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近代来华西方传教士对中国溺婴现象的认识与批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代来华西方传教士对中国溺婴现象给予了广泛的关注并对其进行大量的报道。传教士们普遍认为溺婴在中国各地广泛发生,他们还较为深入地调查了溺婴发生的原因、世人对溺婴的态度及溺婴导致的影响;怀有文化优越感的传教士们还站在西方文明本位的立场对溺婴现象进行强烈的批判,并极力鼓吹基督教信仰根治论,体现了其潜在的殖民主义与东方主义色彩。  相似文献   
路畅  蒙克 《社会》2022,42(2):1-28
理性化在韦伯思想中占据着重要位置,然而韦伯对行政领域理性化(即官僚制的出现)的论述并没有像对经济领域理性化(即资本主义的诞生)的分析那般细致和系统,尤其是韦伯没有如揭示资本主义精神背后的加尔文宗教义那样,揭示官僚制的宗教伦理基础。通过重返被韦伯视为理性官僚制典型的普鲁士官僚制于17—19世纪的演变过程,可以发现路德宗虔敬主义在此扮演着重要角色,并且对普鲁士官僚制精神的兴衰起到了重要作用,由此可以启发我们从官僚化的价值伦理角度对韦伯的官僚制理论进行补充。  相似文献   
翻译和出版书籍,是美国新教传教士在华的一项重要文化活动。这些活动为近代中国人睁眼看世界,接触、比较与吸收西方现代文明的成果提供了一定的物质手段,并加速了中西文化交流的进程。但任何一种历史现象,都有其两面性。除了正确评价西方传教士在华文化活动的积极作用,我们还要对其带来的消极影响进行客观的评价。  相似文献   
Research indicates that conservative Protestants are highly supportive of corporal punishment. Yet, Americans’ support for this practice has waned during the past several decades. This study aggregates repeated cross-sectional data from the General Social Surveys (GSS) to consider three models that address whether attitudes toward spanking among conservative Protestants shifted relative to those of other Americans from 1986 to 2014. Although initial results reveal a growing gap between conservative Protestants and the broader American public, we find that average levels of support have remained most robust among less educated conservative Protestants, with some erosion among more highly educated conservative Protestants. Moreover, trends in variability suggest that conservative Protestants exhibit more cohesive support for this practice than do others. These results provide a window into the cultural contours of religious change and the social factors that facilitate such change.  相似文献   
形成于16世纪的基督新教伦理,深深植根于14-16世纪西欧生产方式、交换方式与社会交往形式深刻变化的土壤之中,其更直接的精神文化与价值观基础,则是欧洲文艺复兴运动基础上形成的人文主义精神。当前中国转型期伦理道德的建构,也必须顺应中国快速现代化的发展趋势,有效引导和规范人们的言行,为促进民主、法治、人权,建设良好社会风尚与秩序发挥积极作用。  相似文献   
16世纪的宗教改革对欧洲社会产生了深远的影响,同时它也是现代性的重要研究范畴。作为这一时期个人信仰遭遇选择困境的典型表现,圣巴托罗缪屠杀期间所发生的迪罗西耶改宗事件反映了在16世纪的法国,私人领域的信仰空间遭到了普遍的压制,宗教话语权被少数高级教士和宗教机构把持。与此同时,世俗政治的力量也凭借残存的领主-附庸体系控制着大批信众的个人信仰选择。然而这种困境也为世俗政治观念的兴起创造了契机:世俗政治力量的崛起提升了政治利益与政治价值观的重要性,从而削弱了宗教在社会上的主导地位。这一时期正是宗教话语权盛极而衰的分水岭,政治家派和绝对王权的崛起意味着法国开始了向近代国家转型的进程。  相似文献   
This paper is drawn from my doctoral thesis, which analyses similarities and differences in the social and religious attitudes of modern Catholic and Protestant (Church of Ireland) women in the Republic of Ireland.

My work is new in that it studies the attitudes of a female sample that is stratified according to religious tradition (Catholic/Protestant). The sample is also stratified by age (21–46/47–70 years) and location (rural/urban). Irish sociological and feminist scholarship has produced diverse work concerning many facets of Irish women's lives, but little research has specifically focused on the attitudes of Irish Protestant and Catholic women as distinct groups.

Qualitative and quantitative questionnaires were used to study the social and religious attitudes of respondents living in 12 counties throughout the Republic of Ireland. Twelve distinct attitudinal factors emerged from factor analysis. Themes contained in these factors included: 1. ?Perception's of social attitudes to women in Irish society

2. ?Attitudes to Article 41.2.1/2 of the 1937 Constitution1 41.2.1 “In particular, the State recognises that by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved.” View all notes 41.2.2 “The State shall, therefore, endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their duties in the home.” View all notes

3. ?Attitudes to maternal employment

4. ?Perception of the role of the Catholic/Protestant churches in women's lives

5. ?Religiosity

6. ?Attitudes to majority Catholic/minority Protestant status

7. ?Attitudes toward women clergy

8. ?Attitudes to moral issues (divorce and abortion)

9. ?Attitudes to Church influence in moral issues

The emergence of these factors are a significant contribution to sociological and feminist research because they have not previously been specifically researched from the perspective of Catholic and Protestant women.

The effects of religion, age and location on the 12 factors were then examined by means of analysis of variance, which identified those variables having significant main effects and interaction effects on respondent attitudes. Results emerging from percentage distributions and analysis of variance are presented for respondent attitudes to gender roles, maternal employment and perceptions of social attitudes towards women in Irish society.  相似文献   

清末天主教和新教在华传教活动的异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以法国和美国在中国的传教活动为例,选取几个不同角度考察了天主教和新教清末在华活动的异同,认为天主教和新教的历史渊源、社会背景所导致的不同属性是二者在华活动特点的最深刻导因。  相似文献   
论基督新教伦理的思想实质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基督新教及其伦理思想以世俗社会生活为基础。新教伦理的思想实质,就是在信仰范围内以隐蔽的方式关注和肯定人的智慧、尊严以及通过劳动来追求利润的必要性与合理性,由此反映出人道主义倾向。若忽略或否定新教及其伦理的这一思想实质,我们便难以正确认识它在欧洲近代社会中的作用和价值。  相似文献   
以民国时期四川著名的基督教领袖宋诚之为对象,考察其从官宦子弟成为教徒,晋升为主教的人生经历,分析其思想观念与地域环境、社会背景、时代变革之间的互动关系,探寻中国基督教在中西之间、传统与现实之间的交汇折中,借以丰富近代四川社会思潮的研究.  相似文献   
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