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The aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding of the institutional arrangements within which China's rural health facilities are embedded and of the contribution of policy to the creation of these arrangements. Information collected through field observations and in‐depth interviews with the managers, staff and patients of a township health centre indicates that with the gradual evolution of markets, encouraged by state policies, health care in rural China took on more of the characteristics of a commodity. In order to adapt to this change, the health centre and its employees are adjusting their behavioural norms and reconstructing an institutional network within which daily activities of simultaneously fulfilling public health responsibilities and pursuing economic gain are legitimized. This article focuses on the interwoven relationship between politics and markets at the micro level and examines the negotiations between stakeholders in constructing new institutional arrangements. It also describes how health sector managers are creating regulations to influence the performance of their facility. The article argues that while government policies play a crucial role in shaping the direction of development, institutional arrangements strongly influence the attempts by rural health organizations to implement them. It concludes that it is critical to take institutional factors into account in analyzing China's rural health‐care reforms.  相似文献   
在哈贝马斯看来,法律是事实性与有效性的统一,其对二者关系的分析对于重新审视新分析法学与新自然法学的分歧提供了新的理论视角。新分析法学仅专注于法律事实性,而新自然法学则过于强调法律有效性,因而使各自理论在一定程度上陷于困境。哈贝马斯以交往行动理论为基础的程序主义法律观试图弥合以往法学理论对法律的事实性与有效性的分裂,是对新分析法学和新自然法学思想的超越。  相似文献   
1938年刘少奇被任命为中共中央中原局书记,此后,在开创华中新局面的过程中,刘少奇通过巩固皖东根据地,推动八路军南下和江南新四军北上,在黄桥沉重打击了韩德勤顽固派势力,最终开辟了苏北根据地,并通过各种有效措施巩固了苏北根据地。在苏北根据地的开创和发展巩固过程中,刘少奇表现了其杰出的领导才能,发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
Cocoa Pod Borer (Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen) (CPB) is an important pest of cocoa. Following its emergence as a pest in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, in 2006, it was considered relevant to assess its potential spread to other cocoa growing regions. Its likelihood of introduction to the islands of Bougainville and New Ireland from East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea, was modeled using Monte Carlo simulation. This dispersal model was based around different scenarios, identifying trends rather than explicitly attempting to encapsulate true values. The model suggested that CPB is far more likely to establish on New Ireland than on Bougainville. More important, incertitude resulting from incomplete knowledge of the amount and frequency of cocoa transported between islands had a significant effect on model outputs. Quarantine and agriculture officials will be able to refine these parameter values, and then use the relevant scenarios from those presented here as a guide to develop quarantine procedures. In addition, a contingency model was employed to estimate the optimal sampling effort to use following an incursion of CPB into Bougainville or New Ireland and the seemingly successful implementation of an initial eradication program. The model suggests that at a 1% infestation level, sampling should continue for 2.5–2.7 years (90% CI) after claiming eradication, and this estimate changed little for higher infestation levels. Through modeling variations in sampling intensity, the model also suggested that determining the full spread of CPB is more important than increased sampling within one region.  相似文献   
在近现代中国三大文化思潮中,作为保守主义色彩相对较重的一派,现代新儒家旗帜鲜明地以传统的儒家思想和精神作为自身理论建构的源头活水。现代新儒家的理论,更多地以形而上学的理路阐扬儒家思想,在明确地以承续儒家之"统"为精神抱持的同时,又蕴涵着相当浓烈的现代诉求,从而呈现为既充满矛盾却又有其一贯性的理论形态。  相似文献   
高等学校合校浪潮中工程管理专业的去向在哪里   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在最近全国性的高校合校浪潮中,工程管理这一交叉性很强的专业的去向问题引起了专 家及学者的思考与讨论,寻求这一问题解决途径的重要性和紧迫性不而言喻。本文通过作者不久前作 的一个国际社会调查,结合英美两国高校中工程管理专业设置的情况,说明如何解决这一问题,供决 策者参考。  相似文献   
Prideaux SJ. The welfare politics of Charles Murray are alive and well in the UK
Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 293–302 © 2009 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. This article takes a historical look at the ‘underclass’ debate that was prominently provoked and perpetuated in Britain by the American Charles Murray. It does so because the recent protestations about gun crime, welfare dependency and lone parenthood by David Cameron and the Conservative Party have not only echoed New Labour's New Deal logic, but have also reignited an argument that furiously raged in British policy debates during the 1980s and 1990s. Despite numerous criticisms and critics questioning Murray's selection of evidence, methodology and use of anecdotal vignettes, it is still apparent that the stereotypical assumptions about a section of British society who choose not to work, live a life of crime and produce inadequately socialised illegitimate children still persist. Consequently, the article revisits these arguments so that lessons from the past can now be brought to the fore and, hopefully, taken on board academically if not politically.  相似文献   
介绍需求管理政策内涵,总结中国需求管理政策的特点,设计评价需求管理政策效果的三个指标,即财政政策效果系数、货币政策效果系数和需求管理政策效果系数,依据这些指标作出中国需求管理政策效果越来越差的判断。根据财政政策乘数和货币政策乘数明确影响需求管理政策效果的因素并分析这些因素对需求管理政策效果的影响,最后提出新常态下中国需求管理政策的改进意见。  相似文献   
"妇女大臣"与"全女性决选名单"是布莱尔时期英国工党新女性政策的两大基石。该政策的实施既是工党对其长期在野的反思、对社会变迁的动态适应,还受到现实因素的刺激。其影响之大,冲破了政党的界限,成为英国三大党的共识。政策本身虽然有许多不完备之处,但仍然可被视作英国女性进入权力核心的开端。  相似文献   
纽约州的校企合作有较好的传统,但也存在着一些问题。纽约州政府通过成立"专门小组委员会"、设立"创新咨询委员会"、建立相关的研究机构、招聘优秀人才、优先考虑校企合作项目的申请、重点建设一些领域和学科、收集和出版相关信息等举措,促进了纽约州的校企合作。高校和企业的合作是高等教育为大都市经济社会发展服务的一个重要方面,纽约州政府的这些举措,能给我国大城市提供一些启示。  相似文献   
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