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易班用户黏度的模型构建及研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年下半年,上海市教卫党委、市教委共同研发上海大学生实名互动平台“易班”,目前已覆盖上海所有高校。该研究构建了易班用户黏度的初始模型,并对上海15所高校的319名学生用户进行问卷调查。研究发现:影响易班用户黏度的因素中,用户对于易班的感知安全性最为认可,用户有用性也受到了一定的认可,但感知趣味性、转换成本、满意度3项一级指标认同度较低;易班用户黏度修正模型中,按路径系数影响大小依次为:满意度,感知趣味性,转换成本,感知安全性。  相似文献   
免费婚检、孕检的投入产出分析——以广东某区为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从经济学的角度,以投入产出模型和机会成本为理论基础,通过构建以出生缺陷减少为产出收益的免费婚检、孕检投入产出分析模型,并以广东省某区的经验数据进行实证检验,对免费婚检、孕检推行的可行性进行分析。发现推行免费婚孕检的产出与投入的净现值指数为2.08,观显大于1。说明免费婚检、孕检项目可行且效益明显,值得在更大范围内推广。  相似文献   
本文主要探讨了老人—儿童共养这一新型社区养老模式。在探索了中国老年问题现状以及目前社区养老的总体情况后,笔者结合存在的问题和资源,提出了这一特殊的社区养老模式,并从必要性、具体操作和可行性分别进行了考量。藉此逐步拓宽社区养老服务的内容和形式,发挥出社工的专业作用,促进养老事业的发展。  相似文献   
In this paper, we demonstrate how public opinion surveys can be designed to collect information pertinent to computational behavior modeling, and we present the results of a public opinion and behavior survey conducted during the 2009–2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic. The results are used to parameterize the Health Belief Model of individual health‐protective decision making. Survey subjects were asked questions about their perceptions of the then‐circulating influenza and attitudes towards two personal protective behaviors: vaccination and avoidance of crowds. We empirically address two important issues in applying the Health Belief Model of behavior to computational infectious disease simulation: (1) the factors dynamically influencing the states of the Health Belief Model variables and (2) the appropriateness of the Health Belief Model in describing self‐protective behavior in the context of pandemic influenza.  相似文献   
本文首次从独立董事连锁的声誉效应和学习效应视角,运用匹配(1:1 Pairing)+双重差分(DID)法研究独立董事连锁对企业内部控制质量的影响机理。研究发现:在声誉效应视角,独立董事连锁能显著提高企业的内部控制质量,且兼任公司家数较多的连锁独立董事对内部控制质量的提高作用更明显;在学习效应视角,独立董事连锁能显著提高其董事会出席率,且该种效应主要出现在高学历的连锁独立董事身上。此外,本研究首次发现了独立董事连锁对企业内部控制质量的传导机制,即通过提高连锁独立董事的董事会出席率进而提升了企业的内部控制质量。本文的结果表明,我国监管部门和上市公司应当重视独立董事连锁的作用,这对公司治理与内部控制相关政策的制定具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   
股票价格时间序列与宏观经济变量时间序列原始数据的不同频直接导致传统计量模型在处理宏观经济波动与股票市场波动的关系问题中产生模型误设和估计偏误。本文运用混频自回归条件异方差模型从水平值和波动率两个维度实证分析生产者价格指数、居民消费价格指数、宏观经济景气指数及同业拆借利率四个宏观经济变量对股票市场波动的长期动态影响。同时,运用主成分分析提取宏观经济第一主成分并构建一个宏观经济综合指数,进一步探究宏观经济总体状况对股票市场波动的长期影响。研究发现:股票市场已实现波动率显著地放大了股票市场的长期波动。生产者价格指数、居民消费价格指数、宏观经济景气指数的水平值和波动率均对股票市场长期波动产生显著影响;且其波动率维度呈现出较强的持续效应;同业拆借利率仅在水平值维度对股票市场波动长期成分产生微弱影响。宏观经济第一主成分和宏观综合指数的波动率对股票市场波动长期成分均具有显著的正向放大作用,但持续效应较弱;而其水平值对股票市场波动长期成分的影响虽然微弱,但持续时间较长。  相似文献   
现代企业竞争已不再是传统竞争观念之下的企业之间为争夺最终消费者而展开的市场竞争了。现代企业要想在竞争中建立优势,就必须全面关注一切可能影响企业竞争力的相关组织和个人的作用。本文采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,对现代企业竞争及其效能描述提出了一种全新的观点。  相似文献   
The importance of being able to detect heteroscedasticity in regression is widely recognized because efficient inference for the regression function requires that heteroscedasticity is taken into account. In this paper a simple consistent test for heteroscedasticity is proposed in a nonparametric regression set-up. The test is based on an estimator for the best L 2-approximation of the variance function by a constant. Under mild assumptions asymptotic normality of the corresponding test statistic is established even under arbitrary fixed alternatives. Confidence intervals are obtained for a corresponding measure of heteroscedasticity. The finite sample performance and robustness of these procedures are investigated in a simulation study and Box-type corrections are suggested for small sample sizes.  相似文献   
Reputation is an important feature in the interactional contexts of work in “culture industries” such as film and television production. But few accounts have examined how reputations are produced in the everyday worlds in which cultural producers live and work. This paper introduces the concept of “reputation work” to describe the front stage and back stage interactional processes through which cultural producers continuously strive to produce their reputations. Drawing on participant observation data gathered at a Hollywood talent management company and a business school course on the talent industry, this paper shows how Hollywood agents and managers perform four types of reputation work. These include how Hollywood talent representatives work to adhere to institutionalized conventions for reputable physical settings, group contexts, giftgiving practices, and selfhoods. Such reputation work performances are done for the sake of “impression management,” but show how this strategic interaction is governed by industry-wide institutions that govern legitimacy.
Stephen ZafirauEmail:

Stephen Zafirau   is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Southern California. His dissertation examines how decision makers in the US film industry create and legitimate ideas about motion picture audiences, and how those ideas become important in the everyday contexts in which decisions about Hollywood movies are made.  相似文献   
In the context of an objective Bayesian approach to the multinomial model, Dirichlet(a, …, a) priors with a < 1 have previously been shown to be inadequate in the presence of zero counts, suggesting that the uniform prior (a = 1) is the preferred candidate. In the presence of many zero counts, however, this prior may not be satisfactory either. A model selection approach is proposed, allowing for the possibility of zero parameters corresponding to zero count categories. This approach results in a posterior mixture of Dirichlet distributions and marginal mixtures of beta distributions, which seem to avoid the problems that potentially result from the various proposed Dirichlet priors, in particular in the context of extreme data with zero counts.  相似文献   
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