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崇信义塾是近代西方新教差会在中国创办的最早一批新式学校之一,同时也是民国时期著名基督教大学——之江大学的前身。该学校自1845年由美国长老会宁波差会初创,至1867年迁杭,更名育英义塾,发展到后来的育英书院,乃至最后升格为之江大学。其办学形态经历了从小学程度、中学程度直至大学程度的进化转变,实可作为基督教教育在华嬗变发展的生动诠释。此外,崇信义塾办学的诸多方面,如招生、师资队伍、课程设置、教学管理、日常运行、经费收支等,都在当时的差会学校中具有鲜明的代表性。可以说,崇信义塾的办学历史,无论是在中国近代基督教教育史的发展脉络上,还是差会学校早期本土化进程中都具有典型性特点。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国民营企业得到了长足发展,已成为我国经济发展的新的增长点。但民营企业在其发展过程中也遇到了一些问题,尤其是人力资源管理问题,已成为制约民营企业发展的瓶颈。因此,如何提高民营企业人力资源的管理水平,是当前我国民营企业发展亟需解决的重大问题。本文列举了民营企业在人力资源管理方面存在的问题,并提出了解决人力资源管理问题的一系列对策。  相似文献   
改革开放30多年来,作为极具活力的经济增长极,民营经济在推动自主创新、提高国内生产总值、增加财政收入、缓解就业压力等方面发挥了不可替代的作用,其已逐渐成为中国经济发展的重要支柱。然而,从宏观层面看,制度不完善导致民营经济市场准入不尽规范,融资阻碍多,无法与国有经济享有平等的市场地位;从微观视域来看,我国民营企业生产长期处于产业链的低端,民营经济迫切需要升级和转型。"十二五"时期是我国深化改革、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚阶段。在新的历史起点上,民营经济应在深化认识国家政策动向的基础上准确定位,寻找包括管理战略、发展战略、融资战略、人才战略等在内的合理的战略转型模式,提升其在新时期的核心竞争力。  相似文献   
自创业板市场开启以来,我国私募股权基金与创业板市场双双得到长足发展。相对于创业板市场,私募股权基金无疑是天使,促进了创业板市场的发展与完善。然而,行业的无序竞争、普通合伙人融资困难、基金投资短视等弊端暴露了我国私募股权基金行业法制建设落后、监管制度不健全、配套机制建设滞后等问题,中国私募股权基金第一弊案正是这些问题的集中反映。天使在某种情况下也会变成魔鬼,不健全的私募股权基金将会严重损害创业板市场的发展。对此,我国应当通过构建完备的法律体系、强化监管制度、推动配套机制建设等多种方式,促使私募股权基金与创业板市场的协调发展。  相似文献   
早在春秋时代的越国就有一些精于经商之道的人;唐代从事商业者,有商贾之别;到明清时期便涌现出以地域联系为特征的各式商人集团,鼎足相拥的无非晋商、浙江宁绍商和徽商。其中宁绍商开设的钱庄和晋商经营的票号犹如浩瀚夜空里璀璨的双子星座。钱庄和票号的起源虽然有别,业务经营的走向上却逐步趋同,可谓"异源同业",成为华夏商业发展史尤其是金融发展史上的重要里程碑。  相似文献   
私塾教育,在明代发展到了前所未有的鼎盛时期。尤其是科举体制的相对开放,与政府社会教化政策的大力推行,私塾的分布与发展,也呈现出更为纵深化的发展趋势,并日渐成为明代私学中的一个主体部分。私塾的这种纵深化发展,不仅促动了社会基础教育的发展与兴盛,也促动了塾师职业群体人数与社会规模的极大增长。不过,这种增长在很大程度上已远远超出了私塾及其对塾师社会需求的增长速度,而呈现出了一种供大于求的相对失衡的社会局面。  相似文献   
张品 《社会工作》2012,(3):83-87
本文在研究天津民办博物馆产业化发展现状的基础上,针对天津民办博物馆产业化发展的问题,提出政府干预,民办博物馆经营和管理的产业化,以及开发多渠道营销是天津民办博物馆实施产业化发展的主要策略。  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to present the results of an international study on outreach approaches in the private domain in social work with a focus on moral dilemmas. The reason to start the study was to investigate if a trend in Dutch social work toward outreach approaches can be recognized in other European countries and what can be learned from other outreach practices. First, a definition of outreach approaches in the private domain was discussed. Next, data were collected by interviews with social workers in four different countries, executed by social work students and researchers. Although no evidence was found that outreach approaches in other countries than the Netherlands are increasing, many similarities were found in social workers' interpretation of their outreach work. All the interviewees emphasized that outreach approaches are intended for excluded people who are at risk or a risk and who are not in contact with social services. All workers stress the importance of gaining trust and staying in touch. A dilemma is that workers often find themselves between two fires. They tend to give priority to the relation with the client and accept that this can contradict rules of organizations or society.  相似文献   
The starting point for this paper is that bodies give substance to citizenship and that citizenship matters for bodies. However, the growing literatures on the body and on citizenship rarely 'speak to each other' in any straightforward sense. Feminist theory has made a significant contribution to both fields of thought,but once again the connections between these fields tend to be passing and underdeveloped. Feminist literature on citizenship – for example in discussions of participation – increasingly offers a critique of the model of the disembodied (supposedly universal) citizen as exclusionary and advocates taking bodies seriously (Lister; Yuval-Davis). Yet bodies appear in such discussions in quite limited ways and remain instrumentally conceived. On the other hand,the growing work on the body fromcontemporary feminist theorists has designated the body a political site par excellence (Grosz). Nevertheless, these writings are typically relatively abstract and philosophical, tend to perceive corporeal politics in circumscribed ways, and are positioned at a distance from political theorizing about implications for citizenship. We intend to consider how to flesh out the bodily element in feminist citizenship literature and how to interrogate the contextual sociality of the political in recent feminist theorizing of the body, in order to suggest ways of thinking about citizen bodies and related future directions for policy-making.  相似文献   
伴随着国际社会国际私法的改革浪潮,台湾地区国际私法立法的演进表现出从结构的简单向复杂方向发展、从范围的狭义涉外民事关系向涉外民商事关系方向发展、从法律适用的不平等向平等方向发展、从法律选择的僵硬向灵活方向发展等趋势。  相似文献   
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