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建立了湖南省失地农民社会保障的综合评价指标体系,包括四个层次和三级子系统,内容涉及经济环境、就业基础、城市生活融入和社会保障四个子目标。在此基础上,应用主成分分析法和聚类分析法,对湖南省14个地区失地农民的社会保障状况进行评价,得出了经济持续发展,完善就业培训等是完善失地农民社会保障的必要条件。  相似文献   
从生态批评的角度解读美国当代作家杰拉姆·大卫·塞林格的名著《麦田里的守望者》,指出塞林格是一位具有生态哲学思想的作家,他在小说中通过探索一个十几岁少年向往回归童年、回归自然的内心世界,充分表达了自己对人与自然关系,及战后社会与精神生态的关注与思考。  相似文献   
中国共产党的执政地位是通过对社会进行有效整合来实现的。在转型时期,随着社会自主性的萌发,产生了以个体或群体利益为主要内容的利益诉求。利益的多元化、单位制的式微、西方政党制度的影响、明显的贫富差距、对渐进式改革的疑问以及政府俘获的出现使中国共产党在新时期的社会整合中面临巨大挑战。执政的中国共产党应根据社会的变化,在意识形态、政党网络、政党制度、执政能力、政治体制与反腐倡廉等方面增强制度供给,实现以利益为基础的制度整合。  相似文献   
理工院校金融专业的起步比一些专业性和综合性院校晚,其实验室和实习基地建设明显存在不足。为此,理工院校必须通过制定科学合理的规划,充分加强与领导以及外界企业的联系,学习和借鉴先进的经验、将"产、学、研"完美结合,这样才能实现良好的社会和经济效益。  相似文献   
稳健性财政政策的科学内涵是:控制赤字、调整结构、推进改革、增收节支。当前提高稳健性财政政策的有效性,在税收方面,推进税制改革,加强税收征管;在支出方面,调整支出方向,做到有保有控;在国债方面,应逐步减少需发国债资金和数额;在财政政策的功能方面,完善公共财政体制。  相似文献   
随着教育的发展和社会分化的加剧,教育的社会分层功能与农村学生的社会流动日益受到人们关注.当前,农村学生在社会流动与社会地位获得的过程中,由于受到以城市教育为中心的发展战略及重点学校制度的行政约束、高等教育分层和高等教育大众化对文凭筛选功能的影响、高考和就业场域潜规则的干预和农村社会文化价值体系的制约,教育所铺架的向上流动的阶梯出现了明显的短路,农村学生不管在高等教育数量获得还是高等教育质量获得方面,均处于相对劣势;农村大学生也没有从根本上改变自己的命运,他们的阶层地位仍然较低,非正规就业居多、职业地位低、收入低、被限制在边缘行业,结果导致部分农村学生弃考和辍学.  相似文献   
当前我国大学生志愿服务大多属于临时或短期的志愿服务活动,缺乏稳定性和持久性,严重制约了大学生志愿服务的深入及可持续发展。大学生志愿服务长效机制的建立,是保证志愿服务可持续发展的重要条件。个人、志愿服务和学校层面因素对大学生长期参与志愿服务产生着不同影响,通过社会工作视角分析发现,健全志愿者选拔与培训体系、导入社工价值理念、建立监督评估激励机制、创建社工义工联动机制等是构建大学生志愿服务长效机制的重要内容。  相似文献   
中国最早的网络移民自始至终伴随了中国互联网的发展,他们的网络使用行为形成了一段不长但至少可以追溯的历史。早期的网络社交将个体从现实物理空间局限中解放出来,具有高蹈于日常生活之上的虚拟色彩;随着网络空间中现实好友的增多和移动位置社交的兴起,网络空间的虚拟色彩渐渐褪去;如今,日常生活中的人际交往不再是在某一单一空间中进行,人们不断地在物理空间与网络空间切换,亦或同时在场。  相似文献   
Contemporary theories on leadership development emphasize the importance of having a leader identity in building leadership skills and functioning effectively as leaders. We build on this approach by unpacking the role leader identity plays in the leader emergence process. Taking the perspective that leadership is a dynamic social process between group members, we propose a social network-based process model whereby leader role identity predicts network centrality (i.e., betweenness and indegree), which then contributes to leader emergence. We test our model using a sample of 88 cadets participating in a leadership development training course. In support of our model, cadets who possess a stronger leader role identity at the beginning of the course were more likely to emerge as leaders. However this relationship was only mediated by one form of network centrality, indegree centrality, reflecting one's ability to build relationships within one's group. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
The influence of relational identification (RI) on leadership processes and the effects of social identity leadership on followers' responses to stress have received scant theoretical and research attention. The present research advances theoretical understanding by testing the assertion that high RI with the leader drives follower mobilization of effort and psychophysiological responses to stress. Two experimental scenario studies (Study 1 and Study 2) support the hypothesis that being led by an individual with whom followers perceive high RI increases follower intentional mobilization. Study 2 additionally showed that high (vs. low) RI increases follower resource appraisals and cognitive task performance. A laboratory experiment (Study 3) assessing cardiovascular (CV) reactivity showed that, compared to neutral (i.e., non-affiliated) leadership, being led by an individual with whom participants felt low RI elicited a maladaptive (i.e., threat) response to a pressurized task. In addition, relative to the low RI and neutral conditions, high RI with the leader did not engender greater challenge or threat reactivity. In conclusion, advancing social identity leadership and challenge and threat theory, findings suggest that leaders should be mindful of the deleterious effects (i.e., reduced mobilization and greater threat state) of low RI to optimize follower mobilization of effort and psychophysiological responses to stress.  相似文献   
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