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为提高大学生的综合阅读能力,大学英语教材已经在话题、语篇、词汇等多方面进行了一系列尝试与改革,一些教材的编撰已具相当高的科学性。然而它们的素材往往更新缓慢、阅读量不足、题材拓展的面也较窄,这在一定程度上制约了大学生英语应用水平的提高。因此,在学生词汇量已有一定积累的前提下,结合教材主题、增加富有时代气息的真实性材料进行泛读教学来丰富和拓展英语教学内容,可以进一步提高学生的语言综合能力。  相似文献   
新世纪的外语教学给广大外语教师提出了更高的要求。以素质教育为主 ,全面提高教育教学质量 ,单凭老师灌输知识 ,始终围绕着传统的教学模式转是适应不了时代的要求的。文章提出必须实行几个转向的观点。以笔者多年的外语精读教学的经验 ,认为英语低年级的精读课教学 ,只有实行几个转向 ,从传统的教学框架中走出来 ,才能使这门课程的改革收到成效 ,才能真正提高英语教学质量  相似文献   
英文写作历来是中国学生的薄弱环节.对于非英语专业的学生来说,写作能力的提高尤其重要.针对目前教学时数不足,没有条件开设专门写作课的现状,本文从四个方面探讨了在大学精读教学中提高学生写作水平的一些认识和方法,并提出一些建议.  相似文献   
以细读、另读方式,读出《氓》为弃夫之妇的控诉诗;以诗之谐隐及谜,另读出《蒹葭》蕴含人生在于追寻;《黍离》在人生求一知己难矣,以心理距离产生美,另读出《采葛》为人生的思念总是美。  相似文献   
本文从英语教学中英文报刊阅读的必要性出发,分析了英文报刊阅读在英语教学中的重要作用,并探讨了如何在英语教学中实施英文报刊阅读的策略。  相似文献   
The focus of this short paper is the increasingly popular format of the book group. This format has been used on an undergraduate social work programme in the UK with the aim of engaging students, as some enjoy reading fiction for pleasure but find it harder to read social science. The BA Social Work Book Group has met regularly to discuss non-social science books, such as novels and autobiographies. A specific example is presented of a best-selling novel with significant social work content (J.K. Rowling's The Casual Vacancy) and the book group's discussion of this. The strengths and limitations of book groups in social work education are drawn out.  相似文献   
明代大臣于慎行认为,君主和大臣作为国家的执政者都必须遵守相应的行为规范。君主要重视制定法纪伦常、选贤任能、善于纳谏、关心民众疾苦等。大臣要关心国家利益、忠于君主、善于进谏、廉洁奉公等。君主和大臣能否遵守这些行为规范,影响着封建王朝的兴衰存亡。  相似文献   
清初著名藏书家钱曾述古堂富藏善本珍籍,向为艺林所重。从民国章钰《钱遵王读书敏求记校证》中可以大致梳理出述古堂藏书在有清一代的聚散流转情况。钱氏藏书散出后经季振宜、徐乾学等人收藏,又流入鲍廷博知不足斋、内府以及苏州顾氏。其后百余年间在黄丕烈、汪士钟、瞿镛、丁日昌、潘祖荫、郁松年、邓邦述、张钧衡等藏书家手中辗转传递。  相似文献   
包遵信先生刊于《文史》第五和第六辑上的《读荀子札记》(上)、(下)文章中,对于《非相》、《非十二子》、《儒效》、《君道》、《大略》篇中的训诂与句读有多处可疑。略作辨析,以供商榷。  相似文献   
In accordance to Boudon's structural-individualistic action model, it is the aim of this paper to investigate the casual effects of individual abilities, resources of the parental home, socially selective educational transitions as well as teaching and learning conditions in schools on the development of reading literacy and its dispersion in respect of social origin. It is assumed that the socially selective transition into the secondary school tracks contributes to the general deterioration of the mean reading literacy when controlling for social origin and individual achievement. The socially selective transition from primary to secondary school contributes to the increase of social inequality of reading literacy existing already since the start of the pupils’ schooling. Since it is not possible to isolate these causes with comparative-static cross-sectional data like PIRLS or PISA empirically, we use a design of generating quasi-longitudinal data with three time references, namely reading literacy at the point of enrolment into elementary school, at the age of 9–10 years, and at the age of 15 years by the pair wise matching of “synthetic twins” with identical status criteria. The empirical analysis of the German data of PISA 2000 and PIRLS 2001 confirm the effects of the individual abilities depending on social origin, the social selectivity of transition into the secondary schools, the sorting and selection performances of the school system, the allocation of children into different learning contexts, and the schooling of both the individual development of reading competences and the social inequality of reading literacy.  相似文献   
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