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家事诉讼程序相对于普通民事诉讼程序和非讼程序具有其特殊性,随着案件受理范围的越来越广,数量越来越多,现行的立法体制与司法实践已不能满足我国家事纠纷处理的现实需要。对家事诉讼程序进行系统的研究,反思我国家事案件审判的现状,针对不同案件类型设计不同的程序,进而构建具有中国特色的家事诉讼特别程序,有助于为司法专业化分工提供可行的参考方案,也将对改变家事诉讼程序规定的零散化和不完备化,促进我国审判制度改革,完善我国民事诉讼法律制度有所裨益。  相似文献   
当前中国环境司法的专门化发展尚处在起步阶段,表现为环保法庭纷纷设立并呈现“过度”量化表征。与环境司法专门化配套的保障机制建设却相对滞后,环境司法专门化运行开始偏离制度初衷,面临突出矛盾和重重难题,导致其价值与功能未能实际发挥。针对环保需求和纠纷数量日益增长的客观现实,必须正视和反思当前环境司法专门化发展所面临的机制性障碍,以保护环境资源与维护环境权益为逻辑基点,从宏观理念、中观程序以及微观职责等方面进行制度突破和完善,促进专门化环境司法的纵深发展。  相似文献   
Despite the anticipation that the legal system would be able to offer a civilized and institutionalized means in settling the infringement of homeowners' property and consumer rights, empirical evidence has instead indicated a decline in the employment of litigation in dispute resolution. This paper attempts to examine the complex interaction between the rule of law and homeowner activism in upholding their rights. Information on property related litigation was collected from online court rulings in Shanghai which is supplemented with in-depth interviews with homeowner activists who were involved in litigation. In this paper, the rule of law in China is analysed within a wider socio-political context of neighbourhood governance and the emerging civil society. Despite the inadequacy in the legal system in protecting homeowners' rights, empirical evidence has shown that homeowner activists have explored the legal system, not just as a means of redress but also to employ creatively as part of their action strategy in settling their problems outside the court.  相似文献   
文章运用系统论的观点和写作思维的原理,分析诉讼文书结构思维操作的内容、过程、方法和原则,结合"非构思"写作理论探讨诉讼写作结构思维的规律。认为诉讼写作根本的相似思维方法所形成的三段论推理思路及其文本化的"递进"、"并列"思维模型深入揭示了诉讼写作结构思维的主要操作规律,对诉讼写作有积极的指导意义;但是,影响诉讼文章主体部分章法安排的因素众多,实现"非构思"写作有较高的难度,是否需要构思,应当因人而异。  相似文献   
在反垄断行政机关执法之后提起的民事诉讼中,司法机关应当认可并尊重行政机关的执法结果。而对于直接提起的反垄断民事诉讼,若是由于行政机关认定经营者不构成垄断,当事人对此认定不服而直接向人民法院起诉的,司法机关应当不允许当事人就同一事由提起诉讼;若是当事人不经行政机关执法而直接提起的民事诉讼,司法机关应当与行政机关建立起信息披露制度,以细化互相之间的分工与合作,避免司法资源的浪费。  相似文献   
孙蕾 《学术探索》2013,(10):35-37
诉讼契约是诉讼当事人之间意思自治的产物,应具有合法性;当基于诉讼契约而受益的一方提出抗辩时,诉讼契约应对人民法院产生直接的拘束力.人民法院不能武断地认定诉讼契约为无效,或者虽有效但其对人民法院不产生任何的拘束力.  相似文献   
The late Professor Derrick Bell is renowned as the intellectual architect who drafted the blueprints that guided the initial development of critical race theory (CRT). Prior to the advent of CRT, Professor Bell wrote extensively on initiatives designed to improve the lives of African Americans. Among his most influential scholarship, ‘Serving Two Masters’ from the 1976 Yale Law Review emerged as a seminal foundational piece for CRT. We found that Bell’s post-Brown litigation and frustrations were captured in several powerful law review journals from 1970–1976. During this time, he wrote extensively on minority admissions programs, school litigation strategies, racial remediation, equal employment, and of course the Brown decision and its aftermath. These early works attended to the details of how legal remediation for racism in various forms could be considered and approached, but more often were ignored and denied. These same works showed the contradictions built into legal strategies. By working through the details of specific racial remediation strategies, Derrick Bell realized the ubiquity of the negative influences of post-Brown integration goals in all aspects of African American life, including the law. His seminal 1976 Yale Law Review piece emerged not from theory, per se, but from very specific engagements with reasoning about post-Brown policies and practices that failed to serve the interests of most African American families. For Bell, hope seemed to wax and wane as clarity emerged. This article analyses Bell’s law review articles that were published between 1970 and 1976, when he began full-fledged writing that ultimately provided a blueprint for the CRT movement in the academy.  相似文献   
虚假诉讼是指行为人为了谋取非法利益,采取虚构事实、伪造证据或贿赂法官等方式,通过单纯民事诉讼、刑事附带民事诉讼或行政诉讼,侵害他人合法权益情节严重的行为.虚假诉讼可以按照主观目的不同划分为谋取非财产利益型和谋取财产利益型.谋取非财产利益型按照具体的情形具体处理即可.谋取财产利益型应按照分工不同分别评价:当事人欺骗法官时,行为应该认定为诈骗罪;当事人与法官合谋时,行为应该认定为敲诈勒索罪.另外,当法官主动参与虚假诉讼时,法官与当事人构成共同犯罪.  相似文献   
内地和澳门属于中国一个国家内的两个法域,两地由于历史和现实的原因,在民事时效法律制度上存在较大的差异.无论是在民事时效制度的立法模式、适用范围,还是在法律效果等方面均有不同的法律规定,研究这种差异,协调矛盾,互相借鉴,让两地的民事时效法律制度为经济建设服务,促进两地的经济交流.  相似文献   
试论奥林匹克标志权的保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文试先论述奥林匹克标志的权利保护范围 ,进而以我国目前奥林匹克标志保护的主体法《奥林匹保护条例》为主要对象 ,进一步说明现行立法中奥林匹克标志侵权认定的构成要件及其存在的问题、建立次侵权制裁制度以完善打击奥林匹克侵权、奥林匹克标志起诉中的诉权竞合问题及立法完善的建议  相似文献   
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