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本文着重讨论新研制的高温高压泥装旋转拈度、失水仪中步进电机微分技术,用以解决低转速下仪器的测量精度问题。  相似文献   
Estimating a curve nonparametrically from data measured with error is a difficult problem that has been studied by many authors. Constructing a consistent estimator in this context can sometimes be quite challenging, and in this paper we review some of the tools that have been developed in the literature for kernel‐based approaches, founded on the Fourier transform and a more general unbiased score technique. We use those tools to rederive some of the existing nonparametric density and regression estimators for data contaminated by classical or Berkson errors, and discuss how to compute these estimators in practice. We also review some mistakes made by those working in the area, and highlight a number of problems with an existing R package decon .  相似文献   
本文建立考虑产品差异的三阶段双寡头博弈模型:第一阶段政府选择R&D(Research and Development)补贴率,第二阶段企业确定自己的R&D水平,第三阶段企业确定产品价格进行伯川德竞争。根据双寡头在第二和第三阶段是否合作,给出了R&D竞争、R&D卡特尔、共同实验、技术共享联盟和研究共同体等五种R&D策略,得到了相应的政府最优R&D补贴率。研究表明,当技术溢出程度较低且产品水平差异不大时,政府给予采用R&D竞争策略企业的补贴率不高于采用R&D卡特尔策略的企业;当技术溢出程度较高且产品水平差异较大时,结果则相反。在政府进行最优补贴后,从促进技术进步、扩大企业规模以及社会福利最大化的角度来看,五种R&D策略中,共同实验最差,技术共享联盟和研究共同体则最优。  相似文献   
建国之初,上海旅馆存在着种种问题,亟待整顿与改造,政府主要对旅馆的建筑空间、经营主体、从业人员、消费内容、流动主顾五个方面,采取了整饬风气、整顿重组、改革陋规、改造思想、改善卫生、公私合营六种措施,进行全方位、多层次、立体化整顿与改造。从当时整顿和改造的效果而言,通过政府之努力,最终控制住了这一"半公共"空间:不仅维护了社会治安、改善了社会风气,而且调动了职工的生产积极性、增强了他们的主人翁精神和爱国爱岗情愫,同时也改变了旅馆业经营的萧条状况,促进了旅馆业的良性发展。  相似文献   
托尔金的语言观念根植于比较语文学及巴菲尔德的古代语义整体论,且形成了具有原创性的概念语言审美和天生语言,它们对传说故事集中的语言发明、神话创作和文本细节产生了巨大影响。  相似文献   
Variability explained by covariates or explained variance is a well‐known concept in assessing the importance of covariates for dependent outcomes. In this paper we study R2 statistics of explained variance pertinent to longitudinal data under linear mixed‐effect models, where the R2 statistics are computed at two different levels to measure, respectively, within‐ and between‐subject variabilities explained by the covariates. By deriving the limits of R2 statistics, we find that the interpretation of explained variance for the existing R2 statistics is clear only in the case where the covariance matrix of the outcome vector is compound symmetric. Two new R2 statistics are proposed to address the effect of time‐dependent covariate means. In the general case where the outcome covariance matrix is not compound symmetric, we introduce the concept of compound symmetry projection and use it to define level‐one and level‐two R2 statistics. Numerical results are provided to support the theoretical findings and demonstrate the performance of the R2 statistics. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38: 352–368; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
本文开发了具有技术许可联盟的R&D投资决策模型。考虑了技术许可前后市场结构的变化,利用连续时间阈值自回归过程来模型这一非线性变化的特征,根据实物期权定价理论和博弈理论,给出了R&D投资项目的价值和最优投资规则。通过数值分析讨论了技术许可前后的收益期望增长率和不确定性以及许可合同中竞争者进入市场的时间参数对投资决策的影响。  相似文献   
We often rely on the likelihood to obtain estimates of regression parameters but it is not readily available for generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs). Inferences for the regression coefficients and the covariance parameters are key in these models. We presented alternative approaches for analyzing binary data from a hierarchical structure that do not rely on any distributional assumptions: a generalized quasi-likelihood (GQL) approach and a generalized method of moments (GMM) approach. These are alternative approaches to the typical maximum-likelihood approximation approach in Statistical Analysis System (SAS) such as Laplace approximation (LAP). We examined and compared the performance of GQL and GMM approaches with multiple random effects to the LAP approach as used in PROC GLIMMIX, SAS. The GQL approach tends to produce unbiased estimates, whereas the LAP approach can lead to highly biased estimates for certain scenarios. The GQL approach produces more accurate estimates on both the regression coefficients and the covariance parameters with smaller standard errors as compared to the GMM approach. We found that both GQL and GMM approaches are less likely to result in non-convergence as opposed to the LAP approach. A simulation study was conducted and a numerical example was presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   
P.R.斯蒂芬森是澳大利亚民族主义文学与文化批评的早期奠基人之一.他的作品《澳大利亚文化的基石:为民族自尊而作》被誉为20世纪30年代最具影响力的批评论著,是澳大利亚该历史时期时代精神的集中体现.斯蒂芬森提出坚持民族文化的地域性原则,藉以发展不依附母国的、独立自主的民族文化.他关注对民族文学标尺的界定,认为这将有助于厘清“真”、“伪”澳大利亚民族文学,并对催生反映本土真实生活的严肃作品产生积极影响.他还指出,发展民族文化的主力军除了作家、知识分子,还应该包括出版人.作家的任务是创作出足以滋养本民族人民精神生活的作品,而知识分子和出版人则应该为作家的工作保驾护航.斯蒂芬森的民族主义文化观在之后民族主义浪潮的各个阶段都有显著的发展.  相似文献   
In recent years masculinity studies writers, in particular R. W. Connell, have focused on the relationship between globalization and ‘hegemonic’ forms of masculinity. This paper provides an assessment of this scholarship and argues that whilst Connell and others have usefully identified the gendered nature of globalization, masculinity scholars have also provided a somewhat limiting account of the global hegemonic role of a monolithic top-down ‘transnational business masculinity’. By contrast, we suggest a demassification of this notion of hegemonic masculinity. Such a demassification enables the opening up of a dialogue between masculinity studies and feminist and other critical globalization scholars, allowing for a more nuanced analysis that can attend to both the unevenness of globalization in different settings and more detailed awareness of interactions between global and local/cultural/state imperatives. Our aim here is to move away from conceptualizations of globalization and hegemonic masculinity that are exceptionally top-down towards an analysis of the contested and shifting nature of gender identity at the global as well as the local level, to highlight the ways in which different hegemonic masculinities are negotiated, and even resisted. We argue that by understanding ‘transnational business masculinity’ as a discursive ideal that legitimates the workings of global capitalism, there is scope for a greater level of engagement between critical globalization scholarship and gender studies. This might also open the door to an account of globalization that entails more detailed reference to women and femininities.

En años recientes, los escritores sobre Los Estudios de la Masculinidad, y en particular R.W. Connell, se han enfocado en la relación entre la globalización y las formas ‘hegemónicas’ de la masculinidad. Este artículo proporciona una evaluación de esta beca y sostiene que mientras Connell y otros han identificado de manera útil la naturaleza del género de la globalización, los académicos sobre la masculinidad también suministraron un reporte de cierta manera limitado, sobre el rol hegemónico global monolítico del más alto al más bajo, de ‘una masculinidad en los negocios transnacionales’. Por el contrario, nosotros sugerimos una desmasificación de esta noción de masculinidad hegemónica. Tal desmasificación hace posible la apertura de un diálogo entre Los Estudios de la Masculinidad y de Feministas y otros académicos críticos de la globalización, permitiendo un análisis más matizado que puede acudir tanto a la disparidad de la globalización en diferentes escenarios como a una mayor conciencia detallada sobre las interacciones entre los imperativos locales/culturales/estatales. Nuestra meta es separarnos de las conceptualizaciones de la globalización y de la masculinidad hegemónica que son excepcionalmente jerárquicas hacia un análisis de los controvertidos y trasladar la naturaleza de la identidad del género tanto a nivel global como al local, para resaltar las formas como las masculinidades hegemónicas diferentes han negociado, e incluso resistido. Sostenemos que al entender ‘la masculinidad en los negocios transnacionales’ como un ideal discursivo que legitimiza el funcionamiento del capitalismo global, existe un propósito para un nivel mayor de participación entre la investigación crítica de la globalización y los estudios del género. Esto también puede abrir la puerta a un informe de globalización que conlleve una referencia más detallada de mujeres y feminidades.

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