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This paper examines rural population ageing in the United States with a particular focus on the contrasting contexts in which older rural residents live. We compare the characteristics of the older population by rural versus urban residence, and explore challenges and opportunities associated with the ageing of rural baby boomers. The United States is a vast territory, and rural areas in the US are diverse regionally, in poverty and income, principal forms of employment, proximity to metropolitan areas, population size, density and composition, the history of change in these parameters, and a number of other factors that affect the ageing process. Hence, the diversity across rural areas is an important consideration in what affects the well being of rural elderly individuals, as well as the community-level impacts of rural ageing. Further, the characteristics of the older rural population help shape community and rural development outcomes for diverse rural communities. We use data from various US Census Bureau sources, and cite other studies to provide a demographic overview of ageing in the rural United States, and to analyze how this situation differs in varying socio-demographic and regional contexts. In the concluding section, we focus on policy implications associated with rural ageing.  相似文献   
Productive ageing recognises the contribution of older people to economic, social and cultural growth and helps build a sustainable community. Being involved in community life is good for individuals and good for society. However, we know very little about the participation of and contribution by people aged 50 and over in rural communities. This research aimed to develop a better understanding of productive ageing in different types of communities in rural Victoria, Australia. An anonymous self-complete postal questionnaire was distributed to a sample of households in twenty rural communities using the Australia Post Unaddressed Select Service. Those householders 50 years of age and older were invited to complete the survey. Data collected allowed examination of social and civic engagement, familiarity with community, the value placed on social relations by people aged 50 years and over, and how community involvement was linked to community sustainability. In particular it attempts to address the question ‘Does social and civic engagement differ across declining, stable and growing rural communities?’ Despite differences among rural communities, this study showed that older people develop and maintain strong community connections and well-functioning social capital and that participation in social activities was associated with feelings of being connected with community. It also identified health issues and lack of options as the main constraints on participation. A key message for policy makers is that older people play an important role in the sustainability of rural communities. There is much to be gained from actively supporting their participation in activities that are connected to ageing well.  相似文献   
改造"城中村",有利于改善居民居住生活质量,促进城乡统筹发展;有利于盘活存量用地,推进土地的节约、集约利用;有利于改善城乡形象、推进宜居城市建设。上海进一步推进"城中村"改造,须加强领导,推进"城中村"改造的体制机制建设;要均衡各方利益,调动政府、开发商和农民三方的积极性;要摸清底数,对纳入全市统一改造计划内的"城中村"实行目录管理;要因地制宜,针对各个"城中村"不同的情况进行分类指导;要突破创新,建立、健全支持"城中村"改造的政策体系;要营造氛围,形成有利于推进"城中村"改造的良好外部环境。  相似文献   
道德教育重要组成部分的道德判断能力,在规范人际关系上发挥着法律所无法起到的作用,对此进行研究为中国学校道德教育提供有效的评估工具和手段.使道德教育更具科学性和可操作性。德国道德心理学家林德设计的“道德判断测验(MJT)”界定了道德认知和情感。对湖北省青少年的研究发现,青少年道德判断能力的总体相对偏低。在政治面貌这一特征上出现了显著差异,而性别职业学历、是否为独生子女、家住农村或城镇等方面的不同不会带来显著差异。具体到各特征内部,出现了年龄、政治面貌等值得进一步关注的问题。  相似文献   
作为“五四”新文化和新教育运动的产物,陈鹤琴《家庭教育》是其多年来对幼儿特别其长子陈一鸣的精心观察、实验和研究之所得,反映了当时社会剧烈变革中家庭教育的实际问题,并提出了相应的原则、对策和建议,内藏着十分深刻的教育哲理,对于我们理性地探寻全球化背景下当代中国家庭教育的奥秘仍具有重要的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
改革开放尤其是党的十六大以来,我国农村经济社会建设在取得显著成就的同时,城乡失衡的矛盾和问题在某些方面也日益突出。如何统筹城乡发展,缩小区域差距成为“十二五”时期重大攻坚课题。立足农村发展实际,对大学生与务工返乡青年农村创业进行相关研究有历史和现实意义,大学生和务工返乡青年创业竞合将成为农村经济社会发展的强劲动力源,是当前统筹城乡发展有效的途径之一。  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的加快,农村剩余劳动力大量涌入城市,产生了留守儿童这一新的群体,其社会支持问题El益突出,引起社会各界广泛的关注。厦门“凤凰花助飞体验营”服务项目借助增权视角社会工作理论,在实践中探索出建构留守儿童社会支持网络的路径:增强个体自我效能感,提升建构支持的内在能力;集体中参与,多中心地构建近距离的社会支持;倡导创造建构社会支持网络的良好社会与制度环境。  相似文献   
加强内地高校大学生对港澳区情教育消弭两地文化壁垒,舒缓心理认知偏见,促进两地高校交流与合作,理应成为我国国情教育的题中之义。截至目前,内地高校尚未系统将港澳区情教育纳入我国国情教育范畴,这不仅反映出我国国情教育的滞后性,并由此带来一系列问题。该文就此问题对高校开展港澳区情教育的价值体认和策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   
大学生正处于世界观、人生观、价值观形成的关键时期,迫切需要先进典型的感召与引领、崇高精神的激励与熏陶。高校应结合当前学雷锋活动情况,创新学习教育内容,加强开展学雷锋活动意义、雷锋先进事迹和雷锋精神内涵的教育:采取丰富多彩的形式,在学习教育活动、校园文化建设和志愿者服务实践中,大力弘扬和积极践行雷锋精神;完善科学高效机制,构建和完善常态化组织领导、政策制度和科学评价机制,推动学雷锋活动常态化,使高校在学雷锋活动中始终走在全社会的前列。  相似文献   
邹艳丽 《现代交际》2012,(4):215-216
根据国家教育部2000年颁布的新《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》,本文论述了英语专业基础英语课程教学中存在的具体问题,对吉林农业大学英语专业基础英语课程教学模式的系列改革进行了分析,并总结了所取得的成果与经验。  相似文献   
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