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The aim of this article is to assist the understanding of social workers in Europe of marriage and family dynamics among women from Middle East and North African countries who have moved to Europe. The focus of this article is on husband selection processes and family dynamics after marriage in Egypt, which is used as a case study reflecting culture and norms surrounding marriage in this region. This article reports on the findings of doctoral studies which examined marriage patterns and family dynamics in North Africa and in particular in Egypt where more in-depth data were available. The authors reflect issues surrounding values and process of marriage not only in terms of the implications for practice with social work clients or service users, but also in relation to the potential of women from this region who may join the social care workforce.  相似文献   
《醒世姻缘传》概数表示法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李振凌  王桂龙 《东方论坛》2008,(3):88-94,100
概数表示法对于语言表达的准确性和生动性具有重要的意义。产生于明末清初的通俗小说《醒世姻缘传》中的概数表示法种类多样,体现出山东方言中的一些特殊用法,反映了山东方言称数法由近代汉语向现代汉语过渡的特点。  相似文献   
纵观汉朝与匈奴的关系,和亲与文化交流在汉匈关系史上有着突出地位。近年来,随着匈奴考古学的深入展开,在匈奴人活动的中心地域(即今蒙古国),发现了大量的墓葬、城址、聚落遗址等文化遗存。这些发现使我们对汉匈和亲政策及诸多方面有了更加清晰的了解和认识,提供了丰富而详实的实物资料。本文拟就蒙古国匈奴贵族墓葬出土的汉代中原地区的物质文化遗存为主要考察对象,并结合文献史料,将汉匈和亲关系及北方草原游牧文化与中原农耕文化交流、互鉴与融合等方面做一探索。  相似文献   
《裸婚时代》是一部反映80后婚恋的电视连续剧。自江苏卫视首映以来,观众热评如潮。但透过这部电视剧,仍能看到新结婚时代的女性悲歌。剧中的女性没能走出男权的阴影,她们作为被动的"第二性",被局限在男权社会设定的空间里。该剧的男权主义书写模式设定了男才女貌的婚恋组合模式,并隐性地流露出男主外女主内的家庭分工模式,在当今社会文明背景下,这种现象应该引起大众的反思。  相似文献   
最近《〈婚姻法〉解释(三)》出台引起了社会各界的广泛关注,而其中第10条更是争议颇多,褒贬不一。该条规定体现了重视保护个人财产、实现法律公平的制度意义和强调权利意识与个人独立的价值意义,但仍存在在强调形式正义时对婚姻法的身份法属性重视不够、条文操作性差等缺憾。女性应通过婚前签署财产协议、充分利用保护弱者条款在婚姻中有效保护自己的财产权利。  相似文献   
蒙古族文化是草原文化的集大成者,也是草原游牧文化的典型代表。本文力图以民国时期东北地区的蒙古族婚姻习俗为切入点,从聘礼形式、求爱手段、新郎的装束、崇尚白色、请喇嘛诵经保佑等几方面来透视和分析蒙古族婚俗中的草原文化特色。同时,草原文化又是一种动态的文化,历来有吸收其他民族优秀文化的传统,民国时期东北地区的蒙古民族不仅继承和发展了北方游牧民族的优秀文化传统,而且还积极吸收了汉、藏、满等民族的先进文化,还包括对西方文明的接纳和吸收,在与不同文化的相互吸纳、交融中不断丰富和完善了北方草原文化的精神内涵。  相似文献   
Marriages and firms share many characteristics in common. Both institutions deal with a set of promises between two parties and therefore need contracts to encourage individual parties to stand by their promises and commitments. Despite these similarities, in most countries marriage laws are statutory laws that have little in common with commercial contract laws. We present the Chicago and neoclassical perspectives on law-and-economics, with a special emphasis on marriage laws. According to this framework, it is possible to explain the way traditional marriage laws have regulated exchanges between spouses and spouses in Western countries such as France, when these countries were patriarchal societies. We also consider the case of egalitarian marriage and show some of the limitations of any statutory marriage laws. We then present a critical perspective on the law-and-economics literature on marriage. Our critique is based on the economic literature by Austrian economists and by public choice theorists. We emphasize the knowledge problem, the problem of interest, and the problems associated with government monopoly in coercion. Our concluding section presents some suggestions regarding a legal system inspired from international commercial contract law. By not giving any particular government a monopoly on the power to enforce marriage contracts such system would avoid some of the problems found in the systems of statutory laws currently regulating marriage and divorce in the Western world.  相似文献   
从基督宗教伦理观出发,将预言诗《天堂与地狱的婚姻》置于圣经背景下进行观照,可以揭示布莱克的反律法主义信念。布莱克否认律法的重要性,从人本神学观出发对圣经进行重新阐释与改写,其反律法主义宗教伦理观在该诗作中体现为对圣经教义的反叛,以及对性爱的开放态度;同时,在另外一方面也成就了其诗歌形式上的自由。  相似文献   
婚姻关系和契约关系之间同与异的辨析,对于昭示"婚姻不是买卖"的基本立场具有重要意义。从法理及例示法条出发,文章论证了当事人对婚姻应持有理性态度,避免信息不对称、有限理性、外部效应等对婚姻均衡性的破坏。基于此,我国现行婚姻制度应考虑做进一步改进,诸如完善双方协商机制,建立无过错离婚的补偿机制,体现保护未成年子女利益最大化原则等,以期使绝大多数当事人的婚姻更幸福、家庭更和谐。  相似文献   
Several studies have looked into the socio-economic gradients of cohabitation and non-marital fertility. According to the theory of the Second Demographic Transition, highly educated individuals can be considered as forerunners in the Western European spread of non-marital family forms after the 1970s. In Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), however, research has provided evidence for a Pattern of Disadvantage where those with the lowest education have been the most likely to adopt such family forms. Hitherto, few studies have considered the educational gradient of the intentions underlying these behaviors. This contribution uses information on marriage and fertility intentions from the Generations and Gender Surveys for seven European countries to assess educational differentials. In Western Europe we observe no strong educational gradients in marriage intentions at any childbearing stage (before, during or following). In CEE countries, however, less educated cohabitors more frequently choose for cohabitation during childbearing.  相似文献   
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