益的制衡中,努力变革滞后于全球化主潮的落后现状。否则,将面临更为严重的民族和地区的倒退,危及世界和平与稳定。  相似文献   
This paper reviews the main bodies of contemporary urban sustainability theory. From this analysis, two underpinning paradigms of urban sustainability are identified: (1) The ‘Human Exemptionalism Paradigm’ (HEP), which emphasizes the ability of humans to overcome environmental problems—see Urban Sociology, Urban Ecology, Urban Geography, Urban Psychology and Political Economy; and (2) The ‘New Ecological Paradigm’ (NEP), which emphasizes the criticality of ecological limits to human progress—see Urban Metabolism, Energy/Emergy Analysis and Ecological Footprinting. Each of these approaches is critically reviewed, highlighting their main assumptions, theoretical and practical foci. It is argued in the paper that if the related issues of urban sustainability and development are to be progressed, there needs to be: (1) a greater maturation of the NEP approaches, which are ‘relative newcomers’ to the area of urban theory; and (2) greater integration and dialogue between the HEP and NEP approaches to urban sustainability than has hitherto been the case.
Murray G. PattersonEmail:
In the study of risks , different sciences use the same category in different ways, each related to its own ontological assumptions. But many of these fields communicate very little with one another. This article seeks to approximate two of these areas of study that have shown similar concerns and that can mutually strengthen one another, namely, geography and demography. Geography was one of the first disciplines to include risk in its environmental dimension and has had broad experience in simultaneously focusing on social and natural dynamics. Demography, on the other hand, faces greater difficulties because only recently has it incorporated the environmental dimension into its scientific scope. Both have brought the concept of vulnerability into their conceptual framework as complementary to that of risk. Geographers understand vulnerability as a more symbiotic form of the relationship between society and nature, whereas demographers give it a strong socioeconomic component. In this regard, the conceptual discussion on risks and vulnerabilities, in its attempt at approximating these two fields, is a way of conceptually advancing and strengthening the different approaches to empirical work, especially in population–environment studies which is the common ground for the dialogue between the two disciplines.
Daniel Joseph HoganEmail:
自从1996年世界银行启动反腐败战略以来,经过多次调整,至今已形成了一个多渠道、全方位而更有针对性的反腐败战略框架。通过加强内部机制建设和管理、严格审查融资项目中的贪污贿赂、援助各个国家的反腐败活动、在国家援助战略中倡导反腐败、支持国际性反腐败合作等措施,世界银行在反腐斗争中发挥了卓越作用。总结世界银行反腐败的经验和特色,尝试提炼出可供中国借鉴的做法,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
机械论自然观渊源于古希腊的原子论,肇始于文艺复兴时期,勃兴于近代科学革命中,19世纪后半叶受到挑战,20世纪初渐趋衰微,在西方思想史乃至世界思想史上居于统治地位有年,其成就骄人其缺陋也尖锐。由它所产生的并反过来支持它的主客二分论形上学思维也与它一样命运波舛,成为被指摘的现代生态环境危机的深层思想根源。  相似文献   
第二次世界大战期间,巴西加入到世界反法西斯阵营,源源不断地供应盟军战略物资,派兵作战,积极配合盟军的军事行动,从政治、经济和军事各方面贡献出自己的人力、物力和财力,为世界反法西斯战争取得最终胜利铺平了道路。  相似文献   
体大虑周的《文心雕龙》广泛论及了魏晋以来的作家、作品,而唯独对六朝文学中地位甚高、影响至远的《世说新语》只字未提,究其原因,我想主要还是刘勰的文学观造成的:原道、征圣、宗经而崇尚雅正,不满谐隐、杂说;崇儒为主,兼修佛道,反对玄谈;萧统文学集团的参照;重古略今,不论近世。  相似文献   
国际货币基金组织和世界银行是全球举足轻重的国际组织,两者在许多方面存在异同。本文从历史沿革、宗旨、组织机构、资金来源、业务领域和贷款程序六个层面对二者进行了比较。  相似文献   
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