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费耶阿本德在他的《反对方法》一书中,从多种角度论证了他的多元主义方法论,对科学哲学中的非理性思想和相对主义思想作了进一步的发展。其中,在他的反归纳原则中,他论证的一个重要角度就是对经验事实的再考察,从而得出了理论多元化的思想。  相似文献   
凌濛初<转运汉巧遇洞庭红>通过对金老汉藏财失财和文若虚随人出海,两次巧遇发财机会陡然暴富故事的描写,反映了明代中叶以后商业发展的具体场景,反映了关于相互需求的贸易原理和资本增殖的思想.通过文若虚形象的塑造,反映了作者经商和为人相统一的思想.从故事可知,明中叶后商业发展已经有了一定的规模和规范,但也还有一些不利于商业贸易更大发展的因素,如储运和金融手段的滞后等.  相似文献   
美国从1980年启动了“美国能源教育开发”项目,从不同层面开展对国民的能源教育,由此构建了覆盖全国的能源教育体系,找到了应对能源危机的教育途径,在提高国民的能源意识、增强国民的节能技术和节能自觉性,化解能源危机等方面取得了显著成就。美国能源教育开发的经验值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   
王国维在小说批评方面的代表作是《〈红楼梦〉评论》。其中运用的进化的文学史、严格的逻辑推理、艺术的审美理论为近代小说批评方法提供了借鉴  相似文献   
《马端肃公诗集》是明代中期著名政治家马文升的诗集,白寿彝先生在其主编的《回族人物志》中认为该诗集已经佚失。其实,《马端肃公诗集》自明代万历十八年(1590)刊刻后就一直在流传,并于20世纪初收藏在南京图书馆。笔者试对《马端肃公诗集》的刊刻、流传情况及价值作一考论。  相似文献   
A Bayesian approach is presented for detecting influential observations using general divergence measures on the posterior distributions. A sampling-based approach using a Gibbs or Metropolis-within-Gibbs method is used to compute the posterior divergence measures. Four specific measures are proposed, which convey the effects of a single observation or covariate on the posterior. The technique is applied to a generalized linear model with binary response data, an overdispersed model and a nonlinear model. An asymptotic approximation using Laplace method to obtain the posterior divergence is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
理查兹(1893—1981)是本世纪初英国著名的文学批评家。本文旨在考查他的作者心理经验论。理查兹倡导了后来美国的新批评派所极力推崇的“细读”式批评。他认为作品只不过是读者进入作者心灵的窗口。由于读者文学水准的高低不一,所以,读者的看法不能作为评价文学的标准。理查兹把作者的心理经验看成是衡量读者“期待视野”的标尺。理查兹对绝对标准的关注,使其理论带有明显的客观主义和实证主义的色彩;同时他对心理因素的兴趣也使他的理论具有人文主义和心理主义的内涵。  相似文献   
Seduced by the elegance, sophistication and jargon characteristic of new developments in applied research, practicing evaluators are in danger of becoming distracted from achievement of their evaluative goal: that of providing timely, reliable and useful data to program management to facilitate rational data-based decision-making. To avoid such seduction, the author advocates adaptation of simple, inexpensive and efficient evaluative methods tailored to organizational needs and presentation of findings in language readily understood by constituent groups. Likewise, insistance by evaluators upon maintenance of a strict role boundary — that is, limiting role functioning exclusively to those tasks considered evaluation — may be dysfunctional. Rather than detract from accomplishment of his goals, the author maintains that such participation allows development of skills, insights and staff relationships which enhance the evaluator's effective functioning within the organizational context and contribute to organizational acceptance and use of his evaluative results.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate one phase of a statewide program of deinstitutionalizing developmentally disabled individuals. Forty adults who had spent a minimum of six months in community placements were evaluated with respect to changes in behavior associated with movement out of state institutions and into community settings such as group homes and day activity centers. Pre- and post-deinstitutionalization measures were taken with the Behavior Development Survey. Post-deinstitutionalization measures on Cataldo and Risley's Resident Activity Manifest were compared to the same measures obtained on 159 developmentally disabled individuals scheduled for deinstitutionalization. A consistent pattern of positive changes on both instruments favored deinstitutionalization, but changes could not be unequivocally attributed to movement out of the institutions per se.  相似文献   
1909年北京学界于六国饭店公宴伯希和是早期敦煌学史上的一桩标志性事件,学者们对此多有考订。根据新公布的《江瀚日记》影印本,可确认公宴时间为1909年10月4日,另外此次公宴的参会人员有18人,包括王国维,此日记为考察王国维与早期敦煌学之间的学术因缘提供了珍贵史料。此次公宴原本具有双重意图,既有对外联络西方学者、推动敦煌文献刊布的目的,也有对内促成学部、京师大学堂的主事官员同意购买、保存劫余敦煌写卷的用意。  相似文献   
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