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甲午战争是晚清政府编练新军的契机,建立强大国防的呼声是新军编练的内部因素。新军的创建意味着中国军事近代化在洋务运动的基础上开始阔步前进,新军在武器装备、军队编制、军事思想、军事教育等方面积极吸收西方强国的经验,使得军队近代化大大超前于经济、政治等其他领域的近代化。由于经济基础的薄弱造就了武器装备的不统一,军事追求至上的因素导致军队在国家政治生活中处于主宰地位,形成了军队私家化的局面,开启军阀统治中国的新格局。  相似文献   
《福建农工商官报》是福建推行新政在意识形态领域的产物,作为清末新政的舆论阵地,它以报刊这种特殊形式,客观地反映和贯彻了清末新政时期福建的农工商政策,一度在福建农工商业发展中起到领航作用;见证了近代福建"以农为本,工尽其事,商尽其交通运输之业"的经济发展模式。它的产生、发展、报道内容、经营方式乃至最后凋零都与清末新政有着千丝万缕,戚息相关的关系。对此课题进行研究有助于再现福建农、工、商业近代化进程。  相似文献   
新四军在盐阜地区打击日寇的同时,积极开展文学、音乐、美术创作和戏剧演出、歌咏等文艺活动,文艺活动形式多样、种类齐全,对抗战斗争和苏北抗日根据地文化活动产生了巨大影响。盐阜区新四军文艺活动之所以能够发展壮大,主要是由于军事战略的需要、革命文艺的影响、文艺人才的积极参与等多方面因素。  相似文献   
《新唐书·宗室世系表》是查阅唐代皇室家族传承关系的一个便利的工具,但由于编撰和传承等诸多原因,我们现在所见到的《新唐书·宗室世系表》存在着许多缺漏和讹误之处。为了使《新唐书·宗室世系表》更完善,从而使其在唐代文史研究中发挥更好的作用,笔者利用近年所出土的唐代墓志和其它相关材料,对其进行了一次粗略的匡补工作。  相似文献   
A new regionalism has been much documented and researched for metropolitan areas; this article documents that there is a new rural regionalism as well. In the United States, these groups appear most likely to emerge in areas that are challenged by outcomes characterizing globalization's effects on the rural condition: namely, exurban or metropolitan sprawl and the resulting landscape fragmentation, often in combination with extreme pressure on the profitability of small farms or other resource uses. This research asks: what impetus is behind rural regional efforts; and what sort of processes of institutionalization do these groups utilize? The paper builds on theory developed by the new regional geographers over the last twenty years, most notably Anne Gilbert and Anssi Paasi, and applies the theoretical framework to three North American case studies in what can be classified as ad hoc rural initiatives in contested landscapes, initiated by local or grassroots actors to foster a specific conceptualization of region. While specific programming varies for different groups, rural regionalism addressed the balance between and interconnections of landscape and land use change, social networks, economic viability, and impacts of global industry. Central to the case studies are actors' efforts to create a regional identity, including forming institutions, defining regional boundaries, and identifying social/symbolic shapes for the region. The research discusses the importance of viewing regionalization through the lens of agency.  相似文献   
第三次定量影响研究(QIS3)的研究目的是在《新巴塞尔资本协议》前几次讨论稿基础上,评估各银行资本要求的变化。QIS3的结果是与巴塞尔委员会制定的激励相容机制目标基本一致的,多数银行也对巴塞尔委员会的基本原则和新协议“三大支柱”(资本充足率、监管当局的监管检查和市场纪律)的框架表示赞同。但是由于协议的复杂性,有不少问题还是没有得到解决。在新协议中,操作风险计量方法不够精确,新型抵押担保形式不好识别,没有对零售业务进行风险集中度的调整,执行新协议的成本-收益复杂模糊,信用风险设计与激励相容相悖,流动性风险和顺周期性有所加强。这些都需要进行进一步的研究和调整。  相似文献   
五四时期,新文化运动首先是向西方学习的运动,但是第一次世界大战的结果改变了这一方向,于是由学习西方转向了文化保守主义或者另觅出路,而在第一次世界大战和俄国十月革命的共同作用下,五四新文化运动转向了马克思主义。  相似文献   
In the late 1980s, the Korean government initiated the “Two Million Home Construction Plan” to tackle severe shortages in housing and soaring housing prices. Five new towns (Bundang, Ilsan, Pyeongchon, Sanbon, and Joongdong) were planned around the city of Seoul. By the mid-1990s the residential areas in the five new towns were mostly developed. However, their commercial areas have remained underdeveloped and as a consequence, the new towns are believed to have become bedroom communities.This paper assesses self-containment status of the new towns by analyzing non-working trip patterns in the five new town areas. A survey conducted on non-working trip patterns of the residents in the five new towns and the nearby areas (to shop for groceries, clothing, electronics/jewelry, leisure/entertainment, and to access medical services) reveals that Bundang's commercial dependency upon the city of Seoul has been reduced significantly over the past 5 years (from 1995 to 2000). The survey results on non-working trip patterns of the residents in the five new towns and nearby residential areas in the Seoul Metropolitan Area indicate that the five new towns have been growing as suburban centers in the region in terms of retail attractions, even though they are still maintaining a high dependency on Seoul in terms of working commutes.These observations provide some new indications about self-containment arguments relevant to new town planning. The new towns are currently maintaining a decent degree of self-containment in terms of non-working trip, which has been an important aspect absent in self-containment arguments. In addition, the appeal of self-containment in non-working activities is growing in a dynamic sense. Observations on the dynamic process of the new town developments in Korea demonstrate that the self-containment can be established but through a long taking cumulative and stepwise process rather than immediately by planning.  相似文献   
冯天瑜先生的《新语探源》,识见敏锐,新意迭出,注重概念辨析和论理的研究是其重要特色。具体表现在三个方面:其一,对关键新词深挖细探,辨误析疑,在有关概念的发现和厘定上深造自得,独辟新境。其二,深入相关学科,将概念解析与社会文化态势及传播主潮相结合,由小见大,以点带面,开掘词语的文化内蕴和意义功能。其三,重视新语构成规律的探索和总结,将关注目标定格在历史和现实的坐标之上,体现出建设性的文化关怀。  相似文献   
高中语文新课程实施面面观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通高中语文课程的改革,已在学分管理、必修课和选修课教学、教师角色转型等方面获得初步成效,但也暴露出一系列问题,需要辩证认识并处理课堂形式之新颖与课程内涵之深度、学生自主学习与教师自觉引导、专家培训的一统化与师本教研的个性化等几对关系。展望其前景,成功有望,问题尚多,需要上下协调,配套改革。  相似文献   
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