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A novel method was used to incorporate in vivo host–pathogen dynamics into a new robust outbreak model for legionellosis. Dose‐response and time‐dose‐response (TDR) models were generated for Legionella longbeachae exposure to mice via the intratracheal route using a maximum likelihood estimation approach. The best‐fit TDR model was then incorporated into two L. pneumophila outbreak models: an outbreak that occurred at a spa in Japan, and one that occurred in a Melbourne aquarium. The best‐fit TDR from the murine dosing study was the beta‐Poisson with exponential‐reciprocal dependency model, which had a minimized deviance of 32.9. This model was tested against other incubation distributions in the Japan outbreak, and performed consistently well, with reported deviances ranging from 32 to 35. In the case of the Melbourne outbreak, the exponential model with exponential dependency was tested against non‐time‐dependent distributions to explore the performance of the time‐dependent model with the lowest number of parameters. This model reported low minimized deviances around 8 for the Weibull, gamma, and lognormal exposure distribution cases. This work shows that the incorporation of a time factor into outbreak distributions provides models with acceptable fits that can provide insight into the in vivo dynamics of the host‐pathogen system.  相似文献   
殷墟卜 辞命辞中的“亡(彳)”一词,丁山先生释读为“无尤”.半个世纪以来,学术界并无异议.近年来有学者提出新说,认为“(彳)”字应该是“拇”字的表意初文;又据声韵将其读作“吝”,“亡(彳)”就是《周易》、《归藏》等卜筮类文献的“无吝”.这个词汇在殷墟卜辞中出现频率很高,且与卜辞释读关系甚大,因此仍有进一步讨论的必要.分析该字字形以及“无吝”一词产生年代,此新说不能成立,丁山先生将“亡(彳)”释读为“无尤”应是可信的.  相似文献   
传承传统重义轻利观念的大学教育,对学生的财富意识具有极大的压抑作用。改革开放以来,一部分人陷入拜金主义的泥潭,一部分人则保持着"饿死事小失节事大"的极端思想。调查的结果令人担忧,大学生财商整体水平较低。对大学生进行财商教育,是实现教育"使人更幸福地生活"目的之必然要求。  相似文献   
在问题类型划分方法的视野下,犯罪概念问题应该属于纯粹刑法学问题中的解释选择问题,但刑法学界以往有关犯罪概念的讨论却大多将其作为刑法问题中的价值判断问题。由于未能妥当确定犯罪概念的问题类型,从而使学界有关犯罪概念的讨论未能达成最低限度的学术共识。作为纯粹刑法学问题中的解释选择问题,形式与实质相结合的混合犯罪概念不存在被替代的必要性,而犯罪概念也不应被规定在刑法典中。  相似文献   
本文归纳总结了切实发挥大众传媒思想政治教育功能应遵循的基本原则,深入分析当前我国发挥大众传媒思想政治教育功能的现状、存在的主要问题以及导致这些问题的原因,并进而深入挖掘隐藏在这些问题背后的深层次制约因素,提出了如何充分发挥大众传媒思想政治教育功能的对策性意见。  相似文献   
学分绩点制是一种能客观衡量学生学习质量的教学管理制度。学分绩点制在武汉地区七校联合办学实践中的应用,为联合办学的可持续发展提供了有益的探索。  相似文献   
关于隋唐时期道教在传统数学领域作出的贡献,学术界已有较多的探讨,然仍显不足。要言之,隋唐道教术数学派坚信术数与数学互为表里,通过"算"、"数"之共性将术数、数学融为一体,并以兼摄数学之术数求道证道。这些思想使得其自身在传统数学(包括天文历算)的理论和实践上作出了一定的贡献,也影响了传统数学的精神气质和发展趋势。而道教术数学派在术数、数学上的研究,对道教自身的发展也有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Developing faculty interested in aging may help social work meet the needs of our growing aging population. However, doctoral students need a variety of supports to complete PhDs and become gerontological social work faculty. This study explored one program’s role in supporting the development of social work doctoral students to faculty in gerontology. An e-mail invitation was sent to all former participants (2010–2016 cohorts) of the Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW) Pre-Dissertation Fellows Program (PDFP). The 38-question online survey consisted of Likert-type scales, multiple answers, and one open-ended question per section about the program’s impacts on their academic career development in teaching, research, mentoring, and support. Forty-five respondents, representing all six cohorts, completed the survey. More than half reported that the PDFP contributed to their ability to publish their research (64.4%, n = 29), grow their professional network (86.7%, n = 39, and teach (55.5%, n = 25). Doctoral programs provided different experiences than the PDFP, including mentoring, methodological training, professional development, networking, and peer support. Results suggest the PDFP provides content recipients value that supplements instruction received in their institutions. The program’s ability to connect students to each other and to national leaders enhances their career development and socialization into academic roles.  相似文献   
雍正初年,清世宗在钱塘江海塘修筑中提出了“一劳永逸”的目标,并且为实现治水目的,在意识形态层面将海塘工程纳人到了“天人感应”理念的范畴。但是,“天神赐佑”、“非人力所能”与“一劳永逸”目标之间存在着明显的逻辑矛盾,从而对塘工修筑产生了深刻影响。意识形态与水利工程的交融,因此成为雍正朝治水政治的一大特点。  相似文献   
网络技术运用于高校思想政治教育,不仅丰富了思想政治教育的途径和方式,而且也有效地拓展了思想政治教育的空间。但是由于思想观念、技术水平的差异性,网络为思想政治教育提供的手段并没有得到充分地开发利用。因此,大胆实施改革创新,不断完善网络教育手段和方式,是促使思想政治教育功能得以最大程度发挥的重要基础。  相似文献   
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