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The problem of finding D-optimal designs in the presence of a number of covariates has been considered in the one-way set-up. This is an extension of Dey and Mukerjee (2006) in the sense that for fixed replication numbers of each treatment, an alternative upper bound to the determinant of the information matrix has been found through completely symmetric C-matrices for the regression coefficients; this upper bound includes the upper bound given in Dey and Mukerjee (2006) obtained through diagonal C-matrices. Because of the fact that a smaller class of C-matrices was used at the intermediate stage where the replication numbers were fixed, ultimately some optimal designs remained unidentified there. These designs have been identified here and thereby the conjecture made in Dey and Mukerjee (2006) has been settled. 相似文献
On the comparison of the Fisher information of the log-normal and generalized Rayleigh distributions
Surles and Padgett recently considered two-parameter Burr Type X distribution by introducing a scale parameter and called it the generalized Rayleigh distribution. It is observed that the generalized Rayleigh and log-normal distributions have many common properties and both distributions can be used quite effectively to analyze skewed data set. In this paper, we mainly compare the Fisher information matrices of the two distributions for complete and censored observations. Although, both distributions may provide similar data fit and are quite similar in nature in many aspects, the corresponding Fisher information matrices can be quite different. We compute the total information measures of the two distributions for different parameter ranges and also compare the loss of information due to censoring. Real data analysis has been performed for illustrative purposes. 相似文献
金晓冬 《甘肃联合大学学报(社会科学版)》2008,24(1):58-61
本文从高新技术企业所特有的资产结构,股本结构和财务指标分析入手,结合高新技术企业的特点,针对高新技术企业的规模、所处不同生命周期等因素的影响,就如何构建其基本的财务管理目标及框架从而实现股东价值最大化或者企业价值最大化进行阐述和探讨。 相似文献
利用语音信号的短时平稳特性,提出了一种二阶特征窗语音盲分离方法。该方法采用新的联合差分相关矩阵白化算法去除有色噪声影响;用长度等于语音信号基音周期的等距特征窗连续分割预白化观测数据,在每个加窗的数据帧计算不同的时滞协方差矩阵。利用联合近似对角化时滞协方差矩阵集合得到旋转参数,最终达到语音信号的盲分离。该方法消除了有色噪声的影响,只需用到二阶信息就能很好地分离语音信号。仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
研究复杂动力学网络的同步牵制控制问题.通过引入牵制控制,对具有大规模节点网络中的小部分节点实施线性反馈控制策略,使得整个网络的所有节点均达到同步.针对一类一致连结的耦合复杂网络模型,采用线性矩阵不等式的方法给出了实施牵制控制达到同步的充分条件.该条件表明,选择牵制异质网络中度较大的节点可能更容易使得网络实现同步.特别地,对于特定的内部耦合矩阵和足够大的耦合强度,只要对网络中任一节点实施牵制控制就可以保证整个网络同步的实现.数值仿真验证了上述结论的有效性. 相似文献
冯艳刚 《石家庄铁道学院学报(社会科学版)》2014,(3):1-7
研究对象为任意节点连接和任意支撑的平面框架。一般梁单元由等截面直杆及其杆端的轴向弹簧、切向弹簧和转动弹簧组成,推导得到此类单元的刚度矩阵、单元在8种基本荷载作用下的等效节点荷载。采用Matlab语言编写了适用于一般节点非线性连接框架的静力分析程序,非线性形式为指数函数或多项式函数,可以得到结构不同连接刚度下的节点位移、杆端位移和杆端力。算例显示出节点柔度对结构受力和变形的影响。 相似文献
对于n秩单李代数g,当采用Dynkin关于素根的分类时,其不可约表示可以用n个非负整数Λ_(αi)标记,也可通过初等表示的权用数组li来标记。利用Cartan逆矩阵,我们给出了计算Λ_(α_i)与li之间关系的方法。对于B_n、C_n、D_n和F_4,利用Cartan逆矩阵证明了这些li是与采用Cartan关于素根的分类时的Λi是一致的。 相似文献
Matrix-analytic Models and their Analysis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Søren Asmussen 《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》2000,27(2):193-226
We survey phase-type distributions and Markovian point processes, aspects of how to use such models in applied probability calculations and how to fit them to observed data. A phase-type distribution is defined as the time to absorption in a finite continuous time Markov process with one absorbing state. This class of distributions is dense and contains many standard examples like all combinations of exponential in series/parallel. A Markovian point process is governed by a finite continuous time Markov process (typically ergodic), such that points are generated at a Poisson intensity depending on the underlying state and at transitions; a main special case is a Markov-modulated Poisson process. In both cases, the analytic formulas typically contain matrix-exponentials, and the matrix formalism carried over when the models are used in applied probability calculations as in problems in renewal theory, random walks and queueing. The statistical analysis is typically based upon the EM algorithm, viewing the whole sample path of the background Markov process as the latent variable. 相似文献
In this article, we present a principal component Liu-type estimator (LTE) by combining the principal component regression (PCR) and LTE to deal with the multicollinearity problem. The superiority of the new estimator over the PCR estimator, the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) and the LTE are studied under the mean squared error matrix. The selection of the tuning parameter in the proposed estimator is also discussed. Finally, a numerical example is given to explain our theoretical results. 相似文献