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湖南大学早期学术期刊传播理念鲜明,导向正确。《湘学新报》创刊时坚持不谈朝政、不议官常的办刊宗旨与导向,坚持为学术而学术的办刊理念;《湖大教育学会教育杂志》倡导养成研究之精神,以坚实教育学术之基础的传播理念;《员辐》提倡“文以载道”的传统学术传播理念;《国立湖南大学期刊(新一号)》提倡兼容并蓄的学术导向,坚持扶持学术名流与发掘学术新秀相结合的传播理念;《湖南大学季刊》坚持贴合形势选稿组稿的传播理念,提倡根据时局需要策划专栏专刊的学术导向;《学术丛刊(人文科学号)》坚持以学术质量为选稿标准的传播理念。对湖南大学早期学术期刊的传播理念和导向进行研究和整理,具有重要的文献价值和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
5he purpose of this study was to determine whether or not suspected variables affected a surgery clerk's chances of being awarded an honor rating. Findings indicated a significant relationship between a student receiving an honor rating and his or her preceptor's predetermined level of student advocacy, the number of completed patient interview and physical examination write-ups, and final examination scores. There was no significant relationship found between honor ratings and the preceptor's status, the sequence in which the student was discussed or the length of time spent discussing the student at the final evaluation meeting, or the number of clinical faculty present at the meeting. These results lend support to the faculty forum evaluation approach, but suggest a need for further scrutiny of some influencing variables to ensure all students are fairly considered and honor ratings judiciously awarded.  相似文献   
湖南是原始拜火教的发源地和稻作农业的诞生地,也是炎帝族中心聚落的所在地,湖南才是炎帝文化的母体。中华炎黄研究会认为山西高平是炎帝故里的说法缺乏关键证据支持,因而难以成立。  相似文献   
熊安生是继王肃之后,在南北朝时期的礼学传承和《礼记》疏解方面产生重要影响的经学家,身居北朝,与南朝的皇侃以“三礼学”并鸣。唐孔颖达的《礼记正义》对熊安生《礼记义疏》的文句有相当程度的选取和保留,并有所评判。熊安生对《礼记》的解说和诠释,既显现出对郑玄学说的继承与发展,又呈现出相应的时代特色,而且很多内容成为孔颖达《礼记正义》不能不加的引述和必要的参考依据。那么,诸如沿袭郑注而有所引申、提出不同于郑义的解说、称引纬书及其郑玄注以为己说、称引其他经书与典籍以解义等方面,就成为熊安生礼记学的突出特点。另外从孔颖达《礼记正义》当中大量的评议以及后世学者的关注和评价,也可以看到熊安生礼记学的经学史价值所在。  相似文献   
最近二十年,中国内地学者对六朝文学的关心主要集中在南朝。这是因为受文学观念和意识形态的影响,很长一段时间里,学界对南朝文学的评价过低,导致对它的研究不足。六朝文学研究的近况,从新近出版的三部新整理的古籍可见一斑,它们是《金楼子校笺》《玉台新咏汇校》《文镜秘府论汇校汇考》。它们都算是南朝文学研究的基本文献,其整理一方面仰赖于相关的研究积累,另一方面也必然会推动相关研究领域的深化,因此有着一定的代表性。  相似文献   
有关刘孝标《广绝交论》的写作时间,学术界主要有天监七年、天监九年两种观点。考察刘孝标在天监年间的行迹不难发现,天监十一年是刘孝标生平思想变化的重要转折点,以此为界,他由之前的汲汲于仕途功名彻底转向拒弃名利、向往隐逸。这一思想心态的蜕变,是《广绝交论》一文的基本创作前提,该文即作于此年。  相似文献   
《采蘩》为写召南贵族夫人采集白蒿以奉祭祀之作,《采蘋》为写将要出嫁的召南贵族少女采集浮萍、水藻后举行婚前教成祭祀仪式之作,二诗皆当作于周平王(前770年~前720年在位)初年;《甘棠》为召伯虎卒后故西周王畿遗民的悼亡怀念之作,当作于周平王元年至十二年(前770年~前759年)"二王并立"之时。  相似文献   

This article addresses the use of audio recordings and oral memory for the critical engagement with colonial pasts in ethnographic museums by focusing on the traveling exhibition What We See, curated by Anette Hoffmann (2009). Specifically, it draws on Jeffrey Feldman's notion of colonial “contact points,” i.e. material traces of colonial encounter, to highlight the exhibition's ability to convey and critique the sensory experience of colonial contact. In What We See, this colonial contact consisted in an anthropometric project conducted in South-West Africa, today's Namibia, in 1931, resulting in an archive of anthropometric measurements and photographs, life-casts, and phonographic recordings. The exhibition proposed an innovative way of reworking this archive by staging an intricate interplay between sound and sight, thereby disrupting conventional ocularcentric forms of display. However, this multisensory approach provoked highly divergent reactions at its various exhibition venues. This article argues that the divergent reactions in Cape Town, South Africa, and Vienna, Austria, were due to different levels of what Ann Stoler describes as “colonial aphasia”—that is the context-dependent difficulty of addressing disquieting colonial pasts and its sensory dimensions.  相似文献   
相较于诗社,词社活动明显有疏离政治的倾向,词社是在随意地结集中逐渐规范发展起来的。到了南宋晚期,词社活动已较为成熟,词社集中切磋句法、传授词艺,对词派的形成有着直接的促进作用。  相似文献   
本文根据帕累托提出的广义"精英"定义,将南疆基层社会的精英分子分为政治精英、道德精英和经济精英三种类型,并使用实地调查得到的资料和案例分析了这三种精英在当地实际社会运行过程中的互动方式,同时探讨了国家政权、乡村干部和传统宗教人士在基层社区民众生活中各自发挥的作用。  相似文献   
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