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在检讨当下新闻教育的特点与问题时,多数学者乐于从外部找寻症结.本文则由"问题意识"引导,深入到新闻教育中知识框架的缺憾层面,陈示矛盾,提出相对的现代性解释.文章认为,现代性的新闻教育应当是一种能够涵化各种矛盾的教育,它应当在心灵品质的建构上大有作为.为此,花大力气从事新闻教育知识体系的改造显得十分必要与迫切.  相似文献   
《先秦女性社会地位研究》一书,从“学术反思”的视域对先秦女性社会地位问题进行了深入的探讨。先秦女性社会地位是历史上形成的,是各种文化要素相互作用的结果。从部落社会到文明社会初期,正是这些文化要素促成了两性社会地位的逐步分化。进入文明成熟期后,男性主导的社会通过各种制度性文化规范巩固了两性社会地位的分化。在这些文化规范制约下,女性已经认同了男性社会所赋予她的性别角色。该项研究具有突出的问题意识,其结论及研究方法对当前性别社会史研究具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
旅行承办人违约造成旅客非财产性损害(包括固有利益和非财产性的利益损害),旅客能否要求违约方承担以及承担什么样的赔偿责任是许多国家立法、判例和学说所不能回避的问题。从各旅行大国的学说、判例的比较分析中,结合我国现有法律规定和实践中的做法,为其赔偿制订正当性的理论和实证法上的说明,以期对我国旅游合同纠纷的解决有所裨益。  相似文献   
论健康人格教育与思想政治教育的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治教育作为我国经济社会发展的"生命线",在解决社会矛盾和问题方面发挥了重要作用。然而,传统思想政治教育忽视了教育过程中对教育对象健康人格的心理引导,导致社会中出现"人格危机"问题。本文从人格教育和思想政治教育的基本内涵出发,深入分析了二者的关系,并提出实现二者有机结合的有效方法和途径。  相似文献   
戚海峰 《管理学报》2012,(2):289-295
以本土消费者为样本,采用实证研究方法就消费者的人际间影响敏感性与独特性需求之间的作用关系进行了分析。通过分析发现,从总体来看本土消费者对人际间影响所持有的敏感性对独特性需求产生了促进作用,这种因果关系在一定程度上解释了中国消费者在消费过程中所体现出的从众、攀比、好面子等独特现象的产生机理。  相似文献   
Net neutrality (NN) is a widely debated policy issue that has the potential to alter the dynamics of accessing online content. The focal point of the debate lies in whether broadband service providers (BSPs) should be allowed to charge content providers for the preferential delivery of their digital content. This decision will affect broadband market coverage for end consumers as well as the issues of long‐term competition and innovation in the market of digital content. Our research aims to analyze and address these issues. We propose a game theoretical model with three players—the BSP, the content providers, and the consumers—where the BSP, in its capacity as a gatekeeper between the content providers and the consumers, is modeled as a two‐sided market platform. We find that while abandoning the principle of NN might sometimes result in increased consumer surplus and broadband market coverage, it can also hinder the ability of startups to compete against established rivals and thus reduce innovation at the edge. The results should be of great interest to policymakers as they debate on this very crucial issue.  相似文献   
Continuous improvement (CI) has played a key role in Japan's quality management. U.S. companies have begun to adopt CI in recent years. This paper studies the implementation of CI in seven U.S. manufacturing companies. We view values as the core concept of culture that impacts CI effectiveness. Using both qualitative and quantitative data with a sample of seven companies, we observe empirically a relationship between process-oriented values and CI effectiveness. We also find that communications involving workers is strongly associated with CI effectiveness. Finally, we find an association between process orientation and communication frequency, and argue that communications act as an intervening variable between process orientation and effectiveness.  相似文献   
Building on recent efforts to bring a socio-political perspective to social capital research, we develop and test a multilevel framework that explains why middle managers who occupy brokerage positions differ in their ability and willingness to engage in entrepreneurial behavior. More specifically, we provide a contextualized understanding of the links among middle managers' brokerage, their political-support ties, and their personal initiative. Results derived from data on 383 middle managers and 72 top managers in 34 business units indicate that political-support ties with top managers strengthen the relationship between middle managers’ brokerage and personal initiative. However, this positive effect depends on the social capital resources available in the focal business unit. It is attenuated in business units with a supportive and trusting social context and amplified in business units with high levels of internal connectedness. By uncovering these incompatibilities and complementarities, our study demonstrates the value of accounting for different social capital configurations and the interplay of their inherent social capital resources when examining the effects of brokerage on corporate entrepreneurship.  相似文献   
Research on presenteeism has largely focused on its prevalence, determinants and consequences on the health of both employees and organizations. To date, few studies have examined the influence of presenteeism on workers’ attitudinal and motivational responses. Based on the Effort–Recovery Theory, this study evaluates the mediating effect of work engagement in the relationship between presenteeism and job satisfaction. Building on previous work, this study also proposes to consider perceived organizational support as a moderator of the work engagement–job satisfaction relationship. Presented in the form of a mediated moderation model, the results of bootstrapped regression analyses show three main results. First, presenteeism is negatively associated with work engagement and job satisfaction. Secondly, work engagement is one of the factors through which presenteeism influences job satisfaction. Thirdly, perceived organizational support moderates the association between work engagement and job satisfaction so that, at a low level of work engagement, feeling supported by the organization makes a difference on job satisfaction. Overall, this research is part of the limited number of studies that have focused on the interplay existing between presenteeism and its consequences in terms of job attitudes.  相似文献   
Prior research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has documented how specific CSR activities relate to responses of relevant stakeholders, mainly examining employees. However, it is as yet unclear whether these findings generalize to other types of CSR activities or to responses of other stakeholder groups. In fact, results from studies to date also show inconsistent effects in need of further explanation.In this contribution we offer a new perspective on this literature. We extend current insights on organizational CSR activities and stakeholder support, by elaborating on the psychological mechanisms that can explain these relations. We draw together recent developments on organizational anthropomorphism with insights on organizational identification, to argue that the impact of CSR activities on a broad range of stakeholder responses depends on perceptions of organizational morality. We connect prior work on organizational ethics, CSR, and stakeholder support, to social psychological theory and research on impression formation, impression management, and impression updating. This new perspective allows us to broaden the current debate on CSR and stakeholder support.Building on this analysis, we propose a new model that offers a roadmap for future research. We explain the impact of organizational CSR on stakeholder responses, by highlighting perceived organizational morality as a key mediating variable. We then proceed to consider likely moderators of this relation distinguishing between (a) characteristics of the organization, (b) characteristics of (communications about) CSR activities, and (c) characteristics of the perceivers. On the basis of this extended model we develop specific predictions, and review initial evidence supporting these prediction.  相似文献   
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