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长期以来,人们一直按照一源论的观点,认为中华民族文化和中华文明起源于黄河流域,北方民族的族源及其文化都是从中原地区传播而来,实际上,北方以及东北地区也是中华人类和文明发源地之一;以往的北方民族史研究,常常割断北方民族发展的继承性和连续性,把各个断代时期的某一民族,都说成是从原始野蛮时期开始,一步一步走过来,造成每个民族发展过程中的不断从头开始,实际上,北方民族发展已经形成自己的序列,发展水平具有一定的继承性和连续性,每个朝代都有新的发展和变化,并不是每一个朝代都从头开始;北方民族在发展过程中多次实现北方的统一,对中国的大统一以及中国北方疆域的奠定、巩固和开发都起到了极其重要的作用,因此,北方民族对中国历史发展的贡献不能低估。  相似文献   
重庆市图书馆典藏有一部明刻本《永乐北藏》,卷帙完整、刊刻精良、品相上乘,诚为镇馆之宝,具有珍贵的文献价值、学术价值和艺术价值。该套《北藏》为近代著名佛学居士程德全所迎请,后由当地政府赠与本馆。本文通过追溯程氏与佛教渊源及《北藏》入藏本馆经过,旨在正本清源,纪念程氏修佛、弘法之善举。同时,通过翻检子目,详考序跋题记,考释钤印,试图阐述此部藏经之版本特征,以彰显其独特历史文化价值。  相似文献   
19世纪现实主义掀起了美国文学的第一次浪潮。这一时期,产生了豪威尔斯、马克·吐温、亨利·詹姆斯等享有国际盛名的作家。他们摒弃了浪漫主义创作原则,突破了关国文学的"欧洲化"局限,使美国文学跃上了一座高峰。同时,美国19世纪现实主义文学呈现了多元化景观况,产生了乡土文学、心理现实主义、自然主义等流派。这些流派以美国式的表达和美国式的主题构建了美国民族文学,成为民族文学的真正开端。  相似文献   
诸葛亮北伐问题历史上一向争议很大,进而对诸葛亮的才能问题也众说纷纭。本文通过分析当时蜀汉与曹魏的形势对比、诸葛亮的北伐动机,指出无论在公在私,诸葛亮都有不得不北伐的动因;且在北伐战争的初期如果策略得当,的确有胜利的希望,而不能单纯以兵力数量为战争胜负的决定因素。导致诸葛亮北伐战争的失败有诸多原因,但诸葛亮个人军事才能的平庸以及用人上的失误的确是不可否认的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
18世纪朝鲜北学思想堪称朝鲜走向近代社会的前奏.它主要是在部分朝鲜入华燕行使臣深切感受到清初中国政治稳定、人民生活繁盛、文化事业发达的过程中逐渐形成的,更准确地说是在使臣为解决其传统华夷观与现实所产生的矛盾中,在其"攘清夷"观逐渐被打破的过程中形成的.虽然它率先提出打破"华夷之辨"的口号,但根本上还是对中国传统儒家文化认同的一种回归.  相似文献   
小学阶段是学生接触知识的起始阶段,小学教育的效果如何对受教育者来说其影响往往是终身的.发生在中国和美国两个相距半个多世纪的小学教学案例,说明两国教育理念的巨大差别.我们应该反思我们的应试教育,借鉴美国的教育思想,开展我们以人为本的素质教育.  相似文献   
朝鲜战争爆发,美国决策层对之作出迅速反应,然而对其干涉限度意见不一。战争限度问题成为杜鲁门政府和麦克阿瑟争执的焦点所在。以麦克阿瑟的解职为结局的事实,一方面反映了美国决策层内部矛盾发展的必然走向,另一方面也反映了美国政府执行的“有限战争”不仅符合冷战国际背景下美国全球战略的需要,而且也是美国政府和人民最易接受的理性选择。  相似文献   
1926年7月正式发动的北伐战争,是中国乃至世界军事史上最辉煌的战事之一。它的发动不是偶然的,至少具备以下条件:1.各种政治力量尤其是国共两党对北伐的认同。2.广东国民革命根据地的统一和巩固。3.民众运动营造的有利社会环境。4.北洋军阀各派系间的战争和兵变提供的时机。5.苏联政府的帮助。  相似文献   
This article responds to calls in this journal for increased attention to identity, culture, power and sport. It explores, for the first time, the lived realities of identity politics in a divided society, through interviews with 12 self-declared Irish nationalists and republicans that represented Northern Ireland. Important insights are revealed into national eligibility decisions for either Irish team, motivated mainly by ‘shop window’ visibility and being seen as the best of a peer group. Political and sporting nationalisms were not necessarily analogous. A significant original finding is that the lived experiences of being closer to ‘the other’ resulted in an overall reinforcement rather than dissolution of difference. Visual and oral ‘national’ symbols such as flag, and especially anthem, delineated such difference, being symbolic walls of the mind. ‘Our wee country’ was thus a polarised and polarising fantasy shield. The article concludes by reconsidering the role of sport as a lens through which to examine identity and its’ place as part of the ‘problem’ and ‘solution’.  相似文献   
Whereas the sample composition biases of web surveys have been discussed extensively for developed countries, studies for developing countries are scarce. This article helps to fill that gap by comparing similar non-probability-based web surveys (WEB) and probability-based face-to-face (F2F) surveys both to each other and to the labor force. An analysis of WageIndicator data on work and wages derived from surveys held in 2009–2013 in 10 developing countries (WEB-sample N = 9135; F2F-sample N = 14,659), shows that F2F samples resemble the labor force to a larger extent than web samples do. In both cases, individuals in their 20s and early 30s are overrepresented, and younger and older respondents are underrepresented. This trend is more pronounced in WEB than in F2F samples. However, the differences converge in countries with higher Internet usage. A comparison of the WEB and F2F samples shows that compositions differ greatly, with web respondents being younger, more often male, more often living alone, and higher educated, although these differences are smaller in countries with higher Internet usage. Given the cost differences between the two survey modes, one should nevertheless consider the potential of web surveys as an instrument to gain explorative insights, specifically when searching for individuals with particular characteristics.  相似文献   
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