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Sports betting advertising has arguably permeated contemporary sport consumption in many countries. Advertisements build narratives that represent situations and characters that normalize betting behaviour and raise public concerns regarding their detrimental effect on vulnerable groups. Adopting a grounded theory approach, the present study examined a British sample of sports betting advertisements (N = 102) from 2014 to 2016. The analysis revealed that individual themes aligned in a single core narrative, constructing a dual persuasive strategy of sports betting advertising: (i) to reduce the perceived risk involved in betting (with themes such as betting with friends, free money offers, humour, or the use of celebrities) while (ii) enhancing the perceived control of bettors (including themes of masculinity and sport knowledge). In addition, new technological features of sports betting platforms (e.g. live in-play betting) were used by advertisers to build narratives in which the ability to predict a sports outcome was overlapped by the ability of bettors to use such platforms, equalizing the ease of betting with the ease of winning. Based on the data analysed, it was concluded that the construction of a magnified idea of control in sports betting advertising is a cause for concern that requires close regulatory scrutiny.  相似文献   
We examine a recent dispute regarding the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) refusal to unconditionally pay for amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) imaging for Medicare beneficiaries being assessed for Alzheimer’s disease. CMS will only pay for amyloid PET imaging when patients are enrolled in clinical trials that meet certain criteria. The dispute reflects CMS’s willingness in certain circumstances to require effectiveness evidence that differs from the Food and Drug Administration’s standard for pre-market approval of a medical intervention and reveals how stakeholders with differing perspectives about evidentiary standards have played a role in attempting to shape the Medicare program’s coverage policies.  相似文献   
In this article, we define the concept of “risk work,” which aims to make visible working practices to assess or manage risk, in order to subject these practices to sociological critique. This article reviews and synthesizes existing published literature to identify components of risk work: (a) translating risk into different contexts, (b) minimizing risks in practice, and (c) caring in the context of risk. We argue that these three components of risk work raise important tensions for workers that have been inadequately explored in the literature to date. We propose that future research should additionally focus on practitioner subjectivity and identity in risk work. In addition, we argue that comparative research—across type of risk and different contexts—and methodological and theoretical diversity would enhance this emerging field of research.  相似文献   
当前,我国基层卫生技术人员队伍建设相对滞后,已经成为制约基层卫生机构发展的瓶颈。医学院校充分发挥人才培养职能,积极探索符合基层医疗服务特点的全科医生培养模式,对推动我国基层医疗卫生服务质量的提高,促进我国医药卫生体制改革的深化具有重要作用。本文对现阶段我国全科医学人才培养中存在的问题进行了分析,介绍了开展全科医学教育的重要意义,并结合辽宁医学院的工作实践,提出了以服务基层为导向的全科医学人才培养的建议和措施。  相似文献   
生态美学与美学生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态学和生态美学,都是在地球生态遭到严重破坏、恶果充分显露之后发展起来的。虽然亡羊补牢已经显得晚了,但还不失为一种补救的方法。生态美学应该有自己的研究范围、研究对象和研究方法。至少,它应该从生态学中独立出来,而且与传统美学有所区别。要发展生态美学,首先要调整好美学生态。20世纪50年代以来,美学在我国虽然是一门显学,但却受到严重的干扰,美学生态遭到破坏。50年代的美学讨论有明显的政策导向,局限于主观客观的争论,严重地脱离审美现实;80年代以后的美学研究,又转向为评职称和建立学科点等功利性目的服务,是另一种异化。既然我们已看到弊病所在,在方法论上就应该跳出主客观二分法的局限,把视野放得开阔些。中国传统医学的整体观可以借鉴。它不但强调人与自然的和谐,而且还把人体看作是天体的一部分,从天体对人体的影响中考虑保健和治疗问题。这种思想方法很值得我们参考。  相似文献   
素质教育已成为当前我国高等医学教育的重要内容,提高医学生素质刻不容缓。医学生临床教育阶段是素质教育的关键阶段,要围绕素质教育,在思想政治教育、医学课程、教学方式方法、教学条件、教师队伍建设等方面深入进行改革,端正临床教育方向。  相似文献   
《太平经》是东汉的一部重要的道教经典,书中蕴含着丰富的针灸理念和经脉理念。结合传世医籍特别是近年来出土的秦汉文献,对《太平经》中的针灸学说和经脉学说进行梳理和考证,很有意义。  相似文献   
体育治理是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容,直接关乎国家治理的时代进程。近年来,国家层面相继提出“体育强国”“健康中国”战略,如何通过有效的体育治理来实现体育强国战略,是推动我国体育事业改革的重要课题。目前我国体育治理目标定位与现实社会环境之间还存在偏差,体育治理组织形态在一定程度上也影响体育政策的执行,同时体育治理利益多元博弈对体育治理方式提出挑战。体育治理必须以满足人民群众的体育文化生活需求为根本导向,从治理理念、治理主体、治理结构、治理方式等层面进行深度改革,助力体育强国的实现。  相似文献   
随着我国社会老龄化进程的加速,老年人健康问题日益受到关注。老年群体的庞大基数、高发病率带来的药品市场的巨大需求刺激了老年常用药品广告的迅速繁荣。老年人作为消费主体的特殊性及药品作为消费品的特殊性,使老年常用药品广告具有独特的研究价值。以南京市有交流能力的老年人为样本总体,采用问卷为主、访谈为辅的研究方式进行实证性抽样调查。研究发现,老年常用药品广告承受着老年群体特质所导致的权威崇拜与经验强势的双重阻力,在其有限效果的背后,蕴含源自老年受众群体特质的深层原因。  相似文献   
随着中医的发展逐渐走向国际化,关于中医的中外交流日益增多,而对中医的翻译却又难以达到令人满意的水平。其难点主要在于保证医学信息的正确与完整的同时,又要将中医中文化内涵准确地传达。本文试图运用翻译适应选择论这一新译论,将医古文译者在翻译过程中的适应与选择通过语言维、文化维、交际维这三大维度进行分析和说明,以期为医古文翻译的障碍找出解决办法,提高翻译质量,促进文化交流。  相似文献   
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