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通过探求食秽行为背后所传达的仪式性魔考,可看出道教吃粪吮疮的神仙做事深刻地反映了宗教心灵所需要的谦卑告罪的内核。《国语·郑语》所载龙漦事件,说明不洁之物能散发神秘的慑服力,不洁之物也可能转化为不可侵犯之圣物。就这类故事的基本母题与其转化来观察,从最初晋朝《神仙传》中浮现的原型模式,随时代发展,基本形式被扩大并加入了许多细节,反映了民俗文化中佛道两教混融,以及宗教与民俗文学互用互染的现象,到清《七真祖师列仙传》的出现,成为这一类型故事集大成的高峰作品,随着宗教文本向文学方向倾斜,发生整体情节简化、神仙角色概念化、魔考与试探弱化等现象。  相似文献   
This article investigates stories of the future in relation to women in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector through the development of a theoretical and methodological stance towards the future. Given concerns about the future of the ICT sector in terms of skills shortages and gender imbalances, an understanding of how female ICT professionals view this future is vital. Using data gathered from female ICT professionals in the UK, we look specifically at gendered stories about the future in relation to hybrid/bridger ICT workers, the practices of offshoring/global locating ICT work and the under‐representation of women in ICT. Such stories of the future are part of wider discourses on gender relations in late modern society, and so their examination becomes a conduit for problematizing contemporary discourse about gender, work, time and technology.  相似文献   
Despite repeated acclaim within the television industry, feminist media scholars have argued that TLC’s long-running program, A Baby Story, disciplines women into selecting obstetrical intervention by offering a standard episodic structure for understanding a complex birth experience. This article thickens this line of inquiry by arguing that TLC uses a narrow, but decipherable, range of temporalities to leverage biomedicine’s claim to childbirth. Drawing on the rhetorical concepts of chronos as narrative duration-time and kairos as interruptive moments of possibility, I argue that episodes are structured by a chronic articulation of “family completion” and “hospital biomedical duration” that conditions women to expect a kairotic interruption of selected birth plans. I conclude with implications for studying birth temporalities and rhetorically crafting women-centered birth narratives.  相似文献   
Writing corporate stories to articulate identity is challenging because one must balance between the recognizable similarities with other companies (e.g., core activities, type of industry) and the company's own uniqueness. In the present study, we propose a conceptualization of corporate stories in terms of similarity and uniqueness, and present a scheme of six main categories of textual characteristics: general, style, structure, content, genre, and layout. The scheme is illustrated in a content analysis of 45 Dutch consumer-focused corporate stories. The results indicate that, contrary to the literature and guidelines on corporate stories, similarities in textual characteristics with other corporate stories are as typical for a corporate story as its uniqueness. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   
This study explores the micro-level processes sustaining hostile workplace behaviour at the level of interactions between targets and actors. Drawing on Weick's [1995. Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage] sensemaking theory, the study examined how targets and actors of workplace bullying made sense of each other's behaviours during first occasions of hostility. An analysis of collective biography stories of hostility in academia showed that targets experienced destabilisation of identity, positioned actors as arbiters of adequacy, and engaged in self-undermining. Actors' stories revealed not only moral condemnation of targets, failure to recognise the injury caused, but also precarious emotions, which could have subverted harmful behaviours. Based on these findings, the authors argue that understanding target and actor sensemaking is vital since it appears to contribute to power differentials between the parties from the very onset of hostility, thus allowing it to escalate. The implications for the development of a sensemaking approach to workplace bullying and organisational intervention are discussed.  相似文献   
唐朝女冠诗人是唐朝社会较为特殊的一个群体,她们生活在以男性为中心的社会环境中,但政治开明以及道教兴盛的特殊环境让她们获得了较多的自由,从而使她们创作出不同于男性诗人和一般女性诗人的诗作,在文学史上产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   
桃源在中国思想史和化史上是一个包蕴着特殊化内涵的意象,对后世的思想和学创作有着深远的影响。本从历时性角度,追溯了桃源意象产生的哲学理论依据,考察和阐释了这一意象的内涵,力图深入、全面把握人们憧憬和眷恋这一桃源梦想背后的深层原因。  相似文献   
在中国古代小说研究中 ,一些专业的辞书、论著 ,一致认定公案小说是在宋人的勾栏瓦舍中“说”出来的。其实不然 ,中国古代公案小说始终伴随着中国古代小说走完了产生、发展、衰微的全过程。作为一种文体概念 ,公案小说是在大量的作品产生之后 ,经宋人的“说话”而定名的  相似文献   
根据相关文献资料 ,结合丘处机的生平及宗教活动 ,可看出丘词所表现的宗教主张。其词作主要表现了全真道成仙证真、内修心性、外修功行、三教合一等思想。丘氏某些具体作品有明显的文人化倾向 ,他对全真道宗教思想有所发展。  相似文献   
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