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大学生正处于世界观、人生观、价值观形成的关键时期,迫切需要先进典型的感召与引领、崇高精神的激励与熏陶。高校应结合当前学雷锋活动情况,创新学习教育内容,加强开展学雷锋活动意义、雷锋先进事迹和雷锋精神内涵的教育:采取丰富多彩的形式,在学习教育活动、校园文化建设和志愿者服务实践中,大力弘扬和积极践行雷锋精神;完善科学高效机制,构建和完善常态化组织领导、政策制度和科学评价机制,推动学雷锋活动常态化,使高校在学雷锋活动中始终走在全社会的前列。  相似文献   
By considering uncertainty in the attributes common methods cannot be applicable in data clustering. In the recent years, many researches have been done by considering fuzzy concepts to interpolate the uncertainty. But when data elements attributes have probabilistic distributions, the uncertainty cannot be interpreted by fuzzy theory. In this article, a new concept for clustering of elements with predefined probabilistic distributions for their attributes has been proposed, so each observation will be as a member of a cluster with special probability. Two metaheuristic algorithms have been applied to deal with the problem. Squared Euclidean distance type has been considered to calculate the similarity of data elements to cluster centers. The sensitivity analysis shows that the proposed approach will converge to the classic approaches results when the variance of each point tends to be zero. Moreover, numerical analysis confirms that the proposed approach is efficient in clustering of probabilistic data.  相似文献   
Although estimating the five parameters of an unknown Generalized Normal Laplace (GNL) density by minimizing the distance between the empirical and true characteristic functions seems appealing, the approach cannot be advocated in practice. This conclusion is based on extensive numerical simulations in which a fast minimization procedure delivers deceiving estimators with values that are quite far away from the truth. These findings can be predicted by the very large values obtained for the true asymptotic variances of the estimators of the five parameters of the true GNL density.  相似文献   
A multiple state repetitive group sampling (MSRGS) plan is developed on the basis of the coefficient of variation (CV) of the quality characteristic which follows a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance. The optimal plan parameters of the proposed plan are solved by a nonlinear optimization model, which satisfies the given producer's risk and consumer's risk at the same time and minimizes the average sample number required for inspection. The advantages of the proposed MSRGS plan over the existing sampling plans are discussed. Finally an example is given to illustrate the proposed plan.  相似文献   
Given k( ? 3) independent normal populations with unknown means and unknown and unequal variances, a single-stage sampling procedure to select the best t out of k populations is proposed and the procedure is completely independent of the unknown means and the unknown variances. For various combinations of k and probability requirement, tables of procedure parameters are provided for practitioners.  相似文献   
教学督导制度在高校中的构建及其运行模式浅析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教学督导制度的建立对高校完善教学管理体制、加强教学质量监控、促进教学质量提高发挥了重要作用。本文从教学督导制度的建立背景和意义入手,阐述了教学督导机构建立的优势和特点,研究了教学督导工作运行模式及其职能,提出了在教学督导实践中应正确处理教学督导运行模式中几方面关系,分析了教学督导工作的今后探索方向,以便进一步完善教学督导制度,为高校教学督导工作目标的实现提出新的思路。  相似文献   
在经历了长期高速增长后,中国经济步入新的发展阶段.目前,经济下行压力增大,传统制造业产能严重过剩,货币宽松产生的大量流动性不仅没有有效流入实体经济,反倒推高了先行经济领域价格.随着人均收入水平提高,消费结构升级,供给结构与需求结构的矛盾加剧,要求加快产业结构调整,而在调结构中,又面临着多重经济悖论并存的局面.与此同时,国际经贸规则正在深刻变迁;美国强力推行遏制中国的亚太战略,推动制造业回流,加速了全球价值链重构,使进入中国市场的部分外商投资撤离风险上升;日本实行的安倍经济学效果存疑,英国脱欧加剧了欧盟的不稳定性,使欧盟经济进一步雪上加霜,日欧经济颓势短期无法改变.内外部经济环境的变化给中国带来新的挑战和机遇.中国要实现经济转型升级,跨越中等收入陷阱,必须统筹国内经济政策,实行政策之间的联动,通过供给侧改革,提升全要素生产率,增加有效供给,助推经济结构调整,完善开放型经济体制.  相似文献   
行业特色高校学科发展模式:美国一流大学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特色学科是差异化战略的具体体现,是行业特色高校核心竞争力的核心要素和集中体现。在美国保持特色优势是行业特色高校的立校之本,其学科发展有均衡发展与重点突破,有限发展与综合发展,学科交叉、协同发展几种典型模式。就我国而言多学科交叉协同、非均衡发展模式是行业特色高校的强校之路。成都理工大学“恃优先行,以点带面;以优促精,全面提高”的学科发展模式正是国内行业特色高校发展的典型案例。  相似文献   
大力加强实验、实践教学改革是质量工程的重要内容,也是就业市场的客观要求。吉林师范大学借鉴教师教育专业学生职业技能训练的理念并参照职业院校学技能训练的模式,结合课程内容和就业市场,构建了具有我校人才培养特色的环境工程专业学生职业技能训练体系。通过几年的探索与实践,提高了学生工程实践和创新能力,得到了用人单位的好评。  相似文献   
绿色大学评价指标体系研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
构建评价指标体系是评价绿色大学的前提。采用目标层、准则层、指标层三层结构,从绿色教育、绿色校园、绿色科研、绿色实践、绿色办学5个方面,构建了绿色大学的评价指标体系。本文提出了百分制权重加和评价方法,并将权重加和分值划分为5个等级。  相似文献   
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