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俄罗斯享誉世界的著名作家法捷耶夫的<毁灭>和<青年近卫军>是社会主义现实主义的经典作品.然而在历史上曾经出现过一股全盘否定<青年近卫军>的逆流.今天重新评价<青年近卫军>,可以说,它无论在思想内容,还是在艺术技巧方面,都堪称是世界反法西斯和苏联卫国战争的最优秀作品.法捷耶夫曾经得到斯大林的信任和器重,但他并非如一些攻击者所说的是斯大林的"心腹"、"影子"和"棍子";迫于当时的政治压力,法捷耶夫最后选择了以自杀来结束自己的生命,但他的死属于战士的死,表现了他对党、对祖国和人民的无限忠诚,也凸现了他宁折不弯的人格,令人崇敬.  相似文献   
毛泽东不仅是中国革命的缔造者、中国社会主义经济的领导者,而且是中国经济体制改革的先驱。探讨毛泽东同志在我国社会主义建设初期的经济体制思想,如他提出在社会主义公有制占优势条件下,允许多种经济成分并存和发展;允许地方和企业搞一些"独立王国",兼顾国家、生产单位和个人三者利益等,对我国今天搞好经济体制改革、加快改革步伐、建立更加完善的社会主义市场经济体制和全面建设小康社会具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
建设与中国特色社会主义文化相适应的网络文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张春艳 《学术交流》2003,(7):126-128
网络文化是一种崭新的文化 ,它在给社会带来巨大进步的同时 ,也带来了负面影响。积极创建中国特色的先进网络文化 ,把我国的网络建设成为宣传马克思主义和“三个代表”思想的重要阵地 ,必须建设高质量的中文网站 ,开发网上思想政治教育软件 ,大力弘扬我国优秀传统文化。通过建设一支高素质的网络技术传播队伍 ,加强网络受众的道德自律 ,增强我国先进网络文化的辐射力和影响力。  相似文献   
试论社会主义市场经济条件下人的四种心态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会主义市场经济条件下,要提高人的素质,首先就是要提高人的心理素质,使人具有与社会主义市场经济相适应的心态:集体心态、理性心态、竞争心态和开放心态。形成和巩固这四种心态是会遇到不同的矛盾的,但是,只要党和政府制定相应的政策,健全相应的法制,采取相应的措施,并且加强相应的教育,矛盾是会解决的。  相似文献   
Consider a continuous-time risk model with two correlated classes of insurance business and a constant force of interest. Suppose that the correlation comes from a common shock, and that the claim sizes and inter-arrival times correspondingly form a sequence of random pairs, with each pair obeying a dependence structure. By assuming that the claim sizes are heavy tailed, a uniform tail asymptotic formula for the sum of the two correlated classes of discounted aggregate claims is obtained.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the finite time ruin probability in the renewal risk model. Under some mild assumptions on the tail probabilities of the claim size and of the inter-occurrence time, a simple asymptotic relation is established as the initial surplus increases. In particular, this asymptotic relation is requested to hold uniformly for the horizon varying in a relevant infinite interval. The uniformity allows us to consider that the horizon flexibly varies as a function of the initial surplus, or to change the horizon into any nonnegative random variable as long as it is independent of the risk system.  相似文献   
Shopping tourism has been a widespread phenomenon since the emergence of the modern consumer culture. It has played a crucial role in the formation and transformation of the structures of wants by constructing and displaying tangible instantiations of cultural otherness. By centring our paper around the concept of ‘virtual shopping tours’ we would like to make sense of the historical and theoretical momentum of shopping tourism in the context of the socialist shortage economies. In post-war Central and Eastern Europe travelling to the West was few people's privilege; nevertheless, almost everybody was interested in, fantasized about, and imitated Western trends. Our attempt is to understand how people sought information and tried to keep up with the Western world in their lifestyles. By ‘virtual shopping’, we mean a sort of quasi-consumption where the choice of goods is shown but not or not immediately available. Visiting international commercial fairs – just as discussing the inaccessible goods seen in Western movies or in expired catalogues of Western department stores – was among the chief occasions for virtual shopping tours. The Budapest International Fairs have been the greatest and most significant fairs in Hungary since the 1890s. Focusing on the post-war period, our paper describes the changing selection of goods, explores the hidden political and cultural functions of the different forms of display, and analyses the attitudes of the various groups of visitors and the meanings they attached to certain products and practices.  相似文献   
家庭教育环境与大学生对社会主义核心价值体系的社会认同之间存在一定的内在逻辑。调查表明,大学生对社会主义核心价值体系的认知度、认同度和践行度均呈现出“中度偏高”的特征,且相互之间呈正相关。在影响大学生对社会主义核心价值体系的社会认同的一系列家庭教育环境因素中,家庭指导性因子与社会主义核心价值体系的认知度和践行度呈显著的正相关,家庭利他性因子与社会主义核心价值体系的认同度和践行度呈显著的正相关,家庭道德性因子对社会主义价值体系的认同度施加着显著的正向影响.家庭自由性因子则与对社会主义价值体系的践行度呈显著的负相关。  相似文献   
贯彻“依法治国”基本方略,建设社会主义法治国家,构建以民主法治、公平正义为显著特征的社会主义和谐社会,必须加强司法伦理建设,改善司法伦理现状,确保司法公正,切实发挥司法作为社会公正“最后一道防线”的作用,维护法律权威和尊严,维护人民权益,促进社会公平正义。  相似文献   
中国共产党人对中国社会主义建设之路进行了前后相继的探索,实现了科学社会主义的持续创新。毛泽东开拓了中国独特社会主义建设道路;邓小平奠定了中国特色社会主义的基础;“三个代表”重要思想发展了中国特色社会主义理论;科学发展观对科学社会主义的认识进入了新境界。  相似文献   
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