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通过对广州、深圳、东莞三市外出务工人员的调查数据,运用理性选择理论,分析了新生代农民工市民化意愿及其影响因素。结果发现,年龄、性别、受教育程度和月收入都对新生代农民工的市民化意愿产生了影响;是否在城市购买住房、城市融入感和自我身份认同也影响了新生代农民工的市民化决策;购买城市社会保险显著提高市民化意愿。而务农经历、婚姻状况和是否获得技术等级证书则未对其市民化意愿产生影响。  相似文献   
文章以榕江县 S 村为研究个案,就政府在帮扶侗寨进行民族文化保护的过程中,面临的困境和产生的悖论进行了探讨和省思。 将“文化传承人冶纳入国家财政支持体系进行保护的方式,虽然在表面上使民族文化得以传袭,同时也助推了歌师的卡里斯玛型权威不断消解的隐忧;歌师在传统与现代交织的文化二重性困境中,艺术化生活方式逐渐淡化;在民族节庆活动中,召集的主体由“寨老冶转换为村两委,歌者们仅作为“表演者冶而存在,集体展演的内容在很大程度上表现为“去民俗化冶的特点;政府期望通过制度化的帮扶,建构起民族文化的保护机制,反而却在某种程度上解构了民族文化的自洽机制。唯有创设点燃传统村寨内在文化自信的文化生境,激发地方性自我保护的文化自觉和文化认同,由“圈养式、帮扶式保护”向“自发式、自助式保护”转型,才是民族文化免于外源的制度性破坏并得以焕发生机的有效途径。  相似文献   
The terms ‘Single-Session Therapy’ (SST) and ‘One-At-A-Time’ (OAAT) therapy are both used to indicate a situation where the therapist and client set out with the expressed intention of helping the client in one session while acknowledging that additional sessions are available to the client. Both terms have their advantages and disadvantages and thus the author uses the blended term ‘Single-Session One-At-A-Time’ (SST/OAAT) therapy to highlight the advantages of both. It is a core feature of SST/OAAT therapy that it is client-centred especially where the session’s focus and goal are concerned. However, in an attempt to avoid SST/OAAT therapy being highjacked by therapists who operate from the ‘expert’ source of influence, the field has downplayed the contribution of the therapist’s expertise. In this paper, I make clear that the expertise of the therapist when allied to the expertise of the client can be a potent force for good in SST/OAAT therapy. My main task, however, is to outline my own approach to SST/OAAT therapy which is a blend of general principles that are likely to be held by the majority of SST/OAAT therapist and specific ideas that are derived from working alliance theory, pluralism and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy.  相似文献   
This study is the first attempt to facilitate the substantial change in post-crisis monetary policy of the Fed to test the validity of Lucas Critique toward exploring implications of such changes for policymaking. Global financial crisis, asking for fundamental regime alterations presented an invaluable opportunity to test the empirical validity of Lucas Critique. We make use of quarterly US data over 1990–2015 to test for superexogeneity, the rejection of which lends support to Lucas Critique. We define the marginal models for wealth, GDP and Treasury Bill rate to construct the conditional model of money demand following Hendry (1988). Our results reject superexogeneity of the policies and report the support for Lucas Critique. We discuss about the details and consequences of the monetary policy followed to suggest arguments to prolonging debates on policy discussions.  相似文献   
Participation is advocated by political leaders as crucial for enhancing social responsibility, building social capital, improving public services, qualifying for full citizenship and for enabling local democratic participation. Despite this increased commitment to encouraging public participation, however, there remains a lack of understanding of what motivates individuals to become community activists. This analysis of urban regeneration confirms that participation is a minority sport reflecting the reluctance and/or inability of the majority of community members to engage. The motives for that minority of local people who do engage are, therefore, important for policy-makers and academics to understand. This research project in east Manchester reveals that the motives of activists are varied and more nuanced than is proposed by existing social science theories such as rational choice, social network theory or the application of such concepts as citizen-consumers. A hybridized model which privileges social network theory without, however, entirely excluding ideas of the consumer-citizen and rational choice is advocated as a more effective way of explaining both community activism and also the varying levels and durability of individual participation. If participation is to increase, however, it is vital that the nuanced motives of participants are better appreciated.  相似文献   
王瑶的学术研究有着鲜明的学术风格。文章通过对王瑶一生治学中若干有典型意味的细节来分析他的治学态度即“理性的客观态度”,并指出这种精神贯穿王瑶学术活动的始终,进而将其与他所受的鲁迅的影响联系起来,分析说明赋予王瑶学术思想以活力的精神内核是清醒的现实主义精神。   相似文献   
理性选择理论的建构以理性经济人假设为基础,注重演绎方法的运用,因其逻辑与现实的不尽一致而遭到广泛批评。当代不确定性理论的发展也对理性选择理论提出了挑战,丹尼尔.卡尼曼即通过分析不确定性条件下人们的决策心理而提出期望理论,销蚀了理性经济人假设,从而使理性选择理论纠结于理性和不确定性之间,陷入了要理性还是要充分应对不确定性的两难境地。  相似文献   
高兵 《河北学刊》2001,21(6):69-73
崇高既是一种美学形态,又是文学追求的一种境界.然而,从20世纪80年代后期至90年代,"崇高"的美学意蕴在新时期文学中逐渐消隐了.消解崇高在一定程度上导致文学精神的萎顿.新时期文学崇高的消解有其深刻的历史动因.21世纪的文学精神应秉持崇高的品质,有作为的中国作家应树立政治良知,崇尚道德操守,肩负历史理性,在对历史、文化、社会的深刻洞察的基础上,塑造出崇高的文学艺术形象来.  相似文献   
在以诗为文从事古文创作的带动下,桐城派提出"因声求气"说,表现出对声韵美的追求和推崇。此派古文创作在刘大櫆神气、音节、字句理论和姚鼐及其弟子对熟读、精诵、涵咏、妙悟的推动下,异常重视文字声音带给读者的听觉冲击,这在中国散文诸多流派中别树一帜。它极大地提升了桐城派散文的文体品格,尽显其汉语之美。  相似文献   
理性精神的核心价值观及其在当代中国的意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
理性精神包括追求真理,崇尚科学,提倡实事求是、一切从实际出发的现实主义态度,推崇自主、自觉、敬业、进取的价值观,富有经济理性、追求实际的成效与利益,倡导法治等核心价值观。由于地理环境和传统学术建制等因素的共同作用,中国文化在其发端之初就缺乏理性精神。中国文化的这一特点深深地影响着中国人的精神世界,制约着中国的现代化进程。在大力发展社会主义市场经济和民主政治的今天,我们应该大力呼唤理性精神,大力弘扬理性精神。  相似文献   
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