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章辉 《云梦学刊》2000,(5):47-50
博克的美学思想是对英国经验主义美学的总结.鉴赏力、同情、崇高等是博克美学中的几个重要范畴。只有把博克放在当时的美学语境中,才能看清他在美学上的贡献。  相似文献   

Color serves a variety of purposes in society from identifying groups to conveying symbolic meanings to providing aesthetic pleasure. More subtle effects of color can be found in the environments that human communities construct around themselves. At Doon School, an elite boys' boarding school in northern India, color is intimately associated with the students' activities, social relationships and sensory experiences. It defines their status and shapes their everyday lives. The uses of color at the school are consistent with a wider social aesthetic emphasizing restraint, logical thought and the training and presentation of the body. Many of these values can be seen to have their origins in the school's colonial history and postcolonial aspirations.  相似文献   
The Situationist International (SI) has been one of the main reference points during the past 40 or more years within social movement organizing, cultural studies, social theory and philosophy. While the SI has been understood in many ways as inheritors and elaborators of an unorthodox Marxist politics drawing heavily from the history of the avant-garde, relatively little attention has been paid to the specifically strategic dimension of their thought and practice. This is surprising, especially in Debord's case, given how much his work also draws from the history of military strategy. This paper will particularly examine the strategic aspects of Debord and the SI's thought and politics and how they rethink the nature of strategy through collective forms of aesthetic–political practice.  相似文献   
The scholarship on aesthetics and materiality has studied how objects help shape identity, social action and subjectivity. Objects, as ‘equipment[s] for living’ (Luhmann 2000), become the ‘obligatory passage points humans have to contend with in order to pursue their projects (Latour 1991). They provide patterns to which bodies can unconsciously latch onto, or help human agents work towards particular states of being (DeNora 2000, 2003). Objects are central in the long term process of taste construction, as any attachment to an object is made out of a delicate equilibrium of mediators, bodies, situations and techniques (Hennion and his collaborators (Hennion and Fouquet 2001; Hennion and Gomart 1999). In all of these accounts objects are the end result of long‐term processes of stabilization, in which the actual material object (a musical piece, a sculpture, an art installation, a glass of wine, the oeuvre of Bach as we know it) is both a result and yet a key co‐producer of its own generation. Whereas the literature has been generous and detailed in exploring the processes of assembling and sustaining object‐centered attachments, it has not sufficiently engaged with what happens when the aesthetic elements of cultural artifacts that have produced emotional resonance are transformed: what do these artifacts morph into? What explains the transition (or not) of different cultural objects? And relatedly, what happens to the key aesthetic qualities that were so central to how the objects had been defined, and to those who have emotionally attached to them? To answer these questions, this article uses as exemplars two different cases of attachment, predicated on the distinctive features of a cultural object – the transcendence of opera and the authenticity of a soccer jersey – that have undergone transformations.  相似文献   
颜爱民  张夏然 《管理学报》2011,8(7):954-958,1003
在阐明道家"无为而治"传统释义的基础上,利用现代语境从系统论的角度分析"无为而治"思想中的全息性和自组织性,以此推出"无为而治"在现代企业人力资源管理中的应用。  相似文献   
分形理论是美国科学家曼德勃罗1973年首次提出,它是一门用以描述自然事物混沌特质的几何学理论。这一理论的诞生为人们观察和认识自然事物提供了新的视角和研究方法;打破了欧几里德经典几何学几千年的统治地位,使人们能够从更深、更高层次上认识自然事物的生成规律,找到自然事物发展变化的规律。分形理论的应用使人们能够模拟出各种不同的自然形态,淡化了人工雕琢的痕迹。作为一项新的科学理论,它正在影响着人们对自然事物的理解,纠正了人们惯性的思维方式和对艺术的审视,并且对建筑创作和建筑审美产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
克罗齐是康德、黑格尔之后西方影响最大的美学家。作为西方美学现代转型的枢纽,克罗齐美学立足于从主体的方面看感性直觉,不但完成了对传统美学的批判性总结,而且为现代美学做出了开拓性建树,推动西方美学实现了从认识论到价值论的现代转型。  相似文献   
本文通过对音乐技术的定位和对音乐技术美学、音乐技术与音乐表达、音乐技术的当下话语、音乐技术的异化诸问题的论述,以新的视角来审视音乐技术,力求把握音乐技术与音乐表现的关系,以利于音乐事业的发展.  相似文献   
20世纪末,中国美学的危机来势迅猛,高校美学教学面临着尴尬的境况。集中国传统文化与西方后现代理论为一体的视觉思维模式具有对美学及实践教学诗意建构的优势功能,能够帮助完成"诗化美学"这一当代美学审美救赎的使命。在实践教学中,以文本的图像化、虚象的空间架构和线性的时间叙事等视觉思维来践行美学的诗化,无疑具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
美国本土小说的独立之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国小说一开始是从对英国小说的模仿起步的,但一代又一代的美国小说家不遗余力地致力于本土小说的发展,从欧文、库柏到爱伦·坡、霍桑、梅尔维尔,从马克·吐温到海明威和福克纳,美国小说从起初对英国小说的亦步亦趋,到后来的半推半就,最后终于完全摆脱了英国小说的羁绊,从创作题材到文体风格等,都一步步走向独立,形成了完全属于美利坚地方特色和民族气派的小说传统,登上了20世纪小说美学的高峰。  相似文献   
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