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Marianne Potting 《European Journal of Social Work》2009,12(2):169-183
This paper describes a study on civic participation in legislative processes. In January 2007 a new law on health and social care in the Netherlands was implemented: the Social Support Act (SSA). This law specifically aims at greater civic participation in the implementation of the law, in the provision of health and social care and in the social policy making process. This study focuses on civic participation in policy making, more specifically on civic participation in the legislative process of the Social Support Act. It examines whether national advocacy organisations were successful in their efforts to influence the legislative process and the final construction of the Social Support Act. The main conclusion is that the client and patient organisations were indeed successful in obtaining important changes in the law both through a well informed and professional individual lobby as well as by means of collective action. Yet questions concerning the justification of high expectations for successful local civic participation in the local policy-making process remain. 相似文献
基于证券犯罪被害人往往得不到有效赔偿的现实,提出证券犯罪被害人救助制度的建立,是实现法治正义和效益价值最大化的必由之路,因而证券犯罪被害人救助制度应采用证券风险保险制度模式,以确立上市公司对证券犯罪被害人的救助义务,推动上市公司治理结构和市场竞争环境的优化.鉴于此制度的公益性、补充性和有限性,对于救助资金的来源、救助程序的设计和救济渠道的畅通,尤其是检察机关在救助程序中的职能定位,提出了基本设想和思考. 相似文献
Modernity in relation to medicine and the body is central to discussions on modernity in Korea. I have chosen to write this
paper I have already penned several writings that are related to the topic: modern hygiene, cleanliness, medical service,
and medicine. First topic is about the contrast between premodernity and modernity by comparing the prevalence of cholera
in the early nineteenth and the early twentieth century. I discussed the new Western hygiene to control cholera decisively
contributing to the destruction of the Confucian worldview and the generation of a new colonial modern order as well as preventing
an epidemic, cholera. Second topic is about the dichotomy between cleanliness—cultured and uncleanliness—barbarity. Because
it was related to the five senses, the discourse of uncleanliness and cleanliness could bring about an immediate effect, which
made it the most elementary and primary discourse of modernity in Korea. Third topic is about premodern bodies in topknots
and modern bodies in short hair. From among the incidents and topics that I studied then, the most impressive and extreme
case regarding the relationship between the body and hygiene was that of the Cut Topknot Act (斷髮令). According to this decree,
there were two main reasons for cutting off topknots: hygiene and convenience. Underlying them is the idea that long hair
harms political reform and national enrichment. Indeed, this legislation had served as the battleground for a fierce war between
modern standards and premodern traditions. Fourth topic is about the modernizing phase of health care system in Korea between
1876 and 1910. The health care system in Korea underwent tremendous changes from 1876 to 1910. In this process, the recently
imported Western practices gradually came to occupy the center and existing practices were delegated to the periphery. Final
topic is about the sanitation movement that believers of Ch’ ǒntokyo initiated around the twentieth century. This voluntary
movement was greatly different from the two external and forced modernizations by Japanese imperialism and Western missionaries.
Shin DongwonEmail: |
个人信息保护法域外效力制度是指一国对某一法域外处理个人信息的人、物或行为实施管辖,从而将其管辖范围扩展至该国领土之外的一种法律制度,其不仅是建立在各方参与主体切实利益需求之上的制度创新,在更宏观的意义上,也是一国实现政治、经济等多元目的的法律武器。从《欧盟数据保护指令》到《欧盟通用数据保护条例》,欧盟进一步扩大法律域外效力范围,确立了以属地原则为主、效果原则为补充的管辖原则,并为多数国家所效仿,这种做法的实质是以整个欧洲市场作为筹码参与国际博弈。《美国云法案》以技术和市场占优的美国企业对全球数据的控制为筹码,通过美国企业在全球的分布将法律武器延伸至世界各地,输出美国式隐私保护标准,以最大化维护其国家利益。在尚未形成国际惯例和条约的现状下,通过国内立法进行域外效力扩张是多数国家维护数据主权并参与网络空间国际治理的共通做法。面对这一国际立法主流,我国应构建域外立法管辖和域外执法管辖并存的法律制度,进一步提升个人信息保护法域外效力制度的适用性和体系性,积极参与并主导个人信息保护法国际条约的制定,推动互联网全球治理体系变革中国方案的实现。 相似文献
政府信息和文件一直被视为是政府机关的财产而由所掌握信息的机构来决定是否对其进行公开。随着社会的发展和进步,知情权的概念逐渐形成共识,并被国际社会看作是一项基本人权得以保障,在新闻媒体和公众的推动下,澳大利亚开始重视保护公众知情权,并相应地制定了有关信息自由的法律以公开政府信息,保证公民知情权的实现。 相似文献
证券犯罪属于行政犯罪的范畴,具有“前提法定性,刑事法定量”和承担行政责任和刑事责任双重责任的特征。其认定有赖于证券行政执法权力的有效实现。文章以完善证券行政执法为切入点,通过保障调查权力、建立健全证券法律法规的规定、完善行政执法和刑事司法的衔接等一系列法律治理举措,实现遏制证券犯罪的有效路径。 相似文献
黄鸿春 《广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》2015,(2)
“二重证据法”是结合文献与出土文字资料探究史实的方法,以此作为考证“武王伐纣”这一重大历史事件的教学案例,在课堂中进行研读古籍和考证方法训练,有助于提升学生研习史学的能力。 相似文献
李小宁 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》2009,23(3)
德国于2005年11月对其股份公司法进行了改革,其中包括对股东代表诉讼的全新规定.本文对新旧德国法的相关规定进行比较,总结德国法关于股东代表诉讼改革的特征,进行评论,并进而探讨其对我国股东代表诉讼制度的启示. 相似文献
台湾地区《环境基本法》评析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
黄嘉珍 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2009,9(7):9-14
2002年12月11日,台湾地区公布施行了《环境基本法》。由于《环境基本法》的公布施行是在台湾地区主要环境保护相关法规均已公布施行后才制定公布,法规架构沿袭了台湾地区1970年代的《公害防治基本法》(草案)及1980年代的《环境保护基本法》(草案),是否能够处理廿一世纪的前瞻性环境议题,符合“永续发展”的需求,仍有疑问。本文尝试评析该法,简介《环境基本法》的立法背景及沿革,检讨《环境基本法》的实施现状以及评析法规内容,提出本法的不足之处,最后并尝试提出迎向新世纪的环境基本法应具备的架构及内容。 相似文献
李挚萍 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》2009,9(3)
美国<国家环境政策法>制定于20世纪60年代,作为国际上最早出现的环境基本法,它在环境保护理念、制度和程序构建等方面有突破性的规定,至今仍能体现立法者的前瞻性.该法已经有三十多年的实施历程,在环境影响评价、信息公开、公众参与、政府综合决策等方面,既有成功经验,也有失败的教训,为后人研究环境基本法提供了一个非常有价值的活标本. 相似文献