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辛宇  黄欣怡  纪蓓蓓 《管理世界》2020,(1):69-87,235
以2016~2017年间中证中小投资者服务中心(以下简称"中证投服")提起的4例证券支持诉讼为研究对象,本文深入分析了该组织在证券支持诉讼中的作用实现机理及其在中小投资者利益保护方面所产生的直接经济后果和溢出效应。本文发现:中证投服提起的证券支持诉讼在很大程度上改善了虚假陈述案件的赔偿机制,主要体现为赔付主体更加合理化,赔偿金额的计算更加科学,赔付比例有明显提升,赔偿款项的执行力度得以加强;在作用实现机理方面,中证投服作为投资者保护公益组织向中小股东提供了公益服务,同时又具备政府弹性监管的色彩,与我国现行的司法制度形成互补;更为重要的是,中证投服参与证券支持诉讼产生了显著的溢出效应,在唤醒中小股东维权意识的同时,明显提升了民间律师团体的活跃程度,进而从整体上极大地带动了民间股东诉讼的兴起。  相似文献   
The impact of migration on income for Swedish multi-adult households is examined using panel data pertaining to a sample of stable household constellations during the period 1980–1990. In contrast to previous studies, data on household disposable income is employed in estimating the income function. The empirical results indicate no significant effect on real disposable income from migration. In addition, the hypothesis of no self-selection, or zero correlation between the errors in the decision function and the income function, cannot be rejected. Received: 10 May 1995 / Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   
Concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) is one of the most popular scaled indices used to evaluate agreement. Most commonly, it is used under the assumption that data is normally distributed. This assumption, however, does not apply to skewed data sets. While methods for the estimation of the CCC of skewed data sets have been introduced and studied, the Bayesian approach and its comparison with the previous methods has been lacking. In this study, we propose a Bayesian method for the estimation of the CCC of skewed data sets and compare it with the best method previously investigated. The proposed method has certain advantages. It tends to outperform the best method studied before when the variation of the data is mainly from the random subject effect instead of error. Furthermore, it allows for greater flexibility in application by enabling incorporation of missing data, confounding covariates, and replications, which was not considered previously. The superiority of this new approach is demonstrated using simulation as well as real‐life biomarker data sets used in an electroencephalography clinical study. The implementation of the Bayesian method is accessible through the Comprehensive R Archive Network. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
英国文化外交:提升国家软实力的成功之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际竞争和海外利益驱使下,独具特色的英国文化外交起步于20世纪30年代。数十年来,英国文化外交并不满足于语言、对象和机构设置上的比较优势,而是适时将外交动因从文化帝国主义调整为文化国际主义,不断扩展文化的内涵,并在重视精英路线的基础上努力开拓大众路线。英国以比较优势为后盾,积极创新文化外交的实践特色,将其文化、政治价值观和外交政策三种资源有效地转化为软实力,使得英国的"帝国余晖"仍深刻地影响着世界。英国通过文化外交的路径提升国家软实力的成功经验,值得中国借鉴。  相似文献   
Estimating a curve nonparametrically from data measured with error is a difficult problem that has been studied by many authors. Constructing a consistent estimator in this context can sometimes be quite challenging, and in this paper we review some of the tools that have been developed in the literature for kernel‐based approaches, founded on the Fourier transform and a more general unbiased score technique. We use those tools to rederive some of the existing nonparametric density and regression estimators for data contaminated by classical or Berkson errors, and discuss how to compute these estimators in practice. We also review some mistakes made by those working in the area, and highlight a number of problems with an existing R package decon .  相似文献   
近年来,韩国电视剧在儒家文化圈,特别是在中国传媒市场上呈现强劲趋势,给韩国带来了巨大的经济收益,带动了众多相关产业,甚至扭转了其他国家对韩民族的文化偏见。探讨韩剧如何火爆,对中国电视剧的发展有一定的启示。  相似文献   
安东尼.沃克(Anthony R.Walker)的<积德与太平盛世:拉祜人礼仪生活中常规和危机活动>是他从事拉枯族研究长达40余年的总结.他所采用的跨时间和地域的比较法、长期细致的田野调查与广泛的文献资料收集相结合的方法、多学科的资料收集和分析方法、小社区与大环境相联系的理论与方法、研究主题与社会经济文化历史背景密切联系的方法,都值得中国人类学/民族学研究借鉴.  相似文献   
在日益复杂的商业环境中,民营企业的可持续发展面临着新的更高的要求,通过党建工作提升企业文化实力已成为民营企业发展的关键,本文从数理的角度分析了民营企业党建工作对企业文化实力的影响度,并对新时期的民营企业党组织建设做出一系列可行的建议.  相似文献   
当今时代,软实力成为国家综合实力的重要组成部分,在国际竞争中的地位提高。文章概括了文化软实力的基本特点,简要描述中国自改革开放近三十年来,软实力取得的进步。但与发达国家相比,中国软实力的现状并不容乐观。文章提出从三个方面提升中国的文化软实力,重点论述了中国提升软实力的目标是为了促进和平崛起,而不是搞文化霸权主义。  相似文献   
在总结建筑材料开发与利用现状及存在的问题并深入分析其原因的基础上,遵循循环经济减量化、再使用、再循环的3R原则,从转变观念意识、加强科技创新、致力体制改革、严格管理等方面,提出了建筑材料开发与利用的对策。  相似文献   
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