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试论两晋时期的国家出版机构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作为国家编撰出版机构,秘书监、著作郎等到两晋时期有了进一步发展,这个发展可概括为几个方面:首先,二者职掌更加明确,朝着专职图书编撰机构的方向靠近,主要职掌图书典籍的编撰、收集、整理,而与现实政治之间愈加疏远;其次,二者的组成人员、办事机构都已经基本固定,都有固定朝服,其人选在多数情况下,由本省长官独立选取;再次,已从著作官员发展成为著作局,隶属于秘书监,并从此摆脱隶属中书省的地位而独立成府。  相似文献   
唐宋时期,岭南少数民族利用当地丰富的资源,在前代的基础上进一步发展了纺织业、食品加工业、工具制造业、矿冶业等,对岭南经济的发展起到积极的促进作用。岭南少数民族的手工业生产具有较强的地域性和民族性,同时也具有交融性。  相似文献   
通过产业内贸易理论和重叠需求理论说明中、朝、韩三国由于处于不同的经济发展阶段,伴随着朝鲜半岛民族统一事业的发展而迅速增长的朝韩贸易可能对中朝和中韩贸易产生的影响,提出在对韩、对朝的部分贸易领域中必须引起的高度重视问题。  相似文献   
南北战争后,美国南部长期面临农业生产方式落后、农民贫困、农村社会发展缓慢等三农问题。上述问题与南部的种族问题相互交织,加剧了南部社会的落后与黑暗。这其中,南部黑人受害最为深重,他们被迫大规模迁徙到美国其他地区。20世纪美国有两次黑人大迁徙的高潮,到20世纪70年代有600多万南部黑人迁徙。美国南部的三农问题是黑人大迁徙的经济原因,但黑人大迁徙又反过来推动了三农问题的解决,由此可见迁徙自由对于解决三农问题的重要意义。  相似文献   
秦汉铜器的一体化可划分为秦至汉初、西汉中期至晚期前段、西汉晚期后段至东汉三个阶段。第一阶段的一体化主要体现在打破了先秦族群铜器文化独立发展的格局,与秦汉帝国的统一和建立有关。第二阶段主要为铜礼器的一体化,与汉武帝的铜政即工官专控有关。第三阶段主要为实用器具的一体化,与铜器制作的放开、私家作坊的涌现所导致的产品商业化有关。不同阶段的铜器一体化程度不同:秦至汉初处于雏形阶段,西汉中期至晚期前段进程加速,西汉晚期后段至东汉得到进一步加强。  相似文献   
Network analysis, a methodology derived from general systems' theory, can be utilized as a community mental health administrative-evaluation procedure. Evaluation parameters derived from analysis of patient data as they “flow” through a network of agency services, provide measures of systemic functioning. These parameters include “longest paths” and various ratio relationships as evaluation measures of service delivery. The limitations of network analysis are examined by means of conceptual analyses, and phenomena that emerged from research experience. The necessity for both quantitative and qualitative data to ensure a meaningful evaluation of mental health services is explained. Conclusions about the value of the network analysis approach are considered.  相似文献   
熊安生是继王肃之后,在南北朝时期的礼学传承和《礼记》疏解方面产生重要影响的经学家,身居北朝,与南朝的皇侃以“三礼学”并鸣。唐孔颖达的《礼记正义》对熊安生《礼记义疏》的文句有相当程度的选取和保留,并有所评判。熊安生对《礼记》的解说和诠释,既显现出对郑玄学说的继承与发展,又呈现出相应的时代特色,而且很多内容成为孔颖达《礼记正义》不能不加的引述和必要的参考依据。那么,诸如沿袭郑注而有所引申、提出不同于郑义的解说、称引纬书及其郑玄注以为己说、称引其他经书与典籍以解义等方面,就成为熊安生礼记学的突出特点。另外从孔颖达《礼记正义》当中大量的评议以及后世学者的关注和评价,也可以看到熊安生礼记学的经学史价值所在。  相似文献   
From the Cold War era of the ‘veteran heroes’ to the present view of escaped North Koreans in terms more akin to ‘refugees’ and sometimes even just ‘migrants’, perceptions of North Korean defectors in South Korea have changed as swiftly as the number and origins of Northerners entering the South have expanded. At the same time, government policy for these ethnic ‘brethren’ has evolved considerably, particularly as South Korea has seen fundamental shifts in its independent identity, with important repercussions for the way its citizens view themselves as a collective. This article explores some of the key influences behind changes to policy and perceptions regarding North Korean people in South Korea over the period from 1997 to 2012, by applying international relations theory on national identity and its role in policy formation and change through the need to secure different parameters within that identity.  相似文献   
五代十国时期,由于铜钱缺乏,战争频繁,政治腐败,开支浩大,各国统治者为了挽救财政危机,往往铸行虚值大钱、铁钱以及铅锡等劣币,从而引起了通货膨胀、钱币贬值、物价飞涨、人民受损,这可作为今人的历史教训。  相似文献   
This article compares state policies to support childcare in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, using fuzzy set ideal type analysis to determine the nature of institutional arrangements with respect to labour, money and time provisions. We then note their implications for familialization and defamilialization in the three countries. Our analysis suggests a common pattern towards the increased use of financial support amongst the three countries over time; however, this commonality does not mean their childcare policies are converging, as the financial supports differ in focus, with Japan concentrating on familialization by valuing family care, and Korea exclusively employing policy to facilitate the use of market‐based care services. For its part, Taiwan has been strengthening familialization by increasing the leave compensation to value time off to provide care. The different labour, money and time dimensions vis‐à‐vis the familialization/defamilialization matrix suggest varying implications of institutional arrangements for gender.  相似文献   
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