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The paper focused on evaluation of stakeholder capacity to implement the millennium village primary school meal project in Kenya. The study which was anchored on the stakeholder theory as well as the Context Input Process Product (CIPP) model of evaluation used mixed methods research design with ex-post facto and case study as its two research elements. The mixed methods was adopted because when both qualitative and quantitative approaches are used in a single study, the strengths of both produce a research synergy in which the collective benefits are greater than what is obtained from either approach when used alone. A sample size of 186 participants was selected from seven (7) primary schools using stratified random sampling. The participants selected purposively included pupils, teachers, head teachers, parents, Area Education Officer (AEO) and project staff. Data was collected using questionnaires, face to face interview guide, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and document analysis guide. The study findings indicated that the project was implemented with great success as indicated by stakeholders’ capacity to understand project objectives, their involvement in project planning and implementation and their positive attitude towards the project. This has contribute to poverty reduction in the community through the project and sustainable approaches for project implementation.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the impact of secondary school dropout on the work outcomes of young people in ten developing countries. Understanding such a phenomenon is important because it may affect work prospects, exacerbate income inequality and determine macroeconomic lasting effects given that the formation of a skilled workforce is a key element of economic development and growth.When accounting for endogeneity, we find that secondary school dropout decreases the probability of being employed in non-elementary occupations, suggesting that unskilled workers fail to meet the increasing demand for a skilled workforce. Secondary school dropout, indeed, hinders the accumulation of adequate levels of human capital and anticipates entry into the unskilled labor market.Thus, policy-makers should aim at the extension and efficacy of compulsory education to the secondary level to avoid future under-education problems to promote a skilled workforce and encourage economic development and growth in the long run.  相似文献   
This study provides a unique perspective in the field of cross-cultural management by exploring the relationship between “cultural dissonance”—the gap between cultural values and actual practice—and effective leadership attributes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Incorporating cultural dissonance into implicit leadership theory, the study uses measurements of dissonance on nine cultural dimensions to identify particular leadership preferences in seven MENA countries. The overall findings suggest that societies prefer leaders who counterbalance cultural dissonance by allowing space for negotiations by members of society to reduce disparities between cultural values—“the way things should be”—and actual practices—“the way things are.” The greater the disparity between cultural values and practices, the greater the citizens' desire that leaders act as agents of change by creating space for negotiation.  相似文献   
创办安徽省第一所近代学校——桐城学堂,是吴汝纶实施近代教育的唯一一次实践,比较全面地体现了吴汝纶的教育思想。《办学公文稿》则凝聚了吴汝纶在中国处于危亡之际为救亡图存而改革教育的诸多思考,是研究考察吴汝纶教育思想与教育实践的重要文献资料。  相似文献   
唐诗作为中国古典诗歌中的精品,千百年来广为传诵,经久不衰,晚唐诗人李商隐的诗作就是其中的杰出代表。通过国内外诸多名家的翻译,唐诗在英语文化圈中得到了日益广泛的传播;然而,唐诗的译介仍然面临挑战,这源于诗歌翻译是选择的艺术,而选择的过程不可避免受到译者主体性的影响。形式转换、意义传递或文化移植都需要充分发挥译者主体性。在对译者主体性进行理论诠释的基础上,可以结合哲学阐释学的视角,从"诗歌意义中未定点的存在与阐释"和"译者主体性为唐诗多译本现象的内在理据"两个方面探究李商隐诗作英译的多元阐释现象。多义性作为李商隐诗作的内在本质,是中国古诗的主要特点之一,也是促使译者发挥主体性、对源语文本意义进行多元阐释的主要原因。  相似文献   
传播学科的兴起:一段重新阐释的历史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传播学学科建立之初,选择了以哥伦比亚学派为代表的结构功能主义而不是芝加哥学派的传播研究范式.尽管哥伦比亚学派无论在理论与方法上都不能说更有优势,但其理论成果更容易被意识形态所用,其定量方法更容易为当局的决策提供证据,其研究范式更容易划定传播学科的边界并为该学科带来更多的资源,因此,急于为传播学奠定专业主义边界的施拉姆不假思索地选择了哥伦比亚学派.然而这一选择导致了传播学不但受到意识形态的高度控制,而且也有一套极其保守和封闭的学科规训,这一切使传播学科在20世纪70年代以后就不断受到合法性的质疑.  相似文献   
近30年来的“儒学是否宗教”之争,自任继愈提出“儒教是教”观点以来,先后经历了3个既相互区别又相互衔接的发展阶段,标志着我国儒学研究和宗教哲学研究开始跳出西方主义和民族主义的双重藩篱,逐步驶入了去政治化和去意识形态化、“面向事情本身”的学术正道。  相似文献   
《远东报》是晚清东北地区最早的中文报纸,其“文苑”专栏所刊载的大量文学作品,至今尚未引起学界关注。当时主持《远东报》笔政的乃是南社诗人张素,他以“婴”或“婴公”为笔名,在《远东报》上刊发了他的长篇小说《最新之儒林外史》和若干诗词作品。通过对这些材料的搜集与整理,丰富了我们对这位南社诗人的认识。  相似文献   
现代诗人陈梦家的创作风格及其在诗歌史上的地位长期以来并未得到人们足够的重视。作为新月诗派的后起之秀,陈梦家专注于东方抒情诗的写作,其诗感情含蓄真纯,空灵朦胧,自成一家;陈梦家对新月诗论既继承又多有创新,他的创作中存在的思想知觉化、联想奇特化等象征主义特征,开启了30年代现代派的先声。  相似文献   
虞山二冯诗歌评点略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明末清初的虞山二冯是清代诗学走向学术化和专门化的开风气者,清代诗学研究者对二冯诗学的渊源及宗尚虽已有一些研究,但二冯诗学的学术特征,即从文本的校勘、辑佚、考订入手,由文本研究推广到诗史研究,通过诗史研究和选本评点来表达自己的诗歌观念的方式,尚未被触及。本文从二冯批点的《才调集》《玉台新咏》《西昆酬唱集》《瀛奎律髓》等选本入手,论述了二冯在校勘、整理古代诗歌文献方面的贡献,同时分析了二冯诗歌批点的特征,对二冯诗学的学术特点及其对清代诗学的影响做了初步的揭示。  相似文献   
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