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本文利用光谱函数,发展了计算处于激发谱的分立和连续部分的核空穴结构的公式。  相似文献   
文化,尤其是传统文化,是一柄利、害参半的双刃剑.本文采用文化是"观念"的定义,从经典政治经济学的立场讨论文化的理想程度(简称"质量"),以为认识文化的利、害提供依据.作为观念的文化是否有利生产力的发展,是文化理想程度唯一的标准.文化的质量可以度量,社会资本理论为局部文化质量及其度量提供了理论根据和数学公式,其结论可推广到广义文化的宏观研究.历史上和当代不理想文化实例为文化的质量及其度量提供了佐证.  相似文献   
In this work, the asymptotic unbiasedness and the asymptotic uncorrelatedness of periodograms for the periodically correlated spatial processes are given. This will be done using the time dependent spectral representation of periodically correlated spatial processes and Cholesky factorization of the spectral density. A graphical method is also proposed to detect the period of periodically correlated spatial processes. In order to support the theory, a simulation study and a real data example are performed.  相似文献   
在非可展直纹面的侧铣加工过程中,曲面的非可展的特性会影响加工后零件的表面质量。尤其在铣削软材料工件非可展直纹面时,刀具跳动是零件表面加工误差增大的新因素。针对这一问题,课题组提出了一种基于刀具跳动的非可展直纹面侧铣加工刀位优化方法。首先构建了刀具跳动下的误差度量函数;随后通过测量法得到了刀具跳动后的实际回转轮廓半径;最后在考虑刀具跳动的情况下通过单点摆动法对初始刀位进一步优化。仿真实验结果表明:在将刀具跳动因素加入非可展直纹面的误差优化模型中后,加工平均误差减小了25%,过切率减小了18.5%。该研究方法有效提高了零件的表面质量。  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider the problem of bandwidth choice in the parallel settings of nonparametric kernel smoothed spectral density and probability density estimation. We propose a new class of ‘plug-in’ type bandwidth estimators, and show their favorable asymptotic properties. The new estimators automatically adapt to the degree of underlying smoothness which is unknown. The main idea behind the new estimators is the use of infinite-order ‘flat-top’ kernels for estimation of the constants implicit in the formulas giving the asymptotically optimal bandwidth choices. The proposed bandwidth choice rule for ‘flat-top’ kernels has a direct analogy with the notion of thresholding in wavelets. It is shown that the use of infinite-order kernels in the pilot estimator has a twofold advantage: (a) accurate estimation of the bandwidth constants, and (b) easy determination of the required ‘pilot’ kernel bandwidth.  相似文献   
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