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This paper aims to compare the educational outcomes of children of immigrants in France and in the United States to highlight the ethnic educational inequalities in both countries. The comparison focuses on children from two groups: North Africans in France and Mexicans in the United States. By using two longitudinal datasets, the French Educational Panel Survey and Add Health, we examine aspirations, expectations, and secondary attainment in the two contexts. We explore in particular the role of parental education on attainment. Immigrant families have high educational aspirations in both contexts. North-African families express higher aspirations than native French with similar background, while there are no significant differences between second-generation Mexicans and the majority group net of parental education. Second-generation children are disadvantaged in school in both countries; they are more likely to drop out and less likely to graduate from high school, but most of the disadvantage is related to their social background. Net of social background, the Mexican second generation does not differ from the majority group while the North African second generation is more likely to get the French high school diploma than their peers of French origins, in line with their high aspirations. However, North Africans are more likely to receive the technological baccalauréat than the general baccalauréat.  相似文献   
The operating processes of boards of directors are delicate and complex, so corporate legislation cannot simply equate board structure law with board governance law. It is therefore necessary to start from China’s actual conditions and grasp the operating processes of Chinese boards with a sober appreciation of the irrational elements in their operating mechanisms. Board governance has entered a new stage of institutionalization, and the law should shift from its emphasis on structure to give equal attention to structure and process in optimizing institutional structure. In the construction of board operating mechanisms, we should treat differently such “living laws” as customs, experiences and traditions, give full play to the functionality of boards’ strategic choices, and provide legal regulation of irrational elements, so as to distinguish between different roles, develop consensus, select strong points and improve efficiency. We should build control over board operational procedures, improve the system of functional allocation, correct assessment mechanisms, develop a mechanism for judicial scrutiny of the affective relationships in society and curb such behavioral tendencies as relational identity, structural bias and group polarization, with a view to controlling such “living laws” within the framework of the basic values and principles of board governance.  相似文献   

The introduction of computerised virtual worlds in the early twenty-first century was considered to be an innovation that would be widely used in higher education. There are a number of examples of virtual worlds used for higher education in medicine, nursing, and allied health, including examples in social work. The aim of this article is to explore the potential value of virtual-world technology to enhance the student learning experience for social work education in interpersonal communication skills in a virtual health centre. Findings of a study of Australian undergraduate social work students who engaged in a role play in a virtual health centre for skill development in interpersonal communication are presented. The study findings highlight issues for social work educators to consider when deciding whether or not to use virtual-world technology in social work education, and when designing further research on similar innovations.  相似文献   
This paper deals with a single server Poisson arrival queue with two phases of heterogeneous service along with a Bernoulli schedule vacation model, where after two successive phases service the server either goes for a vacation with probability p (0≤p≤1) or may continue to serve the next unit, if any, with probability q(=1−p). Further the concept of multiple vacation policy is also introduced here. We obtained the queue size distributions at a departure epoch and at a random epoch, Laplace Stieltjes Transform of the waiting time distribution and busy period distribution along with some mean performance measures. Finally we discuss some statistical inference related issues.  相似文献   
自20世纪10年代末"第二代人权"获国际认可,受马克思主义理论和俄国社会主义运动的影响,国人在人权斗争过程中较早地摄取了"第二代人权"的理念,并努力将其转化为法定权利,使中国的人权运动与人权理论获得迅速发展,而由中共领导的苏区人权立法是当时中国摄取和实践"第二代人权"理念的最高成就.  相似文献   
第二次柏林危机是冷战时期东西方关系中持续时间最长的一次纷争,这场危机不仅仅是美苏两个大国之间的对抗,它还使德美关系面临最现实和最严峻的考验。危机期间的德美关系处于战略困境和同盟困境这两重困境之中。在面临决定战争与和平的战略困境时,美国的决策起着主导作用;而在开展对苏谈判,面临考验同盟可靠性的同盟困境时,联邦德国则决定了美国可以作出让步的限度与步伐。  相似文献   
我国创业板市场的建立不仅有助于完善我国的资本市场体系,而且还能为极具发展潜力的中小型创新企业提供良好的融资服务,为风险投资提供退出渠道。因此,它的建立必将推动我国中小企业和高新技术企业的迅速发展。但由于创业板市场具有门槛低、风险高等特点,因此必须在创业板市场建立之前就制定出一套完善的规章制度,以使我国创业板市场在规范化、市场化和国际化的基础上有效运行。  相似文献   
第二次柏林危机是冷战时期东西方在欧洲的一次正面交锋,这次危机的核心问题是德国和柏林问题。为使危机得到缓解,艾森豪威尔政府领导西方阵营与苏联进行了一系列谈判。在谈判过程中,联邦德国作为危机的利益攸关方,对艾森豪威尔政府的谈判政策表现出了充分的不信任。这种不信任反映了在冷战背景下,作为超级大国的盟友的不安全感。  相似文献   
顾丽华 《南都学坛》2007,27(2):14-20
近五年来,有关张家山汉简《二年律令》的研究有了较大拓展,主要集中在五个方面。一是律文释疑,包括律文的制作年代、简的分类和顺序、简文个别字词的理解。二是政治史研究,包括官制、吏治、中央与地方关系、关津制度。三是经济史研究,包括土地制度、税收制度、赋役制度、货币制度。四是社会文化史研究,包括户籍问题、继承问题、妇女问题、奴婢问题。五是法律史研究,主要侧重考察《二年律令》中律令的渊源、分类与格式、法律思想、刑罚原则以及具体刑罚。总结近年学界对《二年律令》的研究成果,将有助于秦汉史的进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
1956年毛泽东在主持写作“两论”的过程中,提出马列主义同中国实际进行第二次结合的重要课题,具有深厚的实践基础和历史背景。“两论”从哲学层面发出了探索中国特色社会主义道路的理论先声;产生了社会主义社会基本矛盾的理论萌芽,成为社会主义改革理论发展链条中的重要一环;树起了反对教条主义的理论旗帜,为实现第二次结合提供了解放思想的重要武器;奠定了邓小平实现第二次结合的认识基础,孕育了当代中国改革开放的历史因子。  相似文献   
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